Overview and checklist

Find out what you should prepare before you start using Continia Payment Management and how to download and install the extension for your Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises.


Before you get startedHere's what to prepare before you start installing Payment Management.
Download the extensionHow to download Payment Management from PartnerZone.
Install the extensionStep-by-step guide to get you through the installation of Payment Management.
UpgradeHow to upgrade Payment Management as new releases are released by Microsoft and Continia Software.
Uninstall the extensionHow to uninstall Payment Management.

Checklist for download and install

You can use the checklist below to ensure that you remember to complete all the necessary steps when installing your Payment Management.

1Before you startReview these few things before you start installing and using the solution.
2Download the extensionHow to download Continia Payment Management from Continia PartnerZone.
3Minimum requirementsReview the minimum requirements to be able to use Payment Management. This includes both system requirements, setup requirements, as well as work outside Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises. Remember to put the right granules into your license!
4Installation of components (add-ins)Install components used by Payment Management to create payment files and communicate with banks.
5Installation of root certificate for Danske BankOnly relevant when using Danske Bank and only if you are using a version of Payment Management before version 4.00
In order to use direct communication to Danske Bank, a root certificate from Danske Bank must be installed. The root certificate consists of a file issued by Danske Bank. The file is included in the product package.
6Installation of objectsInstall all the objects regarding Payment Management's part in Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises.
7Installlation of help filesOnly relevant for versions before 2.75
Earlier versions of Dynamics NAV require installation of help files. Read this section to install the F1-help files to Payment Management.
8Installation of permission setsInstall permission sets. The permission sets determines which Payment Management functionality the individual user has access to in Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises.

After reviewing the above installation guides, you must activate Payment Management.