Simplified Automatic Distribution of Statements and Reminders

FeaturePublic previewGeneral availability
Simplified automatic distribution of statements and remindersCheckmark Sep 19 2024Checkmark Oct 2024


Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to complete this feature in time for it to be included in Continia Document Output 2024 R1. However, it will be included in Continia Document Output 2024 R2.

Business value

This feature will provide users with a simplified overview of how and to whom statements or reminders are sent automatically as well as make the setup process more simple, resulting in easier planning and management of automatic email distribution of these document types.

Feature details

This feature encompasses an overhauled UI and behind-the-scenes functionality.

Statement distribution will still be triggered by settings defining the period that the statement will cover, the status of the included documents (Open, Due, Paid etc.) and how often a statement should be sent.

A calendar will be added to the setup of automatic statement distribution, and it will display when a statement was sent and when upcoming statements will be generated. The historical calendar will help you find log entries from sent statements. With the calendar also comes the option to view what the frequency of sending statements will be with the current setup. Assist functionality to make it easier to specify sending intervals and configure settings is also under development.