Continia Web Approval Portal
The Continia Web Approval Portal is designed for approving purchase documents, expenses, and sales documents across companies you have access to. There are two views available in the Web Approval Portal: classic and cross-company. Approvers with access to multiple companies can view all relevant expenses in one place. They can filter by company or document type, allowing them to prioritize approvals efficiently without navigating between companies, saving valuable time.
The portal’s top blue ribbon contains tabs for Purchase, Expense Management, Contracts, and Sales, provided you have the necessary modules activated. This article focuses on the Expenses tab and the approval of expenses.
To set up the Web Approval Portal and configure users for it, see Setting up Web Approval. Users must also be set up as approvers in order to use the portal.
The available views
For each tab on the blue ribbon, a number indicates how many documents for approval the tab has. The green options in the submenus (such as Expenses, Mileage, Per diems, and Expense reports for the Expense Management Menu) also display a figure indicating the number of documents for approval for each document type. These number indicators are tied to the company overview menu in the upper-right corner, which indicates the total number of documents for approval for each company, as well as a breakdown of the distribution of these documents.
The My Open Approvals page is the main landing page under the Approvals section, offering a cross-company dashboard that displays all expenses awaiting your approval. From this page, you can perform common approval actions. To access other overview pages, click on My Open Approvals to open a dropdown menu with the following options:
Option | Description |
System View | Groups all expense approval overview pages. |
Approvals On The Way | Lists expenses where you're assigned as an approver but not the first in the flow. No actions are available here. |
My Open Approvals | Displays all expenses pending your approval, allowing you to approve, reject, forward, or put documents on hold. |
My Processed Approvals | Shows previously approved or rejected expenses. No approval actions are available on this page. |
To return to the My Open Approvals page, select either the home icon or the text Continia Web Approval Portal, both in the upper-left corner of the screen, on the blue ribbon at the top of the portal.
To filter and navigate
Most overview pages feature the same set of approval actions such as approve, reject, forward, put on hold (and approve), and they all allow you to drill down to each individual expense to get access to more expense details and additional approval actions.
To narrow down the number of approval entries per page, use Select Type to filter on the type of document or Select Company to filter on the company. The portal displays how many entries exist for each document type and company.
Selecting a specific document type or company from the menu will open the corresponding expenses for approval. You can also click the company name to view the highest-priority expenses with pending approvals.
To work with open approvals
The action bar of the My Open Approvals page features the following approval actions: Approve, Reject, Forward, Put on Hold + Approve, and Put on Hold. These actions allow you to process expenses straight from the landing page. The list of approval entries provides the most important details about each of the documents submitted for approval, including the document number, the vendor name, the latest approval comments, and the total amounts of the document. In addition, the Actions column allows you to view or download the original PDF or XML.
To carry out one of the above approval actions from the Web Approval Portal:
- In the list of approval entries, select the one that you want to process by selecting the column on the far left – the one with a checkmark in the header – for the relevant entry. This will highlight the entire entry.
- On the action bar, select the action that you want to perform for the selected entry.
- Do one of the following:
- If you select Reject, Put on Hold + Approve, or Put on Hold, a dialog opens. Select a reason code (if such codes have been set up) and add a free-text comment, and then select Continue to confirm the action.
- If you select Forward, a different dialog opens. Select or enter the name of the user who you want to forward the approval request to, and then select the forwarding action you prefer. If necessary, add a free-text comment at the bottom, and then select Continue to confirm the action.
In the list of approval entries, you can select multiple entries at the same time to carry out approval actions in bulk for all selected entries. If you want to select all entries in one go, select the checkmark on the far left in the header. You can also use this checkmark to cancel the selection of all entries.