Overview of Print

Here you'll find an overview of articles associated with printing in Document Output.


The printing feature in Document Output relies on a connection to a printer and a configuration indicating that a document needs to be printed. In Document Output 2023 R2, released in October 2023, the Email Recipient Setup was introduced in email templates. This list can be used to define and prioritize where an email address is located and in which order to look for it. This feature improved the chances of finding an email address for the different document types. With the addition of the Email Recipient Setup, the functionality fallback to print (when no email recipient was found) stopped working. This means that the system would no longer automatically print a document if no email recipient was found. It’s now required to configure an Output Profile to include the printing requirements for customers without a logged email address.

Learn about how you can send documents to the Document Output Print QueueThe Print Queue