Submitting Expenses

When it comes to managing expenses in Continia Expense Management, one of the essential steps is to import them into your system effectively. Expenses are imported when synchronization with Continia Online is performed. Continia Online is a cloud solution that connects the Continia Expense App and the Continia Expense Portal to the Business Central client, and data can be synchronized across these three applications.

Synchronizations can be carried out manually or be scheduled to run automatically in job queues; see the How to set up Expense Management Job Queues article.

Using the Continia Expense App

Expense users can submit expenses using the Continia Expense App. These expenses are then transferred through Continia Online, with the next synchronization, to Business Central. Typically, the Continia Expense App is set to automatically synchronize with Continia Online using job queues.

The Receipts list

In the Continia Expense App, you'll find the Receipts List, which is a list of your saved receipt images. Using this list, you can create and submit expenses in a number of ways. You can find more details on this in the Receipts List article.

Using the Continia Expense Portal

Expense users can also submit expenses using the Continia Expense Portal. These expenses are then transferred through Continia Online, with the next synchronization, to Business Central. Typically, the Continia Expense Portal is set to automatically synchronize with Continia Online using job queues.

Using the Business Central client

Expenses can also be created in the Business Central client. You can use the setting Limit Document Visibility on the Continia User Setup Card when you want to limit document visibility for a certain user to that user's own documents.

Sending attachments via email

You may also create expenses by forwarding an email with attached receipts to Continia Online. You will then receive an email with a request for more details. At the same time, the documents will become visible in the Continia Expense App and the Continia Expense Portal.

You can use these email addresses for each of the applications:

Sharing attachments directly from mobile apps

As an expense user, you can share attached PDF receipts or invoices with Expense Management straight from your mobile device, and then add them to new or existing expenses in the Expense App.


This works for most mobile apps that handle and/or store PDF files, such as email apps, banking apps, Microsoft OneDrive, Uber, Microsoft Teams, or virtually any other app that features a Share icon.

To share a PDF receipt or invoice with Expense Management from your mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. On your mobile device, go to the app with the PDF attachment that you want to share with Expense Management.
  2. Select or open the attachment that you want to share.
  3. Locate the Share icon, and select it to open the list of available apps.
  4. In the list of apps, select the Expense App, and then select Send To Expense App Receipts. The Expense App opens.
  5. A dialog appears, asking if you want to open your list of saved receipts. Select Yes to open the list.
  6. In the list, locate and select the shared attachment to open a pop-up menu.
  7. In the menu, select Add > new expense (to create a new expense based on this attachment) or existing document (to add the attachment to an existing document).
  8. Fill in all required fields, and then submit the expense as usual.

The expense, including the shared attachment, is now submitted for approval.

For a visual walk-through of the feature, check out this video: