Setting up manual communication to Danske Bank District

This article describes how to set up manual communication between Continia Payment Management and Danske Bank District.


Before starting the setup, you should make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

Form of communicationYou want to set up manual communication between Continia Payment Management and Danske Bank District.
Create Danske Bank District agreementTo establish the direct communication between Danske Bank District and Payment Management, you must be a customer of Danske Bank in Denmark, Finland, England, Norway, Sweden or Poland and you must enter into an agreement with the bank on a subscription to Danske Bank's online banking solution Danske Bank District.

District users who need to upload payment files and download files in District must also have the following modules attached:

- Cash Management - Konto information
- Cash Management - Betalinger
- Cash Management - Filoverførsel

Contact your usual contact person or cash management adviser at Danske Bank to order a subscription to the services.
Do you have the necessary permits in your online bank?You must be an administrator in the Danske Bank District so that you can order the integration, order files, and retrieve certificates.

Pay attention to who you give access to Payment Management. Anyone with permission to send payments can potentially misuse your funds in the bank. Read more about setting up rights here.
Order files at the bankA prerequisite for you to be able to import status files, deposit files, and account statements into Payment Management is that your bank creates and delivers the right files for you.

Use the Order files at the bank list below as inspiration for which files to order. Contact your bank adviser if you need assistance.
Minimum version of Continia Payment ManagementIn order for you to enable direct communication, Payment Management must be updated to the latest version or at least version 2.75.

1. Order files at the bank

When you order your online banking subscription, you will be asked which files you want to order. Use the table below to help identify which files you need:

If you want toDescriptionOrder the following from the bank*Continias recommendation
Update status on payments in the payment journal.Final confirmation that payments (debits) have been made. The file contains the day's completed outgoing payments and includes e.g. change in exchange rates on foreign payments.

When you select Update status in the payment journal, Payment Management automatically searches for the file and imports it if available. Of course, you can also import the file manually from a file. The file is also called "DEBMUL".
ISO CAMT.054DCheckmark
Import detailed information about completed customer payments, incl. KID payments.Final confirmation that payments (credits) have been made. The file contains the day's completed incoming payments, both account transfers to the account, and KID payments.

When you select Import payments in the cash receipt journal, Payment Management automatically searches for the file and imports it if available. Of course, you can also import the file manually from a file. The file is also called "CREMUL".
ISO CAMT.054CCheckmark
Import FIK / GIK inpayments only.A detailed confirmation of yesterday's payments from NETS. The NETS PBS file is sent in the morning.NETS PBS-sector formatCheckmark
Reconcile bank statements and import payments.Account statement with a detailed description of all yesterday's transactions as well as extended information on all deposits and withdrawals, including notifications associated with a deposit or withdrawal.ISO CAMT.053Checkmark

*Applicable to all file orders is that one file is ordered per. account per day.

2. Create or edit your bank accounts

An important prerequisite for you to complete the setup of Payment Management is that you have set up your bank accounts correctly before running the assistant guide for setting up Payment Management. The guide ensures that the correct bank card is created and that you get the correct bank setup imported.

Before running the wizard in the next section, you must create or edit your bank accounts and ensure that the fields shown in the table below are filled in correctly on the bank account card. You are welcome to fill in more than the mentioned fields on the bank account card, but these are a minimum. You can find our guide to creating a new bank account here, where there is also a description of all the fields on the bank account card that are Payment Management specific.

Fast tabField on the Bank Account CardDescription
GeneralBank Branch Code.Can be filled in, otherwise, the registration number must be part of Bank Account No.
Bank Account No.Must be filled in.
CommunicationCountry/Region CodeMust be filled in.
PostingCurrency CodeMust only be filled in if the account is held in a currency that is different from LCY.
TransferBIC/SWIFT CodeMust be filled in.
IBANMust be filled in if you make international payments.

3. Run the Assisted setup guide for Payment Management Basis

The next step is now to run the Assisted setup guide for Payment Management Basis.

  1. Select the icon or press Ctrl-F3, enter Assisted setup guide for Payment Management Basis, then select the related link.

  2. Select your bank account on the first screen.

  3. If you are prompted to overwrite the base Payment Management setup, answer No. This saves only changes in connection with the setup of your bank. If you answer Yes, be sure to review the base setup of Payment Management again, otherwise all selections and values will be set to standard values.

  4. When you are subsequently prompted to import the bank setup, open the XML Bank Setup folder in the product package that you have downloaded from Continia PartnerZone, and select the following file:

    TypeBank CodeFilename
    Danske Bank DistrictDBISO20022Danske Bank ISO - Manual Communication x.xx.xx.xml*

    *Note that x.xx.xx replaces the version number of the file.

  5. The bank setup is now imported and a new bank card is automatically created with code DBISO20022.

  6. The last screen is a summary of your setup.

  7. Finish the wizard.

If you have several bank accounts, you must run the guide for each bank account.

Your Payment Management solution is now set up to use manual communication with Danske Bank District.

Once you have completed the setup, we recommend that you read the following articles:

See also

System requirements for communication components (dll files).