Create a bank account
When creating a new bank account, you must link the bank account with the bank card, by filling in the Bank Code box. Thus, you tell Payment Management how formatting and export and import of payments should be formatted, and how fields in the payment record should be validated.
When creating a bank account, Payment Management will validate that all necessary information is filled in and completed correctly, on both bank card and bank account.
How to create a bank account
Before you create a bank account, make sure that a bank card is created that corresponds to the bank, for which you want to create the account. See more under Create a bank card.
Follow the guide below, to create a bank account.
- Select the icon
, enter Bank Accounts, and then select the related link.
- This opens the Bank Accounts list view.
- To get to Bank Account Card, either select the action New if you want to create a new bank account, or select an existing bank account and select the Edit action.
- This opens the Bank Account Card window.
- Below you'll find descriptions of the individual fields and functions in the window, and what the consequences are for the use of Payment Management.
- When you have completed the setup, select OK.
The bank account card is part of the standard Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises. When you install Payment Management, the bank account page is expanded by several fields. Here in the documentation, we describe the new fields added to the bank account card, and some standard fields needed for setting up Payment Management. To read more about the standard fields that are not described here, read section How to create bank accounts.
Field | Description |
Bank Branch Code | Specifies the branch number of the bank. |
Bank Account No. | Specifies the number of the bank account used by the bank. The field must not contain spaces and symbols, such as dashes. |
Field | Description |
Cash Rcpt. Jnl. Temp. Name | Specifies the journal to be used for the cash receipt journal, selected below. |
Cash Rcpt. Jnl. Batch Name | Specifies the name of the cash receipt journal used to import OCR-based payments (FIK / GIK / KID / OCR). When importing account statements in connection with a bank account reconciliation, OCR-based payments are transferred to this journal for closing customer ledger entries and posting. Read more under How to reconciliate your bank account. |
Gen. Jnl. Template Name | Specifies the journal to be used for the general journal, selected below. |
Gen. Jnl. Batch Name | Specifies the name of the general journal to be used when a bank entry does not have an open entry it applies to. In this case a posting proposal will be created in the specified ledger journal. Entries could for example be coverings, emptying, interests and fees. The entries are transferred to the general ledger journal, ready for posting, and and can subsequently be automatically reconciled in connection with a bank account reconciliation. Read more under How to reconciliate your bank account. |
Diff. before Auto. Suggestion | Specifies the amount that an entry may differ in automatic account reconciliation for an automatic proposal to be created. For example, if you enter a deviation of 0, and an entry is imported from the bank's account statement which is posted to the bank with 100.00, while in your accounts it is posted as a customer invoice of 100.30, the entry will not automatically be proposed for reconciliation, but must instead be reconciled manually. If you instead specify a deviation of e.g. 5.00, the above entry will be included in the automatic proposal as reconciled, however, with a difference which must be posted manually. |
Latest FINSTA Stmnt. No. Stmnt. No. | Indicates the banks number of the bank statement most recently reconciled with this bank account. A FINSTA bank account statement number is a continuous unambiguous identification of the message which is stated on the bank's bank account statement. Specifies the number of the bank account statement that has been reconciled with this bank account. The FINSTA bank account statement number is stated on the bank's bank account statement. The field differs from Last bank statement no.. which is the internal account statement number, applied by Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises. |
Field | Description |
SWIFT Code | SWIFT Code is an international standard for identifying a bank. SWIFT is an international paying agency with more than 7000 banks in more than 192 member countries. All members of SWIFT get their own address; SWIFT address. It is an advantage for your company to use IBAN and SWIFT to send money electronically to international business relations, as the payments are then less susceptible to delays. When transferring to foreign accounts most banks require SWIFT code (also called SWIFT address) to be entered correctly for the payment to go through without any extra fees. Because the transaction is handled automatically, the transaction costs are generally lower as well. If SWIFT code cannot be provided, transfer can still be completed if correct Bank Registration Code (BLZ Code) and bank number are provided. BLZ means "Bank LeitZahl", which is the registration number of a bank in Germany or Austria. The SWIFT code has a length of 8 or 11 characters. The first six characters are always letters, while the rest can be a combination of letters and numbers. If SWIFT is required for a specific payment method, the validation defined in the bank setup and applied to the bank card using the Bank code field, will alert you that SWIFT code must be applied. |
IBAN | IBAN, means International Bank Account Number, and is an extension of your existing account number that you can use when making international payments. IBAN gives you a greater degree of assurance that the incoming and outgoing payments are sent as soon as possible via the banking systems, because the structure of IBAN is uniform worldwide. IBAN is used in all EU countries and in some Western countries (e.g. Norway, Switzerland and Tunisia). We recommend using IBAN, but it is not a requirement. Payment Management, handles spaces in IBAN. Spaces is removed during export for those bank formats, where spaces is not allowed. If IBAN is required for a specific payment method, the validation that is defined in the bank setup and applied to the bank card using the Bank Code field, will alert you that IBAN must be applied. |
Bank Code | Indicates which bank the bank account belongs to, i.e. the relation the bank account has to a specific bank card and thus the bank. The relation will tell Payment Management how import and export of payments must be formatted, and how fields in the payment journal must be validated. While filling in the box, Payment Management validates whether all necessary information is present on the bank card, and on the bank account card. |
Sender Ref.-def.Code | The sender reference definition code defines the posting text, that will be created for the payment in the bank. When you import a bank account statement, this posting text will be used to identify the matching record for your posting, e.g. the vendor payment. With Payment Management you can decide how the posting text should look like, by filling in the Sender Ref.-def.Code. It is recommended that you always enter a sender reference on the bank account itself. If you use electronic bank account statement import, you should choose a Sender Ref.def.Code including a "UPR number", for example. "SEND-REF2" (see description box when selecting Sender Ref. Def. Code). If the sender reference contains a UPR number, Payment Management will automatically generate a posting description on the payment, containing a unique reference number. The payment record in your Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises will also contain the unique UPR number, so that it is possible to identify the record. The bank uses the posting description in the payment file as posting text in their internal systems. When you import the bank account statement, the statement lines will be matched with the payment entries in your Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises. The sender reference on the bank account will be the dominating reference, in the case that sender reference is also applied on the vendor. There are many options for making automatic sender reference, and you can read more about how to build them in the section Define Payment Definitions. If the sender's reference is not filled in on the bank account, Vendor name + UPR number will be applied as the default posting description. |
Internal Interest | The internal interest rate on the bank account determines whether the payment date is set to the cash discount date, or the due date, when you create a payment proposal. If your company has to pay more interest, by deducting the amount in the bank account prior to the due date, than the amount that would have been gained in cash discount, the program will automatically choose whether or not to use the cash discount date. The functionality is conditional on checking the box Find cash discounts in the payment proposal setup. If you do not want the profitability calculation done, the internal rate is set to 0.00. If the bank account's interest rate is zero, the cash discount is always activated when the date is within the allowed due date. |
Allowed Bal. when Prioritizing | When available amount is used for making a payment priority in the payment journal, the amount available is calculated as the balance on the bank account, minus allowed minimum balance on the bank account. The field Allowed Bal. when Prioritizing ensures an additional buffer, so that the last payments in the priority are not sorted out by a minor difference. The amount is stated per bank account in that currency the bank account is entered in. Example: In a bank account 500,000 are available. Payments are automatically prioritized and selected for 495,000. The last payment of 7,500 is not included because it exceeds 500,000 in total. In this example, Allowed Bal. when Prioritizing if for example set to 10,000, then the final payment will be included anyway. |
Reference No. (Post-/Bankgirot) | Bank specific field. This field is only used when sending payments to Post Girot. The field is used to indicate a "Production No." in reference to PostGirot (file reference). |
Plus-/Bankgirot No. | Bank specific field. Specifies giro numbers for PlusGiro or BankGiro respectively. |
Bank Agreement No. | Bank specific field. Here you can enter an agreement number you might have with the bank. In Sweden it is called Foretaksnummer, usually 9 digits but can be up to 11 digits. If you do not have this number, you can get it from your bank. This field is mainly used for Bankgirot, Postgirot and Svenska Handelsbanken, as well as in the Swedish banks ISO20022 format. |
Actions on the window
At the top of the window, under Navigate, you'll find the following features specific to Payment Management:
Navigate | Description |
Procuration | Opens a menu where you can choose whether you want to create or edit procurement groups and procurement users, or if you want to setup procurement and define how these groups or users can approve payments from the bank account. You have the following options: Procurement Groups Opens the window Bank Procuration Groups where you can create and edit Procuration Groups. Procurement Users Opens the window Bank Procuration Users, where you can create and edit a list of users who will be able to approve payments using the procuration feature. Procurement Setup Opens the Bank Procuration Setup window, where you configure how procuration groups and users can approve payments. Read more about the procuration function under the section Create procuration flow. |
Fees | Opens the window Bank Fees, where you can define which fees are charged for different payment methods. The fee may be imposed as a fixed amount or a percentage of the amount. |
Blocked Bank Payment Methods | Opens the window Blocked Bank Payment Methods, where you can define how specific payment methods are blocked for use during limited periods. |
Payment Ledger Entries | Opens the Payment Ledger Entries, where you can see a list of payment ledger entries for the bank account. |
Bank Account Reconciliation Setup Wizard | Opens the assisted setup guide Bank Account Reconciliation Setup Wizard. The wizard will help you set up the basic information needed to import the electronic bank statement and reconcile your bank account. |
Reconcilation Rules | Opens the window Bank Acc. Reconciliation Rules. Here you can define rules which, when importing bank account statements, automatically create posting proposals in the general ledger journal, if a bank entry does not have an open general ledger entry that it can be applied against (eg; deposits, empties, interest and fee). If the function finds a rule that it can match with the posting, the record is automatically transferred to a general ledger journal, ready for posting and subsequent reconciliation. |
Reconciliation (PM) | Opens the window Bank Acc. Reconciliation Payment Management, where you can reconcile your bank accounts automatically. |