Scope of Support Services

This article provides information about the support services offered by Continia. We'll help you understand when it's appropriate to seek assistance from Continia, which Expense Management versions support covers, and what falls outside the scope of support.

Supported versions

Continia provides ongoing support of all Expense Management releases for at least two years after each release date. Currently, the following versions of Expense Management are supported:


With its 2024 spring release, Expense Management will make a version leap from 12.00 to 24.00, meaning that versions 13.00–23.00 don't exist and never will. This was done in order to align the versioning of Expense Management with that of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

VersionRelease dateSupport end date
Expense Management 2024 R2 (25.00)October 1, 2024October 1, 2026
Expense Management 2024 R1 (24.00)April 1, 2024April 1, 2026
Expense Management 2023 R2 (12.00)October 1, 2023October 1, 2025
Expense Management 2023 R1 (11.00)April 1, 2023April 1, 2025

Support for the following versions of Expense Management has recently ended:

VersionRelease dateSupport end date
Expense Management 2022 R2 (10.00)October 1, 2022October 1, 2024
Expense Management 2022 R1 (9.00)March 1, 2022March 1, 2024
Expense Management 2021 R2 (8.00)September 1, 2021September 1, 2023

We strongly advise users currently using an unsupported version of Expense Management to upgrade to a supported version under two critical scenarios:

  1. If you encounter issues not addressed in a service pack for the older version.
  2. If you can gain clear benefits from the enhanced functionality the newer version offers.

Continia ensures the continuous improvement of all supported Expense Management versions through the regular release of service packs. We highly recommend implementing these service packs regularly. The process is straightforward, involving only the import of new objects, with no data conversion required. Each service pack provides end users easy and quick access to all corrections and improvements in a single update, significantly enhancing system stability.


Individual patches and bug fixes cannot be provided separately. To implement a specific bug fix, you must install the entire service pack that includes that particular fix.

What does Continia support?

If a client encounters a problem with a supported Expense Management version, Continia assists in identifying and resolving the issue. We thoroughly examine whether the Expense Management code causes the problem. Critical issues that obstruct essential business processes and have no workarounds will be promptly addressed. Non-critical issues will be resolved in the upcoming service pack release.

Continia provides support for up-to-date versions of both Microsoft Dynamics NAV/Business Central and Expense Management. They offer assistance in the following areas:

  • Identifying and resolving errors in Expense Management code.
  • Addressing functionality issues in Expense Management.
  • Resolving add-in errors related to Expense Management.
  • Troubleshooting performance-related problems in Expense Management.

Regardless of the version you are using, Continia's support services do not cover certain aspects, including standard NAV/Business Central errors, issues related to infrastructure, email exchange (with exceptions), estimation of implementation or upgrade time, and customized Expense Management assistance. Understanding these limitations ensures that users and partners are well-informed about the scope of support available from Continia. For any version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV/Business Central and any version of Expense Management, Continia does not provide support for:

  • Standard NAV/Business Central errors.
  • Issues likely to be caused by infrastructure, such as network configuration, firewalls, and proxy servers.
  • Email exchange, except if an email sent directly to the Continia Cloud OCR email service doesn't arrive in NAV/Business Central.
  • Problems with emails that arrive when sent directly to the Continia Cloud OCR email service but not when they're forwarded to the Cloud OCR email service.
  • Estimation of time required to implement or upgrade Expense Management.
  • Help and assistance in customizing Expense Management – partners are expected to have the skills to investigate how it works when customizations are needed.

For outdated versions, Continia answers questions about Expense Management functionality and specific errors to the best of their knowledge without extensive research. However, we won't invest time investigating operability or the cause of errors in old, unsupported versions. Instead, we'll guide you on how to handle such issues in supported versions. For unsupported versions of Expense Management, Continia additionally does not support the following:

  • Errors in Expense Management NAV/Business Central code, including debugging assistance.
  • Performance issues.
  • Issues with functionality that doesn't work as expected.
  • Incorrect recognition of text in PDF and XML files.