Fully Functional Cross-Company Dashboard Listing All Pending Approvals

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Fully functional cross-company dashboard listing all pending approvalsCheckmark Sep 19 2024Checkmark Oct 2024

Business value

All pending approvals will be gathered in a single, full-featured cross-company view in the Continia Web Approval Portal, eliminating the need to switch between companies. This will both streamline and speed up your workflow considerably.

Feature details

As an approver, you'll have an overview of all of your pending approvals across all companies in the Web Approval Portal. For each approval entry, you'll be able to see which company it relates to, and it will be possible for you to perform all approval actions straight from the overview. For example, this means that you'll be able to easily approve, reject, or put on hold any document submitted for approval in any of your companies without the need to manually switch between companies.