Changelog for Document Output Docs

This article lists all relevant changes to Docs for Document Output, covering both new and updated articles.


You can find the detailed changelogs for the Document Output application itself by following this link.

September 2024

Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Output 2024 R2Added a changelog for Document Output 2024 R2 (v25) and updated a number of other articles with information related to this release:

June 2024

New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect that the following features were added for release in October 2024:
  • Copy email template lines
  • Resend functionality for XML files sent through the Continia Delivery Network
  • More available payment methods in XML formats
Handled by DOAdded an article describing the feature Handled by DO and its impact on different areas of Document Output.

May 2024

Managing Electronic DocumentsUpdated the article as well as all individual country-specific articles: The articles were rewritten and now include even more relevant details as well as tables outlining the current regulatory states and future outlooks for the B2G, B2B, and B2C sectors. Supported Electronic Document Formats was also updated, and the following new articles were added:
Data CentersAdded an article describing Continia's two data storage centers, with one in Europe and the other in Australia.
Enabling Digital Vouchers for Business Central v14-v22Added an article explaining how to enable digital vouchers for Business Central v14-v22.
Managing Electronic Documents in PolandUpdated this article with new information on the implemention of mandatory electronic invoicing in Poland.
Setting up Job QueuesUpdated this article with extended information on the nature of email jobs and job queues.
New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect that the following features were added for release in October 2024:
  • Simplified Automatic Distribution of Statements and Reminders
  • Handled by DO
  • Merge field editor in signatures
  • Embed PDF in XML
  • Export PDF to external certificate provider

April 2024

Setting Up Email SignaturesAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Working with Email TemplatesAdded explanatory videos from Continia Learn to this article.
Merging PDF FilesAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Attaching Files to Email TemplatesAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Combining DocumentsAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Setting a Background PDFAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Output ProfilesAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Document QueueAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Creating Email JobsAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Generating Statements AutomaticallyAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Password Protecting PDF FilesAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Signing PDF FilesAdded an explanatory video from Continia Learn to this article.
Merge TablesAdded an article explaining what merge tables are and how to make use of them in connection with email templates and sending emails.
Enabling Digital Vouchers for Business Central v14-v22 in Document OutputAdded an article explaining how to enable digital voucher for Business Central v14-v22 in Document Output.
How to Comply with the Danish Bookkeeping ActAdded an article detailing how to comply with the Danish Bookkeeping Act when using Business Central and one or more of Continia's solutions.

March 2024

Scope of Support ServicesAdded a new article detailing the extent of Continia's support services for Document Output
Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Output 2024 R1Added a changelog for Document Output 2024 R1 (v24) and updated a number of other articles with information related to this release:

February 2024

FAQsAdded new entries to the Frequently Asked Questions section:
  • I get a popup window in the email editor saying "CDOa46Editor"
  • Can I use fonts from external sources in Document Output?
  • Why is the Resend button grayed out?
  • System error: error code gateway error

December 2023

Creating an App Registration in Azure Active DirectoryAdded an article about how to register an application in Azure Active Directory, which is necessary if you want to send emails using Office 365. The article also details how to create a client secret.
FAQsAdded a new entry to the Frequently Asked Questions section:
  • The OIOUBL profile doesn't load automatically, why?

November 2023

New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect that the following features were added for release in April 2024:
  • Simplified automatic distribution of statements and reminders
  • RGS2 certificate on emailed PDF attachments
  • Source document information in email template body
Setting up OAuth for Document Output ServiceUpdated the article to reflect the changes in the setup procedure due to changes in BCv23.
FAQsAdded new entries to the Frequently Asked Questions section:
  • What is the difference between email jobs and job queue entries?
  • My onboarding is complete. Why can I still not send out electronic documents?
  • What is the difference between email jobs and job queue entries?
New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect that the following features were added for release in April 2024:
  • Ability to send emails without attachments
  • Merge multiple attachments or send separately
Supported E-Invoice Formats per CountryAdded a table with information on supported document types by format to this article.
FAQsAdded new entries to the Frequently Asked Questions section:
  • How can I be sure that my e-document (Peppol/OIOUBL) arrived?
  • Where can I check the status of my outgoing e-documents and what does each status mean?
  • System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send failed with an error message

October 2023

Continia HubAdded an article explaining the nature of Continia Hub and how to use it.
New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect that the following feature was added for release in October 2023:
  • Continia Hub
FAQsAdded new entries to the Frequently Asked Questions section:
  • How do I export and import email templates?
  • Can I import/export customer data?
  • Why is my Document Output not activated after I moved NAV to a new server?

September 2023

Working with Email TemplatesUpdated the section To configure email recipients with new information on recipients setup lines. Also added the section Email template FactBoxes explaining what these FactBoxes provide and where to find them.
Storing your Document Output Log in Azure Blob StorageAdded a new article on how to set up storing your Document Output log in Azure Blob Storage.
Output ProfilesAdded the section Excluding recipients with no Output Profile from being serviced by Document Output to the existing article.
Creating Email SignaturesAdded a new article on how to create email signatures and apply start and end dates for them.
Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Output 2023 R2Added a changelog for Document Output 2023 R2 (v9) and updated a number of other articles with information related to this release:

July 2023

Electronic invoicing with Document OutputThe documentation section on electronic invoicing has been enhanced to provide a clearer and more comprehensive overview of all you need to know about electronic invoicing using Document Output.
To attach the participation ID to the e-document setupAdded a section to the main Setting up Continia Delivery Network article that describes how to complete the CDN registration by adding the Participation ID to the e-document setup.
Secure communication using Continia Delivery Network and PEPPOLAdded a conceptual article to explain how the Peppol four-corner model can work involving Document Output as the sender, Document Capture as the receiver, and the CDN used as an access point for both the receiver and the sender.
Preparing for electronic invoicing using Continia Delivery NetworkAdded an article to help you prepare the setup of Peppol and Continia Delivery Network.
FAQsAdded a troubleshooting section to address the most frequently asked questions about Document Output, providing helpful solutions and guidance.
Overview of Frequently Asked QuestionsAdded a FAQ section to Document Output Docs. Here you can find answers to the most commenly questions that the Document Output suport gets. New questions and answers will be added on an ongoing basis.

April 2023

New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect that the following feature was added for release in October 2023:
  • Output Profiles Optimization
Country/Regional Availability and Supported LanguagesSimplified and updated the article.
Setting a Background PDFUpdated the article with information on the added functionality from the DO8.00 release.
Working with Email TemplatesUpdated the article with information on the added functionality concerning import of email template language variants from the DO8.00 release.
Sending RemindersUpdated the article with information about attachements to reminder emails.
Automatic AL extensions in Custom-made Email TemplatesUpdated the article with more precise information on business value and functionality.
More Email Recipient FlexibilityUpdated the article with more precise information on business value and functionality.
More Merge Field OptionsUpdated the article with more precise information on business value and functionality.

March 2023

Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Output 2023 R1Added a changelog for Document Output 2023 R1 (v8) and updated a number of other articles with information related to this release:
Continia NotificationsAdded an article on Continia Notifications and how to view or unsubscribe from them.

February 2023

Attaching PDF Files to Email TemplatesAdded a section on including attachments from source documents from Business Central to this article.

January 2023

New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect that the following features were added for release in April 2023:
  • More Email Recipient Flexibility
  • Different Background Images in PDF Files
  • Report Selection Override Feature On Email Template Lines
  • Merging Reminders and Open Documents into one File
  • Option to Build a Password Based on Merge Fields to Protect PDF Files
  • More Merge Field Options
  • Attach Multiple Single Files
  • Exchange Configuration Through Web Service Using OAUTH2.0
  • Integration to Azure BLOB Storage
  • Automatic AL Extensions in Custom-Made Email Templates
Outgoing Network DocumentsAdded an article about the Outgoing Network Documents queue.
Document QueueAdded an article about the Document Queue.
Setting Up Email SignaturesAdded an article about email signatures and how to create and edit them.
Working with Email TemplatesAdded a new section on merge fields to this article
Output ProfilesAdded an article about Output Profiles and how to configure them.
Working with Email TemplatesAdded a new section about the many options you have when you set up email recipients.

December 2022

The Print QueueAdded an article about how to send documents to the Document Output Print Queue.
Merging PDF FilesAdded an article about how to merge your report-generated PDF file with a PDF file containing extra information, such as terms and conditions, or images.
Working with Email TemplatesMerged 3 articles about how to edit and create email templates into 1, adding extra information.
Attaching PDF Files to Email TemplatesAdded an article about attaching files to email templates.
Overhaul of the Business Functionality sectionInstead of having one section containing all business functionality articles, four new sub sections have been created, each covering an area of business functionality: Email, Print, Electronic invoicing, and General.

November 2022

Setting a Background PDFAdded an article about how to use a PDF file as background in the PDF file that is generated for an email template.
Combining Documents into one PDFAdded an article about how to combine multiple documents into one PDF for an email template.
Setting up Job QueuesAdded an article about how to set up job queues to run certain tasks automatically.
Sending RemindersAdded an article about how to send reminders to customers with overdue payments.
Generating Statements AutomaticallyAdded an article about how to generate statements automatically.
Creating Email JobsAdded an article about how to create email jobs.
Sign PDFAdded an article about how to add a signature to a PDF file using a certificate.

October 2022

Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Output 2022 R2Added a changelog for Document Output 2022 R2 (v7) and updated a number of other articles with information related to this release:
Password Protecting PDF FilesAdded an article about how to protect PDF files that are sent as attached files using Document Output email templates.

August 2022

Editing Email TemplatesAdded an article about how to edit email templates.

The content of this article has been merged into the main article on email templates, Working with Email Templates, and no longer exists as a separate article.
Editing Email Template LinesAdded an article about how to edit email template lines.

The content of this article has been merged into the main article on email templates, Working with Email Templates, and no longer exists as a separate article.
Configuring Options for Statement TemplatesAdded an article about how to configure options for statement templates.
Creating New Email TemplatesAdded an article about how to create new email templates.

The content of this article has been merged into the main article on email templates, Working with Email Templates, and no longer exists as a separate article.
Editing the Document Output FactBox on Customer CardsAdded an article about how to edit the Document Output FactBox on customer cards.
New and Planned for Continia Document OutputUpdated the Document Output road map to reflect the fact that the following feature has been postponed:
  • AU/NZ and NL Peppol service activation

March 2022

OAuth Support in Document Output ServiceAdded an article about how to set up OAuth as authentication protocol for Document Output Service.
Accessing the Source CodeAdded an article describing how to access the Document Output source code via the product package.
New and Planned for Document OutputUpdated General availability on-premises on the Document Output road map and moved features to the new article March 2021 and March 2022 with this previous road map.
Event Publishers for Continia Delivery Network 2022 R1 (3.00)Added an article with events in Continia Delivery Network 2022 R1 (3.00).
Comparison of Features in Different Versions of Document OutputAdded an article with a comparison of features in Document Output by version.
Business FunctionalityArticle updated with new features in Document Output 2022 R1.
Upgrading to Document Output 2022 R1 (6.00) for FOB versionsAdded a new article with information about how to upgrade to Document Output 2022 R1.

January 2022

Setting up the Continia Delivery NetworkNew article on how to set up the Continia Delivery network.
Event Publishers for Continia Delivery Network 2021 R2 (2.00)A new article detailing the event publishers in the Continia Delivery Network.
Licenses and modules for Document OutputNew article describing what Continia solution modules are and how to acquire them.

December 2021

Selected Setup and User GuidesUpdated and expanded this article on setup and user guides, adding multiple new guides.


As of June 28, 2024, this article is no longer available, as the PDF guides it referred to have been updated and incorporated into Continia Docs.

Changelog for Document Output DocsA changelog has been added to Continia Docs, providing an overview of new and updated Docs articles.