Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Capture 2023 R2

This article lists all new features and bug fixes for each version of Continia Document Capture 2023 R2.


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Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 3

Release date, on-premises: July 1, 2024
App version: 12.3.0
FOB version: 12.03

Only released in Business Central on-premises.

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Document and TemplatesAdded vendor bank account validation for Australian bank accounts (EFT BSB).40793
General ApplicationAdded identification rules to the XRECHNUNG-ID XML identification template to support XRechnung version 2.3 and 3.0.
Platform and TechnologyEvents have been added to the solution. For details, please see Event Publishers for Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00).55363
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version 24.0.3
Purchase ContractsThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been extended to support the selection of purchase contracts for purchase invoices. The below three fields are added to Invoice Lines section in the Web Approval Portal enabling the approvers to select/change the associated contract number and contract line:
  • Purchase Contract No.
  • Purchase Contract Line No.
  • Purchase Contract Line Amount

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalThe following change only applies to the NL localization: When registering a purchase invoice without any setup under Accounts for Amounts, the value in the Doc. Amount VAT field on the purchase invoice was not populated.54763
Country and RegionalIn some localizations, a wrong Account Type was potentially selected when activating the Recognize Fields action.
Document and TemplatesWhen a document was moved to another company, the OK field in the Document Journal was not cleared.52596
Document and TemplatesWhen configuring the Document Storage Type in the Document Capture Setup page as File Service and using Cloud OCR, the XML files couldn't be imported.52904
Document and TemplatesThe field Line Recognition Method was wrongly shown in the Template Card for XML templates.53554
Document and TemplatesWhen manually entering values in the document line fields on the Document Card, you could encounter a warning indicating reduced functionality. Additionally, the document viewer could become unresponsive.53959
Document and TemplatesWhen importing an XML file, the following error could occur:
  • The length of the string is <lenght of value>, but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters. Value: <value in XML>
Document and TemplatesThe field Insert on new Templates was missing on the Template Field Card for the master templates. The field has now been added to the page as an additional field and is easily displayed using the Show more action.54126
Document and TemplatesThe vendor creation guide now doesn't fill in the currency code if the recognized value is identical to the LCY Code configured in the General Ledger Setup page.54231
Document and TemplatesIf an invoice had the same document number as a credit memo, attachments from both documents would be shown on both the documents in the drag and drop section.
Document and TemplatesOptimized the document import processing time by skipping merge operations when templates are not configured to automatically combine PDF files from the same email into one Document Capture document.
Document and TemplatesCorrected a bug that caused the Document Log Entries to be sorted in a non chronological way in the Document Log Summary page54831
Document and TemplatesUsing Document Capture without having an internet connection, the user got the following error when opening the document journal:
  • "Client ID must have a value in CSC Client Credential: Primary Key=. It cannot be zero or empty.."
Document and TemplatesWhen selecting the Add Template Field action on a document that originates from Continia eDocuments, the following error message was shown:
  • The value of INDEXING parameter 1 is outside of the permitted range. The current value is: -1. The permitted range is: from 0 to 2.147.483.647.
Document and TemplatesDuring document import, a new template was wrongly created for the document when there was already a template available in another company for the same vendor.  Now, a new template won't be created and the template number won't be populated in the Document Journal. Instead the user must run Recognize Fields manually in the Document Journal. This will trigger the following dialog:
  • A template for <Vendor No.> <Vendor Name> has been found in company <Company Name>, do you want to copy this template?
Document and TemplatesWhen moving documents to another company, the following error could occur:
  • The length of the string is 11, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters. Value: <Document No.>
Document and TemplatesWhen the Secure Archive feature was enabled and either of the following features were used:
  • Auto Split
  • Merge From Same E-mail
These actions were incorrectly regarded as file changes, resulting in the following error when posting an invoice:
  • One of the files (<Doc No.>) associated with this document has been changed since it was imported. This is not allowed when Secure Archive is enabled.
This error has now been removed. Additionally, extra document logging has been added to record the split and merge actions performed, recognizing these actions as accepted.
Document and TemplatesWhen filtering document lines in the Document Card, the highlighted field in the document viewer did not correspond with the actual line selected in the Document Lines subpage. To address this, the Line No. column will be shown on the lines subpage, if not already present, when filtering. The column will be removed automatically when the filter is released.56132
Document and TemplatesWhen registering a document with lines recognized in the Sales category, the unit prices on the created Sales Order or Sales Credit Memo were unintentionally taken from the Document Capture document. This behaviour has been changed to use the sales prices specified in Business Central.
Document and TemplatesWhen using document search in environments with XML-documents, users could experience a degraded performance caused by unnecessary external calls to Continia Online. These external calls had now been removed, resulting in a better search performance.
Document ApprovalWhen trying to assign a filter with a length over 80 characters by using lookup in Assigning Filter in the Approval User Group Permission page, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <String Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 80 characters. Value: <String>
General ApplicationThe way Document Capture requests the number of files to process when opening the Document Journal has been changed. This will speed up the opening of the Document Journal immensely when using File Service as the document storage type.53801
General ApplicationAll supported languages have been added for the W1 localization on the following pages:
  • Customer Card
  • Customer List
  • Vendor Card
  • Vendor List
  • Sales Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Purchase Credit Memo
  • Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
  • Posted Sales Invoice
  • Posted Sales Credit Memo
  • Posted Purchase Invoice
  • Posted Purchase Credit Memo
  • Posted Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
  • Document Sending Profile
  • Select Sending Options
  • Service Order
  • Posted Service Credit Memo
  • Posted Service Invoice
General ApplicationWhen exporting attachments using the Export Attachments report, any unregistered documents were exported without a file name.54701
General ApplicationWhen users opened the Role Center without having an internet connection, they were presented with the following error:
  • "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ( A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
Order & Receipt MatchingPreviously the option fields Match on Vendor Order No. and Match on Vendor Shipment No. were only visible on the template card if the corresponding template header or line fields were added to the template. This behavior has been extended to add and show the fields on the template when creating it, if the fields on the master template are configured with the matching option Yes - Always.49102
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen a matched amount was calculated during the match process, the amounts where rounded using the rounding precision from General Ledger Setup, instead of the rounding precision related to the currency involved.49716
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen matching a purchase invoice having Prices Including VAT set to Yes against a purchase order having Prices Including VAT set to No, the Direct Unit Cost on the purchase order lines was copied to the invoice lines and was not recalculated (taking into account the VAT amount to be applied).53229
Purchase ContractsThe following feature is only available for the US localization of Document Capture.

Support for tax calculation has been added to the Purchase Contract Card. The following two new fields have been added to the purchase contract header:
  • Tax Liable
  • Tax Area Code
The following three new fields have been added to the purchase contract lines:
  • Tax Liable
  • Tax Area Code
  • Tax Group Code
Purchase ContractsPreviously, when registering a document linked to purchase contract and a value was specified in the Deferral Code field under the Accounts for Amounts page, the selected deferral code value was ignored. Now, the deferral code value is assigned to the created invoice/credit memo lines.53937
Purchase DocumentsThe following change only applies to the US localization.

Having a purchase document with Prices Including Tax set to Yes, the following error message was wrongly shown, when opening the purchase documents list for orders, invoices, credit memos, and return orders:
  • Prices Including Tax must be equal to 'No' in Purchase Header: Document Type=<Document Type>, No.=<Document No.>. Current value is 'Yes'.
Purchase DocumentsIn some cases, when no lines were recognized, the line field values in the created purchase invoice could be overwritten with false data if the template line field had a value in field Field in Purchase Line under the Transfer Value to... group on the General FastTab.
Purchase DocumentsWhen selecting the Document Card action in the Purchase Orders page for a manually created purchase order, the eDocuments order response page was in some situations opened. This behaviour was incorrect as the order response wasn't the source of the purchase order.

Now, when using the action Document Card in this scenario, an error message is shown: 
  • This Order has not been created from Continia Document Capture.

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 2, hotfix 2

Released: April 11, 2024
App version: 12.2.2
FOB version: 12.02.02

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationWhen you imported documents in an on-premises version of Document Capture with no license access to Continia eDocuments, the following error ocurred:
  • You do not have the following permissions on CodeUnit CTS-CDN eDocument Table Mgt .: Execute.
The above issue has been fixed in Continia Delivery Network 6.02.02.

Due to Document Capture and Continia Delivery Network being co-built (on-premises only), no changes have been applied to Document Capture even though the version number has been increased to 12.02.02.

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 2, hotfix 1

App released: March 8, 2024
FOB released: March 11, 2024
App version: 12.2.1
FOB version: 12.02.01

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationWhen upgrading to Document Capture on-premises 12.2.0, the upgrade process failed with the following error:
  • The record is not open
General ApplicationWhen sales orders were released in a company where eDocuments was not activated, the following error occurred:
  • The Continia eDocuments Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: Primary Key=''

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 2

Released: March 7, 2024
App version: 12.2.0
FOB version: 12.02

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesContinia eDocuments was introduced – Continia's new system for the exchange and management of electronic business documents (XML documents), powered by the Continia Delivery Network.

Continia eDocuments makes it easy to transfer virtually any type of business document from the procure-to-pay process through networks like the PEPPOL Network within Business Central. By converting Business Central documents to and from XML files that can be sent and received via such networks, it allows you to work with XML documents exactly as with other documents in Business Central.

With Continia eDocuments, you can identify and fix errors in your documents before they're sent, and vendors can notify you directly about any changes using order responses. Whether you're a customer or a vendor, you can monitor the status of each document throughout the process using the eDocument Status field.

For more information, see Continia eDocuments.


This note was added later, on April 25, 2024, as it was unintentionally left out of the changelog when Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 2 (DC12.02) was released.

Documents and TemplatesTo simplify configuration, a Customizable Columns section for the custom searchable and sortable template header fields in the Document Journal's document list has been added to the Document Category card.
General ApplicationWith the introduction of Enforced Digital Vouchers in BC23.2, attaching documentation as incoming documents, prior to posting purchase document and journals, will in certain localizations become mandatory.

When using Document Capture in an environment where Enforced Digital Vouchers is configured to check for attached files prior to posting, Document Capture will automatically create a digital voucher when a document in registered as a purchase document or a journal entry. The primary document (OCR processed) and any drag and drop attachments, will automatically be added to a digital voucher associated with the purchase document or journal entry.

When using purchase allocations (part of the approval functionality available with Document Capture) the system can be configured to include the digital voucher, associated with the purchase document pending approval, in the G/L posting. Associating digital vouchers to purchase allocations is optional, regardless of localization and BC version.

How to enable the feature:
  • All versions prior to BC23.2: The feature can be enabled in Document Capture Setup,
  • BC23.2 and newer: The feature will be automatically enabled if Digital Voucher Setup and Digital Voucher Entry Setup is configured to check for attachments prior to posting.
  • Specifically for Denmark: When using BC23.2 or newer, and the environment is a production environment in Cloud, the digital voucher functionality is forcedly enabled from July 1st 2024. Consequentially Document Capture will automatically create digital vouchers from that date and onwards.
Purchase ContractsMultiple invoices related to the same purchase contract and within the purchase contract's invoicing period are not auto-approved.
Purchase DocumentsYou can now enter a negative amount in the New Amount Excl. VAT field on the Change Document Amount page. The error message displayed when entering a negative number in the New Amount Incl. VAT has been changed to the following:
  • Amount Incl. VAT must be zero or positive.
Purchase DocumentsAdded a column showing the date and time the document was imported to the Document Log Summary page.49582
Purchase DocumentsWhen both the standard attachment action and the Document Capture attachment action are visible on the same page, the caption for the Document Capture action is changed to Document Capture Attachments.52781

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalMultiple German translations have been corrected on several pages.
Document and TemplatesWhen moving an XML document to another company, the field XML Document Type would be set to empty after selecting a vendor/customer in the Document Journal. 48071
Document and TemplatesWith the release of DC12.01, the following note was not included in the changelog:

In the Document Journal and Document Card pages, users were previously able to edit header template fields configured with a formula as either a field reference or fixed value. Now, header fields that are configured with a field reference formula are locked to prevent editing.
Document and TemplatesIn the Document Journal, header template fields used in customizable columns and as sorting criteria are now visually cleared when trying to update the template field value.
Document and TemplatesTo prevent unwanted translations or removals of recognized names, the Field Translations honorifics for the Our Contact template header field have been updated with an additional space at the end of the Translate From value.
Document and TemplatesFixed an issue where the Customizable Columns fields in the Document Journal were not updating properly when manually capturing values.
Document and TemplatesSetting up a template field with a Data Type of Text as a Search Field in the Document Journal, which value exceeded 30 characters, would result in the following error message:
  • The length of the string is <Text Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 30 characters. Value: <Value>
Document and TemplatesDuring the purchase document import into the PURCHASE document category, if the Split PDF Document option was enabled for the Source ID, the following error message was displayed:
  • The length of the string is <Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 250 characters. Value: <Value>
Document and TemplatesTyping a part of the user name in the Category Manager field in document category resulted in the following error message:
  • The field Category Manager of table Document Category contains a value (<Value, part of the user name>) that cannot be found in the related table (Continia User).
Document and TemplatesWhen deleting a Master template with related templates, the following dialog was shown for each template field:
  • Do you also want to delete the template field on all related templates where the field has not been used to capture a value?
Now, the dialog is shown once and will apply to all related template fields.
Document and TemplatesWhen copying a template, the Line Recognition Method was set to Not Configured in the new template. Now, if Recognize Lines is enabled in the original template in the Template Card, the Line Recognition Method will be transferred to the new template.
Document and TemplatesWhen importing documents, the following error could occur:
  • The length of the string is <String Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters. Value: <Field Value>
Document and TemplatesAdded the possibility to navigate between the document header fields on XML documents using the tab key in the Document Journal and Document Card.
Document and TemplatesArrow key navigation in the Value and XML-Path fields of the header template within the Document Journal and Document Card has been updated to improve user experience and interaction efficiency.
  • Single-clicking a field selects its entire value.
  • Double-clicking within a field places the cursor for text editing.
  • Pressing the left or right arrow key while the cursor is within the field's value allows for detailed editing of the value.
  • With the entire value selected, pressing the left arrow key moves the cursor one column left.
  • With the entire value selected, pressing the right arrow key moves the cursor one column right, or to the end of the value if there are no further selectable columns.
  • At the beginning of a field's value, pressing the left arrow key moves the cursor to the next selectable column on the left.
  • At the end of a field's value, pressing the right arrow key moves the cursor to the next selectable column on the right.
Document and TemplatesWhen creating two or more search texts on a template, and the initial search text is of maximum length (200 characters), the document journal would display the following error message when opened:
  • The length of the string is [string length], but it must be less than or equal to 200 characters. Value: [Search Text].
    Page Edit - Document Journal must close.
Document and TemplatesThe order of the Field Translations for the Our Contact template header field have been changed, so the honorific translations are done after the delimiter translations.53504
Document ApprovalThe tooltips on the Document Capture Setup / Continia Web Approval page has been updated to match the tooltips on the Continia Web Portal Card page.49312
Document ApprovalWhen approving documents, users could receive the following message:
  • You do not have the following permissions on TableData CDC Template Field Rule: Read.
Read permissions for the table CDC Template Field Rule have now been added to the permission set CDC ALL.
Document ApprovalWhen having multiple approval entries with the same Document Type and Document No., but different Table ID, the Web Approval Portal would occasionally show an incorrect list of approvers for a given purchase document.53316
General ApplicationThe Export Users action on the Continia User Setup list was not visible if both Document Capture and Expense Management were installed, and a web approval portal configuration wasn't fully completed.52060
Platform and TechnologyFixed an issue where the template field Caption Mandatory was not respected when using AI for field recognition.52728
Purchase ContractsPreviously, when creating a purchase contract based on the expense, the purchase contract line Start Date value was set to the expense Document Date. Now, the line Start Date is set to the Contract Start Date specified on the Create Purchase Contract page.52104
Purchase DocumentsThe following change only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The duplicate Purchase Code field was removed from the Purchase Order page.
Purchase DocumentsWhen a purchase document (order, invoice, credit memo, or return order) had a Currency Code specified and the Currency Factor was equal to 0 in the header, an error message was displayed:
  • Currency Factor must have a value in Purchase Header: Document Type=<Document Type>, No.=<Document No.>. It cannot be zero or empty.
Purchase DocumentsThe Documents factbox on the purchase order list page was only shown if the purchase order category was in use. Now, the factbox is always visible when Document Capture is activated in the current company.51784
Purchase DocumentsPreviously, when the Distribute by Dimensions option was enabled in the Standard Amount Distribution Code Card and an amount distribution code was used, the Amount to Distribute field in the Get Amount Distribution page of the purchase invoice was set to the total invoice amount. With the new update, the Amount to Distribute field will be set to the purchase line amount.
Purchase DocumentsWhen opening the Posted Purchase Invoice or Posted Purchase Credit Memo pages in a company where Document Capture was installed but not not configured (no data in the Document Capture Setup), the system would display the following error message:
  • "Purch. Inv. Header: The Document Capture Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: Primary Key='' "
The error only applies to the FOB-based version available on Business Central 2019 Spring (version 14.00).

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 5

Released: February 13, 2024
App version: 12.1.5

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Document ApprovalWhen having multiple approval entries with the same Document Type and Document No., but different Table ID, the Web Approval Portal would occasionally show an incorrect list of approvers for a given purchase document.53316

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 4

Released: February 8, 2024
App version: 12.1.4

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Document ApprovalConfiguring an approval sharing record to send the approval status email to Both Approvers would in certain situations add the wrong recipient as CC to the email. The functionality has been disabled in this version of Document Capture.

Existing Approval Sharing Setup records configured to send the email to Both Approvers will be treated the same as records configured to send to Only Shared To User. The system will display an error message if the user attempts to configure an Approval Sharing Setup record to send the approval status email to Both Approvers.

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 3

Released: February 2, 2024
App version: 12.1.3

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesWith the release of Continia Document Capture 2023 R2 (DC12.00), a change was introduced, causing the document recognition to ignore the Required field option unless the Search for Value option was set to True in the Template Field Card. This meant that a document could be registered with blank values in required fields without generating an error comment.

Now, the capture functionality has been updated as follows:

Header field recognition:
  • Setting a field as required triggers an error comment if the value is missing. 
  • Turning on/off the Search for Value field setting does not affect the comment shown (which is good). 
Line field recognition:
  • Combining AI and setting a line field as required results in recognizing all lines. An error comment is displayed in the comment section for each line missing a required value. Turning on/off the Search for Value field setting does not affect the comment shown or the recognition as AI decides what to recognize (which is good). 
  • Manual line recognition behaves just like in the "old" days. No lines are recognized if the required values are missing.

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 2

Released: January 19, 2024
App version: 12.1.2

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesWhen running Recognize Fields in the Document Journal, the formula keywords TODAY and WORKDATE specified in the Template Field Card were not converted as expected when running the Business Central client in different languages.

Please note that some localized abbreviations have the opposite meaning in different languages. For example, T evaluates to TODAY in English, but in French and Spanish, it evaluates to WORKDATE.
To ensure the correct result, it may be necessary (depending on the language used in the client) to type the entire keyword - e.g., when running the client in Spanish, T might not be enough to ensure that it is interpreted as WORKDATE - but entering TRABAJO will ensure that.

To avoid possible mistakes or unexpected results, it is recommended to update existing template field formulas by clearing the value and entering it again.
Documents and TemplatesWhen importing documents the following error could occur:
  • The length of the string is <Document No. length>, but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters. Value: <Document No.>
Document ApprovalSince Document Capture version 12.1, exporting users with the same email address in the Email and O365 Authentication Email fields on the Continia Users page has not been possible. The functionality has now been reverted, allowing identical emails in both fields for the same user.52507
Purchase ContractsPreviously, when registering a document based on the purchase contract, which had a different VAT Bus. Posting Group header value than the vendor or the purchase contract line had a modified VAT Prod. Posting Group, the original vendor, and account VAT posting group values were assigned to the purchase invoice header and lines. Now, the VAT values are taken from the related purchase contract header and line fields and assigned respectively to the invoice header and lines.51428

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 1

Released: December 20, 2023
App version: 12.1.1
FOB version: 12.01.01

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Platform and TechnologyThis change only applies to Expense Management. See the Expense Management 12.01 hotfix1 changelog for more details.52088

Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1

Released: December 15, 2023
App version: 12.1.0
FOB version: 12.01

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe below configurable message can now be configured as type Information:
  • The XML Document contains [discounts and charges] elements that are not created as Fields for this Template. Please use Add Template Field to add them.
In previous versions, it was only possible to configure the message type as Warning and Error.
General ApplicationThe right and left arrow keys can be used to move the cursor between the Field and Value columns in the Document Header section on the Document Journal and Document Card pages.42484
General ApplicationA link to the Document Log has been added to the Document Journal page. 50367
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version 1.29.051759
Purchase ContractsWhen registering a document (invoice) based on a purchase contract, it is possible to define if a comment purchase line with a posting description should be created. To manage this, the following three new fields have been added to the Purchase Contract Card page:
  • Create Posting Description Line: A boolean field that specifies whether a second comment purchase line will be created. The extra comment line is placed under the general comment line that contains the contract number.
  • Posting Description: An option field that specifies whether the purchase line description will be populated from the recognized document's posting description. The available options are:
    • No (default value): A purchase line with the invoice posting description will not be created.
    • Yes - If Present: A purchase line will be created with the posting description from the invoice if the description field contains a value. If the posting description value is blank, the Purchase Contract Description field's logic is considered.
    • Yes: A purchase line will be created with the posting description from the invoice if the description field contains a value.
  • Purchase Contract Description: A boolean field that specifies whether the purchase line description will be populated from the purchase contract description:
    • False: A purchase line with the purchase contract description will not be created.
    • True: A purchase line will be created with the purchase contract description if Posting Description is set to No or Yes - If Present and the invoice posting description contains no value.
Purchase DocumentsPreviously, the Incoming Document Files factbox was hidden if Document Capture was configured in the current company. As the incoming documents functionality is a key part of Microsoft's new Digital Vouchers feature, the factbox will not be hidden but instead showing it below the Document Viewer factbox.51602

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesDuring vendor identification and auto-matching, captured document values may be used as table filters. The below error could occur if a captured value, used as a table filter, started with a percentage sign (%).
  • The filter "<value starting with %>" is not valid for the <tablefield> field on the table. The variable "<value starting with %>" was not understood.
To prevent this problem, any leading percentage signs (%) are now removed from values used as filters. Several characters that hold a special meaning in filtering contexts, e.g., * | &, are already disregarded.
Documents and TemplatesWhen updating the field Ask to Set Default Account No. on the Master template, the sub-templates were not updated with new value. Now, updating the Ask to Set Default Account No. on the Master template updates all the sub-templates.43647
Documents and TemplatesIn Business Central 2020 release wave 2 and later, activating the Create Vendor action in the Document Journal without available vendor templates, nothing would have happened previously. Now, selecting the action always prompts the Create Vendor guide.44237
Documents and TemplatesRecurring Journal was selectable on the Document Category page in the field Journal Template Name even though it was not supported. Now, the Recurring Journal option is filtered away, and if typed directly into the input field, this error is thrown:
  • Recurring must be equal to 'No' in [Journal Template]: Name=RECURRING. Current value is 'Yes'.
Documents and TemplatesAn incorrect document validation comment in the Purchase Order category for the Danish and German localizations has been corrected. The following message:
  • WARNING: Purchase order <Order No.> <Purchase order action> already exist. <Purchase order action>
Is now replaced by this message:
  • WARNING: Purchase order <Order No.> already exist. <Purchase order action>
Documents and TemplatesWhen filling in the Translate To No. value in the line section on the Document Card, the OK field value was not set to true. This applied to the web client only.47780
Documents and TemplatesWhen deleting a Master template without any related templates, the following dialog was shown for each template field:
  • Do you also want to delete the template field on all related templates where the field has not been used to capture a value?
The dialog won't be shown if no templates are related to the master template.
Documents and TemplatesWhen configuring the template field Account Type to Charge (Item) and subsequently assigning a valid item charge to the Account No. template field, the following error comment was displayed:
  • Account No. is not correct.
Documents and TemplatesThe Match Lines action in the Document Journal has been disabled for purchase invoice or credit memo documents when template Invoice Reg. Step 1 or Credit Memo Reg. Step 1 on the Template Card is set to Create Journal Line.49447
Documents and TemplatesOn the Document Journal and Document Card pages, users were previously able to edit header template fields configured with a formula as either a field reference or a fixed value. Now, header fields that are configured with a field reference formula are locked to prevent editing.


This note was added later, on February 2, 2024, as it was unintentionally left out of the changelog when Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1 (DC12.01) was released.

Documents and TemplatesWhen identifying the XML template for an electronic document, only the identification template field with the code CUSTOMISATIONID was considered. Now also the identification template field with code VERSIONID is considered when identifying the XML format.49531
Documents and TemplatesIn the Documents factbox on both posted and unposted purchase documents, the Rename and Delete actions are now disabled for attachments referencing the original document.49576
Documents and TemplatesSpecifying Account No., VAT Prod. Posting Group, or VAT Bus. Posting Group when Account Type is blank in the Account for Amounts, the following error message will be displayed:
  • Account Type must have a value.
Documents and TemplatesPreviously, a captured Vendor Bank Account No. containing only letters would incorrectly pass validation.49730
Documents and TemplatesTo prevent potential errors in the Document Journal, an option to select master or ID templates in the Template No. field is removed. The restriction applies to the following document categories:
  • Purchase
  • Purchase Order
  • Sales
Documents and TemplatesThe Invoice Total, shown below the document lines on the Document Card, could show an incorrect value if one or more header fields were set up to Subtract from Amount Field.49853
Documents and TemplatesThe orange and blue captured markups were not visible when viewing a registered document in the Document Journal (CDC Document List with Image)Now, the markups are always shown, no matter the document status.49869
Documents and TemplatesYou can now add empty files as attachments to the Document Journal.49916
Documents and TemplatesInstead of the user name, the user ID was displayed as Category Manager in the Document Category Card.49961
Documents and TemplatesWhen using AI for line recognition, the line recognition did not respect the Stop Lines Recognition settings on template header fields. This has now been fixed.50278
Documents and TemplatesWhen configuring sharing of document assigning in the Document Sharing page, the email notification was only sent to the Owner User ID. Now, both the Owner User ID and Shared User ID users will receive email notifications.50282
Documents and TemplatesFixed an issue for line recognition when using AI, where a calculated value would overwrite the quantity if the unit price was missing. 50350
Documents and TemplatesIf the Document Card was opened by selecting the document number from Document Journal instead of the dedicated action Document Card, some fields were not visible under the Lines tab.50678
Documents and TemplatesIf the length of the document line description exceeded 150 characters, the following error occurred, when opening the description Line Translations page:
  • The length of the string is <string length>, but it must be less than or equal to 150 characters. Value: <Line Description>
Documents and TemplatesWhen a user manually imports a single document and encounters an error, attempting to import the same document again could result in the deletion of both the PDF and TIFF files.
Documents and TemplatesWhen entering a numeric value on the document lines, values were always converted to positive.51100
Documents and TemplatesWhen placing the cursor on a template header field of the type boolean on the Document Header table, the cursor could get stuck when navigating up and down the list using the arrows. 51107
Documents and TemplatesWhen identifying the vendor on a document using identification templates, the Document Capture will disregard a captured identification value if it equals the VAT Registration No. in the  Company Information. That functionality has now been extended to cater for values found in the following additional fields in the Company Information, but not for all localizations:
  • Enterprise No. (BE)
  • Registration No. (DE, AT, and CH)
  • ABN (AU and NZ)
Documents and TemplatesThe functionality to offset a captured value in a date field with a fixed date formula, Calculate Date (Date Formula) on the template field card, was not working if the AI engine processed the document.51194
Documents and TemplatesWhen splitting or merging documents containing AI-recognized data, the AI result would become inconsistent, and thus, the result when recognizing fields or creating vendors would not be correct. A routine reprocessing the documents created from splitting or merging has been added. 51241
Documents and TemplatesFixed an issue where the Create Vendor action in the Document Journal would give a string overflow error.51373
Documents and TemplatesThe Create Vendor guide can assist the user in quickly creating new vendors on AI-processed documents. If multiple parties are identified as potential vendors, the most likely party is presented to the user as the first suggestion.    51596
Documents and TemplatesWhen registering documents, and the template registration step 1 was set to Gen. Journal Lines without specifying the Journal Template Name or Journal Batch Name on the category, the registration process would produce the following error:
  • Imported Amount Incl. VAT does not match
Documents and TemplatesThe following change only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

When line fields were captured using drill-down after opening the Document Card page, the values could be placed in the wrong columns. 
Documents and TemplatesVendors on the Source Exclusion list were not skipped when the identification was performed on the AI-generated dataset.51944
Document ApprovalWhen the shared-to approval user rejected a purchase document, the Owner User ID was shown in the Approval Entries instead of the Shared User ID.43096
Document ApprovalWhen using Approval Flow codes with a selection method other than All, the picked approvers would be wrong if the purchase order was partially invoiced. This was due to the remaining amount to be invoiced being used as the approval amount when sending the document for approval. That has been changed to always use the total order amount (LCY).50325
Document ApprovalIn some instances, the Amount Excl. VAT (Assigned) and Amount Incl. VAT (Assigned) were not calculated in the Purchase Order. This resulted in issues with the approval flow, where the purchase order was sent to the incorrect approver.51411
Document ApprovalWhen accessing the Web Approval settings page through the Document Capture Setup card, the Azure Application Key field was not masked.51914
General ApplicationWhen downloading a document from the Documents (attachments) factbox, the exported file will now get the same name as the display name shown in the factbox.45098
General ApplicationDocument Capture and Expense Management actions has been re-organized into relevant action groups in the Continia User Setup and Continia User Setup Card pages.
Document Capture action group:
  • Approval User Group
  • Approval Permissions
  • Approval Forwarding
Expense Management action group:
  • Settlements
  • Expenses
  • Milage
  • Per Diems
  • Credit Cards
  • Payment Types
  • Vendor Card
General ApplicationTo avoid having an invalid storage type for Document Capture during cloud migration, we now show this confirm dialogue to warn the user about potential issues:
'There are cloud migration issues with Document Capture, because one or more companies use a document storage type that is unsupported in Business Central Online. To resolve this problem, you need to change the document storage type in your on-premises environment (to either database or Azure Blob Storage) and then rerun the data replication.';

Companies with unsupported storage type: <company name>
Do you still want to continue?"
If the user selects Yes, the cloud migration will continue, as blocking the completion of the migration is not desired.
General ApplicationAn incorrect number of attachments was shown on the Posted Sales Credit Memo page.49821
General ApplicationThe following change only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.
Context-sensitive help is now available on the Continia Users page.
General ApplicationWhen selecting what data to include in the exported configuration file using the Assisted Setup Guide, the following error could occur:
  • The Document Storage Type field in the Document Capture Setup table cannot be changed when there are documents in the database.
General ApplicationThe Swedish translation for the field Maximum allowed difference Incl. VAT has been adjusted on the following pages:
  • General Ledger Setup
  • Currency Card
  • Currencies
General ApplicationIn the Document Capture Assisted Setup, the localization name has been changed from Germany to German (Germany). The localization list is available during configuration import from Continia Online.50087
General ApplicationWhen using storage type File Service in combination with OnPrem OCR, the XML directories for each category weren't created correctly.50177
General ApplicationThe page Pre-Cloud Migration Wizard was not searchable within Business Central.50285
General ApplicationCorrected an issue where selecting and importing a single XML file when using storage type File Service failed. Doing a full import (the action Import Files from the role center) wasn't affected.50345
General ApplicationCopying the email address when right-clicking the Email field directly in the Document Categories page (6085575 - CDC Document Category) is now enabled.50348
General ApplicationHaving the Secure Archive enabled in a company, the deletion of individual pages within a document was not logged in the document log.
A Document Log Entry is now created when a document page is deleted. Furthermore, several document page operations (reorder pages, rotate pages, split, and merge) would cause the system to recalculate the hash value associated with the document. The recalculation of the hash value is now reflected in the document log. 
General ApplicationWhen creating vendors, using the AI driven capture, the system would in certain cases mistake the companies own name and address details for the vendor details. Additional checks are now being carried out in order to prevent this scenario. 50406
General ApplicationBelgium and Dutch translation mistakes have been fixed in the following pages and fields:
Suggest Header Field Captions page caption.

Template Field Card page field captions:
  • Caption
  • Caption Mandatory
Document Category Card page field captions:
  • Suggest Header Field Captions
General ApplicationWhen having a PDF attachment in the Document Viewer whose size exceeds the browser limit, the Document Viewer would not show the PDF. The PDF attachment will now be displayed, no matter the size.50749
Order & Receipt MatchingThe purchase order lines were not shown on the Invoice Matching page when filtering the order lines on a Vendor Order No. having more than 20 characters.49188
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen manually matching multiple purchase order lines with the template setting Auto Approve Within Variance enabled, the following warning was shown, even though lines were fully matched within variance:
  • The document will not be auto-approved as the total invoice amount (<Total Order Amount>) - matched amount (<Amount of the first matched line>) is outside the maximum allowed variance.
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen performing Get Order Lines in a purchase invoice for purchase orders with item tracking lines, invoice posting was not possible due to multiple error messages related to the item tracking. Purchase order item tracking lines are now hidden in the Get Order Lines to prevent any potential errors.50959
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen using the Match and Update Order feature in the purchase category, the Document Viewer on the purchase order card was only visible if the purchase order category contained a document.51548
Platform and TechnologyPreviously, when trying to send a test email from DC, the SMTP and Email feature were triggered, prompting two popups, once for each type. Now, sending test emails will only trigger either SMTP or Email, depending on whether the Email feature is activated and properly configured.50099
Purchase ContractsThe Create Purchase Contract action was enabled on the Document Card and Document List pages, even though the document was not recognized and had no template assigned.49211
Purchase ContractsThe field Purchase Contract Administrator is added to the User Setup by Company, allowing you to define users as purchase contract administrators across multiple companies easily.49912
Purchase ContractsWhen assigning a G/L Account, Item, Fixed Asset, Resource, or Charge (Item) whose description length is over 50 characters, the following error was thrown:
  • The length of the string is <string length>, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters. Value: <Description value>
Purchase ContractsWhen updating the Review field on a purchase contract to Date Formula, the value in the Next Review Date field was not updated if a date was already specified. Now, changing the Review Date Formula updates the Next Review Date value accordingly.51288
Purchase ContractsWhen starting, submitting, returning to the reviewer, finishing, or canceling a purchase contract review with a line whose description is over 50 characters, the following error could occur:
  • The contents of the Description field cannot be copied to the Description field because the size of the Description field is too small.
    Type: Text50 <-- Text100
    Field: Description <-- Description
    Table: Purchase Contract Line Archive <-- Purchase Contract Line
Purchase DocumentsClients who migrated from older versions of Document Capture (pre DC5.50) to later versions (app-based versions) were sometimes faced with blank image pages on historic documents. The problem was caused by missing PNG (image format) versions of the document pages.
The Document Viewer now automatically senses if the needed image files are available. If the files are missing, they will be automatically created on the fly (only possible if the TIFF (image format) representation of the document is available).  
Purchase DocumentsThe following change only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 1 (BC v20) and newer versions.

The below error message would appear when attempting to perform a partial Get Order Lines on a second purchase invoice tied to the same purchase order, after a successful action on the first invoice.
  • The quantity (<Purchase Order Quantity>) that you are trying to invoice is greater than the outstanding quantity in order <Purchase Order No.>. You cannot invoice more than <Available Quantity> units.
Purchase DocumentsThe PDF File action on the General Journal page has been moved from the Bank action group to the Line group.49161
Purchase DocumentsRegistered documents in the purchase order category can no longer be re-opened once a created or updated purchase order has been posted.49413
Purchase DocumentsWhen registering purchase documents in the Document Journal to journal lines, the General Journal was always opened regardless of what was specified in the Journal Template Name in the Document Category. Now, the relevant journal will be opened based on the Journal Template Name setting in the Document Category.49427
Purchase DocumentsThe credit memo attachments were not displayed when creating a payment suggestion in the Payment Journal.49867
Purchase DocumentsThe Business Central standard actions in the Incoming Document action group on the sales order were hidden even when enabling the Show Standard Purchase UI Elements option on the Document Capture Setup page.50505
Purchase DocumentsRegistering a document in the purchase order category without capturing the unit cost, the order lines were created with a unit price of 0 (zero).51044
Purchase DocumentsThe following change only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

With the release of Document Capture 2023 R2 (DC 12.0), the factboxes Attachments, Incoming Document, and the Attachments action were hidden on the following pages:
  • Posted Sales Credit Memo
  • Posted Sales Invoice
  • Sales Credit Memo
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Order
This change has been reverted, and a new action called Document Capture Attachment is introduced to support Document Capture attachment functionality. This action is visible when Document Capture is activated and configured in the current company.

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 11

Released: December 6, 2023
App version: 12.0.11

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe following only applies to the App based versions of Business Central.

When line fields were captured after opening the Document Card using drill-down, the values were captured in the wrong columns. However, this issue did not occur when opening the Document Card using the Document Card action on the Document Journal.

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 10

Released: December 4, 2023
App version: 12.0.10

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationAfter installing Document Capture 12.0.8, the job queue job Telemetry Management codeunit (1350) fails with the following error:
  • The record is not open

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 9

Released: November 30, 2023
App version: 12.0.9

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalWhen using Business Central 2023 Wave 2 (BC23) with the Belgian (BE) localization, users encountered the following error while posting an invoice that included purchase allocations:
  • Field Allow Posting From (11300) of table Gen. Journal Template (80) is obsoleted, reason: Replaced by W1 field Allow Posting Date From

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 8

Released: November 29, 2023
App version: 12.0.8

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalWhen using Business Central 2023 Wave 2 (BC23) with the Belgian (BE) localization, users encountered the following error while posting an invoice that included purchase allocations:
  • Field Journal Templ. Purch. Invoice (11310) of table Purchases & Payables Setup (312) is obsoleted, reason: Replaced by W1 field P. Invoice Template Name
Documents and TemplatesWhen using the Create Vendor guide, not all of the addresses captured from the document were made available.51053
Documents and TemplatesWhen manually entering values with more than two decimals into a number field, e.g., Unit Cost, in the Lines section on the Document Card, the following error could occur:
  • Your entry of '<Decimal value>' is not an acceptable value for '<Field Caption>'. The field can have a maximum of 2 decimal places.
If the enum Purchase Line Type field was extended with additional option values by another extension, users would get the following error when opening the invoices in the Continia Web Approval Portal:
  • "There is an error in XML document (1, 3304)."
The extended enum values are now removed to ensure the invoices are accessible in the approval portal.
With Document Capture installed editing the VAT Registration No. on a vendor would cause the following permission error:
  • Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData CDC Business ID Fields Business ID Fields Modify: Continia Document Capture)

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 7

Released: November 14, 2023
App version: 12.0.7

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesFixed an issue where boolean document header fields would be shown to have the value yes, when they were initialized to false (represented by '').51102

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 6

Released: November 13, 2023
App version: 12.0.6

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesFixed an issue where the document import would display a RunModal error. The error would occur for vendors if no default template was selected or if the category had multiple master templates configured.50949

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 5

Released: November 8, 2023
App version: 12.0.5

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesWhen you upgraded to DC v12.00 in a Belgian localization and had values that exceeded 20 characters in the Enterprise No. field for a vendor, the upgrade would fail with the following message:
  • Data upgrade for tenant <tenant ID> failed. Upgrade state: Stopped. Upgrade errors: The upgrade of an extension in the context of the company <company name> has failed. AL stack trace: "CDC Business ID Mgt."(CodeUnit 6086066).UpdateBusinessIdSearchTable line 16 ...

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 4

Released: November 3, 2023
App version: 12.0.4

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesDuring document import, the following error could occur:
  • The length of the string is <String Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters. Value: <Field Value>

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 3

Released: October 24, 2023
App version: 12.0.3

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesIn the Document Capture 2023 R2 (DC12.00) release, a feature was introduced to automatically delete obsolete templates. Specifically, if a template was disassociated from a document (for example, if the Template No. field was emptied) and it wasn't linked to any other documents, the template would be deleted. This may have unintentionally removed new templates. The automatic deletion feature has now been disabled.50548

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 2

Released: October 16, 2023
App version: 12.0.2
FOB version: 12.00.02

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationThe following changes only apply to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

When advanced approval for purchase invoices was enabled, the Approval Flow field was not visible on the Purchase Order and Purchase Return Order pages.

The below fields were hidden on the purchase order list and card when no documents existed in the purchase order category. Now, these fields are always displayed if Document Capture is configured for the company:
  • Approval Flow Code
  • Purchase Code
  • Reason Code
  • Attachments
General ApplicationIf line recognition was not enabled for a template, the following error occured when users tried to manually capture a line field value:
  • The Page has been updated, please close and reopen the page.

Document Capture 2023 R2, hotfix 1

Released: October 6, 2023
App version: 12.0.1
FOB version: 12.00.01

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesWhen you activated the Create/Select Template action in the document journal, the following error could occur:
  • The Template Field does not exist. Identification fields and values: Template No.='<Template No.>',Type='<Template Field Type>',Code='<Template Field Code>'

Document Capture 2023 R2

Released: October 2, 2023
App version: 12.0.0
FOB version: 12.00

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalDocument Capture is now available for additional countries in Business Central online.

In Continia Docs, you can view the complete list of supported countries:
Documents and TemplatesWhen transferring captured values to a Purchase Header or Purchase Line field from a template field, the following error occurred if the value was too long for the destination field:
  • The length of the string is <Captured value length>, but it must be less than or equal to <Mapped field length> characters. Value: <Captured value>.
If the destination field is shorter than the captured value, the value will now be truncated to avoid overflow.
Documents and TemplatesThe possibility to add template header fields to the document overview in the Document Journal has been added. You can configure which master template header fields to show as sortable and filterable columns.

Select the Set up Custom Columns action in the Document Journal to configure which template header fields to display. This will open the Custom Fields Card pagewhere the following fields can be configured:
  • Date Field 1 and Date Field 2 for any master template header date field.
  • Text Field 1 and Text Field 2 for any master template header text field.
  • Number Field 1 and Number Field 2 for any master template header number field.
Documents and TemplatesYou can now enter the date keywords TODAY, WORKDATE, T, and W in the Formula field on the Template Field Card. When activating the Recognize Fields action, the keywords will be converted to today's date or working date, respectively.39550
Documents and TemplatesA new field, Number of Templates Available, has been added on the page CDC Document List With Image, with the following tooltip:
  • Specifies the number of templates available for the vendor associated with the document.
 The field shows the total number of vendor or customer templates available for the current document.
Documents and TemplatesWhen creating a purchase credit memo in the Document Journal, the Due Date is set to the Document Date if a Due Date is not specified. Previously, the workdate was used.40349
Documents and TemplatesA new template line field, Unit of Measure Code, has been added to the PDF master templates in the Sales, Purchase, and Purchase Order categories. This new field allows you to specify each item's unit of measure code on the sales and purchase document lines.43366
Documents and TemplatesThe below error comment:
  • You must specify Account No.
is now being suppressed when the following criteria are met:
  • Autorun Perform Match is enabled.
  • Either of the following two configurable messages has been configured as errors:
    • Autorun Perform Match is enabled, but no match could be found.
    • The template <Template No.> is configured to register with match, but the document is not matched.
Documents and TemplatesColor mode for TIFF files in Business Central online is now available as Microsoft has addressed the related performance issues.
Documents and TemplatesFor the Norwegian localization, two new captions are added in the PDF identification template "KJØP-ID". 
  • Org. Nr.
  • Org.Nr.
Documents and TemplatesA new field, Prioritize Prepayment as Document Type, has been introduced on the Template Card. This field plays a significant role in determining the document type based on the captions found in the PDF.

By default, the document type is identified by the highest-placed caption found in the PDF. Enabling Prioritize Prepayment as Document Type option precedes any prepayment captions found in the PDF, classifying the document as a prepayment invoice, irrespective of other higher-placed captions that otherwise would identify it as an invoice.
Documents and TemplatesBy enabling the option Check Item Prices on the template, the item's recognized unit cost is validated against the price specified on the item card.

Depending on the costing method specified for the item, the price comparison is conducted in the following manners:
  • For items configured with the costing method set to Standard, the value in the field Standard Cost is used.
  • For items configured with the costing method set to FIFOLIFOAverage, or Specific, the value in the field Unit Cost is used.
  • For items having a zero value in Standard Cost or Unit Cost, the value in the field Last Direct Cost is used.
If any special prices or discounts are configured for the item, the price check is conducted against the relevant special price or special discount.

Should the unit cost of the recognized item differs from the special price or unit cost calculated from the item card, a warning is displayed in the comment section. If the Line Discount % template line field contains a valid value or a special discount is configured for the item, the discount percentage is included in the unit cost comparison.

Documents and TemplatesThe following fields on the Template Card page are set as additional (hidden by default) and can be displayed by selecting Show more:
  • Recognize Lines
  • Prioritize Prepayment
  • Prices Including VAT
  • Allow Register w/o Amount
  • Validate VAT Calculation
Documents and TemplatesYou can now change the configurable message, shown below, to comment type Information.
  • Amount ([Amount]) does not match the rounded amount ([Amount]) calculated using Invoice Rounding Precision and Invoice Rounding Type configured for [Currency Code].
Documents and TemplatesWhen in the Document Journal updating an existing purchase order that has the status Released, a dialog box will now be displayed:
  • The purchase order has been released. Do you want to reopen and update the purchase order?
Documents and TemplatesWhen in the Document Journal updating an existing purchase order that has the status Pending Approval in the Document Journal under the Purchase Order category, a dialog box will now be displayed:
  • The purchase order has been submitted for approval. Do you want to cancel the approval and update the purchase order?
Documents and TemplatesWhen updating an existing purchase order with a status of Pending Prepayment in the Document Journal under the Purchase Order category, a dialog box will be displayed:
  • The purchase order is currently pending prepayment. Do you want to reopen and update the purchase order?
Documents and TemplatesWhen documents are automatically or manually moved to another company with Document Capture activated, the receiving company automatically completes the vendor identification, template selection, and field recognition steps. This streamlines the workflow, reducing manual steps and ensuring a consistent process.
Documents and TemplatesTo prevent the accumulation of unprocessed documents in the Document Journala new notification feature has been introduced in Continia Document Capture 2023 R2.  Designated administrators, such as an Accounts Payable manager, will receive email alerts regarding unregistered documents, encouraging timely registration and streamlined operations. This proactive approach ensures that the right individuals are alerted at the right time, facilitating a smoother workflow and preventing potential delays.

The new functionality allows for proactive management through the following:
  • Assign a category manager (Continia user) to the document category to receive timely reminders, ensuring that the relevant coworker is notified to facilitate swift action.
  • Configure multiple notification levels that are activated based on the document's duration in the document journal, allowing for a graded response to pending items.
  • Trigger the sending of the notification manually or set up a job queue to autonomously send the reminders to the designated managers.
By alerting designated administrators at earlier stages, this enhancement encourages prompt document registration and a smoother workflow, helping prevent potential delays and backlogs.
Documents and TemplatesFor the North American localization (NA), the PDF master template has been enriched with two new header template fields. The Vendor Remit-To field has been added to the PURCHASE and PURCHORDER categories, and the Customer Ship-To field has been added to the SALES category.46885
Documents and TemplatesWhen updating the Quantity, Unit Cost, or Promised Receipt Date in a purchase order, a configurable comment in the Documet Journal is now displayed:
  • WARNING: The Quantity (<Quantity>), Unit Cost (<Unit Cost>), Promised Receipt Date (<Promised Receipt Date>) on line <Line No.> will update the purchase order line Quantity (<Quantity>), Unit Cost (<Unit Cost>), Promised Receipt Date (<Promised Receipt Date>).
Documents and TemplatesOn the Document Category page, the following changes have been applied:
  • The field TIFF Image Resolution has been renamed to Image Resolution.
  • The field TIFF Image Color Mode has been renamed to Image Color Mode.
Documents and TemplatesIn the Document Category page, the tooltips for the following fields have been improved:

Image Resolution Tooltip
Specifies the DPI resolution for the document image files created from the OCR processing. The image files are copies of the original PDFs received and are used to browse individual PDF pages easily. A higher resolution yields clearer details but increases the file size, potentially affecting loading times. A recommended resolution is 300 DPI (default), which ensures good resolutions and acceptable file sizes. The archived PDF maintains its original colors and resolution and can be accessed whenever needed.

Image Color Mode Tooltip
Specifies the color mode for the document image files created from the OCR processing. The image files are copies of the original PDFs received and are used to browse individual PDF pages easily. For a swifter display, choose a simpler color mode.
Black & White (default): Minimal file size, fastest load.
Grey: Moderate file size, balanced load time, and detail.
Color: Largest file size, slower load, maximum detail.
Lowering the color level in the image file to make them appear faster is recommended. The archived PDF maintains its original colors and resolution and can be accessed whenever needed.
Documents and TemplatesIn the Accounts for Amounts page, the following captions have been changed.

  • Translate to Type
  • Translate To No.
  • Translate To (Text)
  • Translate to VAT Bus. Posting Group
  • Account Type
  • Account No.
  • Text
  • VAT Bus. Posting Group
Documents and TemplatesThe following message has been made configurable:
  • Warning: No lines recognized.
Documents and TemplatesThe following user interface changes have been applied to the Document Category page:
  • The caption for the general journal-related fields has been renamed from Journal Template to Journal.
  • The general journal-related fields Journal Template Name and Journal Batch Name are only visible in the PURCHASE category.
  • The transfer-value-to fields Header Table and Line Table are not visible in the below categories:
    • SALES
  • A tooltip has been added to the field Email (Continia Cloud OCR)
  • Several fields are now set to importance level Additional. Select Show more to view the below fields:
    • Table
    • Primary Key Field
    • Name Field
    • Search Field
    • Import and Archive Emails
    • Allow Deleting Documents
    • Journal Template Name
    • Journal Batch Name
Documents and TemplatesAdded the possibility to enter incomplete date words (e.g., 'Tod', 'Workd', 'wor', 'to', etc.) for the keywords TODAY and WORKDATE in the Formula field on the Template Field Card. When recognizing fields in the Document Journal, keywords will be converted to today's date or working date, respectively.47986
Documents and TemplatesIt is now possible to configure the following 3 messages as comment type "Information"
  • Order No. = '[Order No.]' exists but outside the tolerance settings.
  • Order No. = '[Order No.]' exists but no open receipts exist.
  • Order No. = '[Order No.]' exists but no open return shipments exist.
Documents and TemplatesA new field, Business ID, has been added to the Document Journal. The field is hidden by default. Depending on the localization of Business Central, the field displays the following information:
  • Belgium localization: Displays the value of Enterprise No. (field 11310) from the related vendor.
    If that value is empty, it will display the value of VAT Registration No. (Field 86).
  • Australian localization: Displays the value of ABN No. (field 11620) from the related vendor.
    If that value is empty, it will display the value of VAT Registration No. (Field 86).
  • German localization: Displays the value of Registration No. (field 11000) from the related vendor.
    If that value is empty, it will display the value of VAT Registration No. (Field 86).
  • Other localizations: Displays the value of VAT Registration No. (Field 86).
Documents and TemplatesAll localization captions in Template Field Captions for Template Field 'DOCTYPE' have been combined and added to every localization.
Document ApprovalA new option field, Send Email To, replacing the field Forward Emails, has been implemented on the Approval Sharing (DC) page. The following options are available:
  • Only Original Approver
  • Only Shared Approver
  • Both Approvers
Selecting the Both Approvers option, you ensure that both the original approver and the substitute are notified when activating the Send Status email to Approvers function.
Document ApprovalA new field, Keep On Hold, has been added to the Document Capture Setup / Purchase Approval page. When enabling this, the Remove On Hold dialog won't be displayed to approvers when approving documents that were previously put on hold. Instead, the on-hold status will be kept on the approved documents.
Document ApprovalThe possibility to sort by Due Date field in the Purchase Approval Entries page has been added.43892
Document ApprovalA new action, Put on Hold and Approve, combining two previously separate actions, is added to the Continia Web Approval Portal menu bar. This combined action allows you to put a document on hold and approve it in a single operation.
Document ApprovalThe tooltip for the Max. Allowed Approval Date Variance field in the Purchase Contracts Setup page has been updated. The tooltip text is improved and now includes a description of the the default field value:
Specifies the maximum allowable deviation between the actual document date and the expected document date for automatic approval of invoices. The expected document date is calculated based on the posting date of the last posted invoice and the price period specified in the purchase contract. If the actual document date deviates beyond this specified threshold, the invoice will not be automatically approved and will require manual approval. When no value is entered, 3 days (3D) is used as the default value.
Document ApprovalWhen submitting a purchase invoice for approval, an integration with Payment Management that performs payment validation before sending the document for approval has been implemented.
Document ApprovalThe action Approval Forwarding has been added to the pages Continia User Setup List and Continia User Setup Card, making it possible to view or edit the approval forwarding setup for the selected user. The action is only visible if all of the following criteria are met:
  • Document Capture is enabled
  • The approval module is activated
  • An approval workflow is set up
Document ApprovalWhen forwarding a shared approval, the following forwarding options are now available:
  • Approve & Forward.
  • Forward without approval.
  • Forward and send the document back to me after approval.
Document ApprovalThe Swedish translation of page CDC Purch. Approval Entries is changed from
  • Godkännandetransaktioner.
  • Köpgodkännandetransaktioner.
Document ApprovalTo easily look up posted documents that have been forced or automatically approved, a new field Forced Approval has been added to the Posted Approval Entries page.47765
Document ApprovalA new field, Include Approval Entries On Hold, has been added to the Document Capture Setup / Purchase Approval. If activated, the reminder and status emails will include approval entries related to the purchase documents put on hold.47980
General Application The following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The Change Imported Amounts action has been added to the General Journal and Purchase Journal pages. 
General ApplicationFor better readability, the teaching tips have been enhanced by using text emphasis. The text now features bold and italic formatting to highlight key points, ensuring a more effective learning experience.32784
General ApplicationThe following tooltips in the Continia Web Portal Card page have been updated.

Page field:
Code: Specifies the unique code of the Continia Web Portal record, which allows you to use specific Continia websites for selected companies in the same database.

Welcome Emails Specifies whether welcome emails for the web approval portal should be sent automatically or manually when exporting the users to the Web Approval Portal. This setting does not affect the welcome email for Expense Management if installed.

Web Site URL: Specifies the URL address of the web approval site provided in the approval notifications when sending status emails to the approvers. The Business Central Service Tier account must have access to the URL specified to export the users to the Web Approval Portal.

Use Continia Online Web Portal: Specifies whether to use the Continia Online Web approval portal (similar to the cloud OCR capability). Activating the Continia Online Web Portal skips the requirement of installing and supporting an on-premises website. Please note, if you're using Business Central online, you can't use the locally hosted version of the Web Approval Portal – only the Continia-hosted version can be used.

Windows Web Service URL: Specifies the Business Central Windows web service URL authenticating users through Windows credentials. Note that if all users in Business Central are Windows users, you only need to specify this URL. However, if you have mixed authentications, you must set up individual Business Central service tiers and enter the URLs for the relevant web service fields.
The Windows Web Service URL is the address used for communication between the Continia Web Approval Portal and the Business Central service tier. When using the hosted portal (Continia Online), enter the external address that allows Continia Online to access the Business Central service tier through the firewall/router.

Database Web Service URL: Specifies the Business Central Database web service URL authenticating users through database logins (or NavUserPassword). Note that if all users in Business Central are database users, you only need to specify this URL. However, if you have mixed authentications, you must set up individual Business Central service tiers and enter the URLs for the relevant web service fields.
The Database Web Service URL is the address used for communication between the Continia Web Approval Portal and the Business Central service tier. When using the hosted portal (Continia Online), enter the external address that allows Continia Online to access the Business Central service tier through the firewall/router.

Office 365  Web Service URL: Specifies the Business Central Office 365 web service URL authenticating users through Office 365 logins. Note that if all users in Business Central are Office 365 users, you only need to specify this URL. However, if you have mixed authentications, you must set up individual Business Central service tiers and enter the URLs for the relevant web service fields.
The Office 365 Web Service URL is the address used for communication between the Continia Web Approval Portal and the Business Central service tier. When using the hosted portal (Continia Online), enter the external address that allows Continia Online to access the Business Central service tier through the firewall/router.

Local Domain Name: Specifies the domain under which the Windows users are created. This parameter only applies to on-premises Business Central environments with the Continia Web Approval Portal installed locally. Filling in the local domain field allows you to log on to the Continia Web Approval Portal using only the username (without typing the Windows domain prefix).

Web Service Tenant: Specifies the tenant ID of the current database. This parameter is only required when running in a multi-tenant environment. You can look up the tenant ID in the Business Central server configuration or on the Help and Support page in your Business Central.

Azure Tenant ID: Specifies the ID of the Azure AD tenant used for allowing the Continia Web Approval Portal to authenticate users with Office 365 credentials. You can look up the Azure Tenant Id in the Azure Active Directory under the App Registrations section in the Azure Portal.

Azure Application ID: Specifies the ID of the Azure AD application used for allowing the Continia Web Approval Portal to authenticate users with Office 365 credentials. You can look up the Azure Application ID in the Azure Active Directory under the App Registrations section in the Azure Portal.

Azure Application Key: Specifies the key of the Azure AD application used for allowing the Continia Web Approval Portal to authenticate users with Office 365 credentials. You can create the Azure Application Key in the Azure Active Directory under the App Registrations section in the Azure Portal.

Default User Language Name: Specifies the default language for web approval portal users. Users can individually change their settings in the web approval portal to their preferences.

Default User Formatting: Specifies the default unit formatting for web approval portal users. Users can individually change their settings in the web approval portal to their preferences.

Default Time Zone: Specifies the default time zone for web approval portal users. Users can individually change their settings in the web approval portal to their preferences.

Page action
Create Web Portal Setup: Create a setup entry with suggested URL values based on the active Dynamics 365 Business Central service tier connection.
General ApplicationThe Document Viewer factbox has been added to the Document Search page.43759
General ApplicationTwo new actions, Include All and Exclude All, have been added to the Document Capture Assisted Setup Guide. These will select/deselect all configuration elements in the Select what to include page when exporting/importing a Document Capture configuration.43808
General Application This feature applies to Business Central on-premises only.

A new notification feature has been introduced for users of Document Capture in an on-premises environment. This feature is designed to alert you when the number of pages in your on-premises OCR license approaches its limit, allowing you to take timely action and avoid potential disruptions.

For On-Premises OCR:
  • In the Document Capture Setup, users can view the current OCR license status and configure the notification.
  • Set a warning threshold to be notified when only a specified number of pages remain in the license.
  • The notification is activated when selecting the Import Files action from the role center or accessing the Ready to Import, Document Journal, and Document Capture Setup pages.
For Continia Cloud OCR:
  • When using Continia Cloud OCR, users don't receive a warning as there is no page processing limit.
  • Navigate to the Document Capture Setup page to view the total number of cloud OCR pages processed.
General ApplicationWhen copying a company in an on-premises environment, all Continia solutions are automatically deactivated in the new company copy. 
General ApplicationWith the release of Business Central 2023 R1, Microsoft introduced standard functionality to synchronize master data between companies. Certain master data tables in Document Capture are not suited for synchronization between companies since they hold company-specific relations to standard data entities (e.g., Vendors, Customers, Dimension Values, etc.) or posted data.

Setting up master data synchronization of the following tables will invoke an error message:
  • Table 6085575 "CDC Document Category"
  • Table 6085579 "CDC Template"
  • Table 6085580 "CDC Template Field"
  • Table 6085752 "CDC Posted Dtld. Appvl. Entry"
  • Table 6085753 "CDC Posted Dtld App Entry Dim"
  • Table 6085730 "CDC Purch. Allocation Header"
  • Table 6085731 "CDC Purch. Allocation Line"
  • Table 6085732 "CDC Purch. Alloc. Entry"
It is possible to override the error message through an event subscription.
General ApplicationThe page/attachment navigation field above the Document Viewer has been enhanced: A new input field allows users to directly select the desired document page in Document Capture or the attachment number in Expense Management. The text/numbering in the navigation field is now formatted as:
  • [Current Page No.] of [The Total No. of Pages/Attachments].
General ApplicationSecure Archive in Document Capture and Expense Management assures that digital documents foundational to a company's bookkeeping are preserved in their original form, safe from alterations and deletion, and are traceable throughout the secure retention period defined by the company, in line with the respective country's legislation. This feature includes a built-in log functionality that systematically records each stage a document undergoes, from reception to its conclusive posting in the bookkeeping.

If you only want the logging functionality but not the restrictions that come with the Secure Archive, you can activate it independently, thereby providing the flexibility to track document processing without additional secure archive restrictions.
General ApplicationIt is now possible to enable document logging in Document Capture Setup. Enabling this feature will record the following document-related changes: 
  • Received: Logs the from email address and file name of the incoming email. The log entry is created when
    • Importing a document.
    • Deleting before import.
  • Imported: 
    • Adds a log entry when a new document is created during the import process.
    • Adds a log entry when a new document is created using drag and drop.
  • Deleted before import: Adds a log entry if a document is deleted from the Ready to import page.
  • Deleted: Adds a log entry when a document is deleted.
  • Split: Adds a log entry when a document is split into one or more documents.
  • Merge: Adds a log entry when one or more documents are merged into one. 
  • Registered: Adds a log entry when a document is registered. It specifies what standard document (invoice/credit memo/journal line) the Document Capture document is registered as.
  • Posted: When a standard document, created from a Document Capture document, is posted, a log entry is added. The log entry details the Document No. of the posted document. 
General ApplicationFiles imported using Document Capture, i.e. imported through categories or added using drag'n'drop, will have a hash (SHA1) associated with them. When running Secure Archive, this information will help determine if the files related to a given historic posting are identical (unchanged) to the time of posting.
The hash value is calculated whenever one of the following events occurs:
  • Importing documents into categories (goes for PDF-based as well as XML-based documents).
  • Adding documents using drag'n'drop.
  • Modifying documents using Split and Merge.
If documents are sourced into Document Capture via emails, a copy of the original email is stored (regardless of the Import and Archive E-Mails setting on the document category), and the email file will have a hash value calculated.
General ApplicationThe following feature is only available in extension versions of Business Central.

The action Continia Hub has been added to the home tab for the following pages:

  • Document Journal
  • Document Card
  • Template Card
  • Template Field Card
  • Document Category
  • Purchase Invoice 
  • Purchase Credit Memo
  • Continia User Setup
  • Continia User Setup Card
  • Document Capture Setup
  • Invoice Matching
General ApplicationWhen enabling the Secure Archive functionality, you can define a period in which the posted purchase invoices and posted purchase credit memos can't be deleted. 48949
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen a document in the Document Journal cannot be auto-matched because the order/receipt already has been (partly) matched to another document, the following configurable message will be shown:
  • WARNING: The order or receipt exists, but has been (partially) matched by document <Document No.>.
Order & Receipt Matching The following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The following user interface improvements have been implemented in the Invoice Matching and Credit Memo Matching pages:
  • Selecting the Document No. field opens the related document. 
  • The Split Line action in the Order Lines and Return Order Lines section is only visible when Type is G/L Account and Quantity equals 1.
The Input Amount Dialog page presented when activation the line splitting function has been renamed to Split Line. Tooltips have been added to the New Line Description and New Line Amount fields.
Order & Receipt MatchingA new filter action, Filter on Matched Only, has been added to the Invoice Matching and Credit Memo Matching pages. This new feature enables the users to filter on matched purchase order, purchase return order, posted receipt and posted return shipment lines.
Order & Receipt MatchingThe following feature is only available in App based versions of Business Central.

The variable IsStrong on page 6085749 CDC Purch. Match Subpage has been changed to a protected variable in order to enable its use in page extensions.
Platform and TechnologyWith Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00), we have released Document Capture for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 release wave 2 (BC23).

Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00) in Business Central online will not be available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 release wave 1 (BC22).

You will only be able to use Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00) in Business Central online when you have upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 release wave 2 (BC23).
Platform and TechnologyWith the release of Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00), we have released an upgrade tool that enables direct upgrade to Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00) from the following versions:
  • Document Capture 2021 R2 (8.00)
  • Document Capture 2022 R1 (9.00)
  • Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00)
  • Document Capture 2023 R1 (11.00)
The direct upgrade tool (Direct Upgrade to Document Capture 12.00 & Expense Management 12.00 - FOB) can be downloaded from PartnerZone.

For details, please see Upgrading to Continia Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00) for FOB versions.
Platform and TechnologyThe following feature is only available in Business Central online.

In a multi-company environment, you can now activate several companies in one go using Continia Solution Management.
Platform and TechnologyThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The permission sets in Document Capture have been migrated from XML format to the Permission Set object. As a result, there is no longer a requirement to assign CSC Basic and CDC-ALL to individual users, as these permissions are now encompassed within the CDC-Capture and CDC-Approval permission sets.
Platform and TechnologyWhen a company creates a mail account used for forwarding e-mails (e.g. to a category end-point in Continia Online, the From Email Address field on the imported documents could, in some situations, contain the forwarding email address and not the original sender email.

In order to ensure the From Email Address field is populated with the correct information, please ensure that the forwarding rules are configured on the mail server. Forwarding rules configured in mail clients (e.g. Outlook) may not work. When Microsoft Exchange Server is in use, the guides listed below specify the configuration needed:
Platform and TechnologyThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

On several pages, legacy views have been replaced by modern views.
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version 1.28.0
Platform and TechnologyWith the release of Document Capture 2023 R2 (12.00), support is provided for the following versions (BC v14 and the three latest versions of Business Central):
  • Business Central April 2019 (BC v14)
  • Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21)
  • Business Central 2023 release wave 1 (BC v22)
  • Business Central 2023 release wave 2 (BC v23)
Purchase ContractsA new field showing the assigned amount has been added to the Create Purchase Contract page, thus replacing the Default Line details functionality. Selecting the field opens an overview of the lines that will be created for the purchase contract, allowing you to edit the lines before creating the purchase contract without modifying the Accounts for Amounts values on the template.42788
Purchase ContractsThe following feature is only available for the US localization of Document Capture.

Added support for defining tax differences on the purchase contract lines using the Statistics page on the Purchase Contract page. The tax differences defined on the purchase contract are currently for information purposes only and are not transferred when registering a document related to this purchase contract.
Purchase ContractsPreviously, the Contract End Date value was not considered when approving a document (invoice) based on a purchase contract. Now, for a document to be auto approved based on a contract, which has a Contract End Date specified, the document's Invoice Date must be before the contract's end date.47367
Purchase DocumentsThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The Attachments and Incoming Email actions have been added to the pages Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Sales Credit Memo, Posted Sales Invoice, and Posted Sales Credit Memo.
Purchase DocumentsThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The Incoming Email action has been added to the Posted Purchase Invoice and Posted Purchase Credit Memo pages. The Attachments action has been added to the Purchase Invoice and Purchase Credit Memo.
Purchase DocumentsThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

When you post a purchase order, the related attachments are now available in the Document Viewer on the Posted Purchase Invoice page.
Purchase DocumentsThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The additions from Document Capture, like the Amount field on the purchase order list and card, are only active when documents exist in the purchase order category.

  1. Unfortunately, this feature wasn't included in this release as previously announced, but it will become available with the release of Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionId
Documents and TemplatesAfter merging and resplitting documents, the link to the original email was sometime lost, causing the document to be linked to an incorrect email.
Documents and TemplatesTo prevent an overflow error that sometimes occured when recognizing OIOUBL documents configured with the payment method Nemkonto, the following is updated in the config file.

For the XML master template OIOUBL the XML Path for the field KORTARTSKODE has been changed:

  • /PaymentMeans/PaymentID[@schemeAgencyID='320' and @schemeID='urn:oioubl:id:paymentid-1.1']
  • /PaymentMeans[PaymentMeansCode='93' or PaymentMeansCode='50']/PaymentID[@schemeAgencyID='320' and @schemeID='urn:oioubl:id:paymentid-1.1']
Documents and TemplatesA new table, Business Identification Fields, has been introduced. The table is automatically populated with a refined representation of the following fields from the vendor table:
  • VAT Registration No. (field 86)
  • ABN (field 11620 in the AU and NZ localization).
  • Enterprise No. (field 11310 in the BE localization).
  • Registration No. (field 11000 in DE, AT, and CH localization).
The field value of the three fields below will be processed as follows:
  • VAT Registration No.: Only capital letters and numeric digits are stored.
  • ABN, Enterprise No., and Registration No.: Only numeric digits are stored.
The reason for storing a refined version of the field values in a separate table is to increase the probability of matching a vendor using the identification template rather than using identification fields, which run significantly slower.
Documents and TemplatesThe caption of the page CDC Template Subpage was changed from:
  • Template Field List
To the new caption:
  • Template Fields
Documents and TemplatesField captions have been added to the template fields in the Purchase Order category. The following template fields have been updated:
  • Order Date
  • Vendor Order No. (also updated in Purchase category)
  • Vendor Shipment No. (also updated in Purchase category)
  • Promised Receipt Date
  • Order (Document Type)
Documents and TemplatesTo prevent unwanted translations or removals of recognized names, the Field Translations honorifics for the Our Contact template header field have been updated, and are now configured with Case Sensitive set to TRUE.47809
Documents and TemplatesIn some cases when using Document Search on XML files, the below error was thrown. To ensure a proper result, additional conditional statements are added to the search function. 
  • "Unable to convert from Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlNode to Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlElement."
Documents and Templates The field Check Item Prices is now hidden from the Template Card page for the Sales category.
Documents and TemplatesThe following text updates have been applied to the Description field on the Purchase and Sales document categories for the Belgian configuration file:
  • Factures achat et avoirs to Inkoopfacturen en Creditnotas
  • Commandes vente et avoirs to Orders en Credit Memos
Document ApprovalThe option Can Edit Posting Lines now allows you to update Gen. Prod. Posting Group when the document is pending approval.
General ApplicationThe Document Capture Assisted Setup Guide now includes the CDC Data Translation Dimension table when executing the export/import function. Adding the table to the setup guide enriches the export data with the configured dimension values from the Accounts for Amounts page.21500
General ApplicationWhen the document type (e.g., invoice or credit memo) was mentioned in comments and prompts (errors and confirms messages), the document type was sometimes capitalized. To enhance readability, document types mentioned in comments and prompts will now be displayed in lowercase when more appropriate and logical.44903
General ApplicationThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The Payable Account (Allocation) and Purch. Account (Allocation) fields in the Vendor Posting Groups and Vendor Posting Groups (DC) pages in the WebClient were editable in View mode. This issue has been resolved; now, you must switch to Edit mode to modify the contents of these fields.
General ApplicationExpanded the progress text variable from 30 to 100 chars in the Storage Migration Status page to prevent the below error in setups with a large number of documents pending migration:
  • The length of the string is <Number>, but it must be less than or equal to 30 characters. Value: <Number> documents are remaining.
    Page View - Storage Migration Status has been closed.
General ApplicationThis information only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

If an error occurs while updating the document cues on the role center, the notifications are now only displayed once.
General ApplicationThis information only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

When registering documents to a general journal, the Document Viewer was undersized, and it was not possible to adjust the size.
General ApplicationWhen selecting what data to include in the exported configuration file using the Assisted Setup Guide, the following error could occur:
  • The Document Storage Type field in the Document Capture Setup table cannot be changed when there are documents in the database.
Order & Receipt MatchingRemoved the Translations action from the Template actions group on the Credit Memo Matching page.45584
Order & Receipt MatchingAdded new tooltips for the following four fields on the Invoice Matching and Credit Memo Matching pages:
  • Our Order No.
  • Amount To Match
  • Matched Amount
  • Difference
Purchase ContractsSupport for North American sales tax calculation has been added to the Purchase Contracts module.132643
Purchase ContractsWhen selecting the Translate to Type value for Line Translations, it was possible to choose Purchase Contract. Now, when selecting this value, the following error is shown:
  • You cannot choose Purchase Contract when creating a line translation.
Purchase ContractsWhen the Purchase Contracts configuration file was not downloaded properly, the no. series code for purchase contracts was blank.49748
Purchase ContractsWhen uploading an attachment to the purchase contract, using the Web Approval Portal as a reviewer, the following error occurred:
  • Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData CDC Document Document Insert)
Purchase DocumentsThe following feature is only available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

The Document Viewer factbox and the PDF File action have been added to the General Journal and General Ledger Entries pages.
Purchase DocumentsPreviously, when adding attachments on pages such as Posted Purchase Invoice, Posted Purchase Credit Memo, Posted Sales Invoice, and Posted Sales Credit Memo, the documents did not appear in the dropdown menu in the Document ViewerNow, all attachments are correctly displayed in the dropdown menu.46693
Purchase DocumentsWhen running the Batch Post Purchase Invoices function, the VAT Reporting Date will now be updated accordingly on the matched purchase orders.
Purchase DocumentsThe following Document Capture related functionality has been made available in the Business Central standard Purchase Journal (page no. 254, Purchase Journal):
  • Factbox: Document Viewer
  • Actions: Change Imported Amounts and PDF File
All page controls will be hidden in companies where Document Capture is not activated.  If a journal line is unrelated to a Document Capture document, both actions are disabled, and the Document Viewer factbox will be hidden.
Purchase DocumentsThe Business Central Find Entries function did not include purchase documents posted via a general journal when the General Journal Batch was configured with two different number series in the No. Series and Posting No. Series fields.48953

  1. Unfortunately, this bug fix wasn't included in this release as previously announced, but it will become available with the release of Document Capture 2023 R2 Service Pack 1.