The Electric dataset database contains the emission factors used in Continia. This dataset, created by the Continia team, compiles emission factors from governmental and official agencies across 11 countries: Australia, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. When available, it provides market and location-based emission factors at national and regional levels based on each country's data disclosure practices.
We recommend prioritizing regional-level factors for more accurate assessments.
Additionally, we provide scope 3 emission factors, including upstream emissions and transmission and distribution losses, for select countries. The dataset also includes information on the fuel mix, detailing allocations among renewables, nuclear, and fossil fuels, with specifics on the fossil types and renewable energy sources. We ensure regular updates as new factors are published by official sources.
For the latest file version of this emission factor set and to explore additional databases managed by Continia, see the Emission Factor Databases Overview article.
The following table is a summary of the sources and notes for each country. You can find further details and values in the Continia Sustainability emission factor set section.
To access all sources in the database, select the icon, search for Emission Factor Sets, select the related link and then navigate to ELECTRIC.
Country | Emission factor source | Notes |
AU | Location 2022: Australia National Greenhouse Account Factors (2022) Location 2023: Australia National Greenhouse Account Factors (2023) Market 2023: Australia National Greenhouse Account Factors (2023) Location 2024: Australia National Greenhouse Account Factors (2024) Market 2024: Australia National Greenhouse Account Factors (2024) Fuel mix 2022/23/24: Australian Energy Update 2023 data for charts excel file (Figure 23) | Data are for financial years ending in June. Scope 3 emissions factors from Australia National Greenhouse Account Factors cover both upstream and T&D losses. |
DE | Location 2022/2023: Entwicklung der spezifischen Treibhausgas-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 – 2022 Location 2024: Icha_Lauf_2024: Entwicklung der spezifischen Treibhausgas-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix in den Jahren 1990 – 2023 | Calendar year value. Include WTT, upstream emissions, T&D losses included, CO2 eq. (incl. CH4, N2O) without considering imports/export. |
DK | Market 2022: Energinet Generelle Eldeklaration 2022, table at page 4 Location 2022: 2022 Energinet Environmental Declaration, page 4 Market 2023/24: Energinet Generelle Eldeklaration 2023 Location 2023/24: Lokationsbaseret Deklaration Miljodeklaration 2023 | Calendar year estimate. Allocation of fuel consumption between electricity and heat production used the 200% (efficiency of heat production) method. |
ES | Location 2022-24: Red Electrica > ReData > Generacion > Emisiones de la generacion Fuel mix 2022-24: Red Electrica > ReData > Generation > Generation tructure | Calendar year estimate. IPCC AR5 |
IS | Location 2022/23/24: Umheverfis Stofnun Emission Factor set 6th edition | IPCC AR5 |
NL | Location 2022-24: 2024 list of CO2 emission factors | Calendar year estimate. IPCC AR5 |
NO | Market 2022-24: NVE Electricity Disclosure | Calendar year estimate |
NZ | Market 2022-24: NZECS Residual Supply Mix for electricity certification Location 2022/23: "Purchased Energy" sheet of the 2023 Emission Factor Workbook Location 2024: "Purchased Energy" sheet of the 2024 Emission Factor Workbook Fuel mix 2022-24: Energy in New Zealand MBIE | IPCC AR5 Market emission factor period of reference April to March Location estimate from calendar year |
SE | Market 2022-24: Energimarknadsinspektionen Residual Mix | Calendar year estimate |
FI | Market 2022-23: Energiavirasto Energimyndigheten Market 2024: Energiavirasto Energimyndigheten | Calendar year estimate IPCC AR5 |
UK | Location 2022: "UK Electricity" sheet from the full-set file GHG Conversion factors for company reporting 2022 - UK Government Location 2023: "UK Electricity" sheet from the full-update file GHG Conversion factors for company reporting 2023 - UK Government Location 2024: "UK Electricity" sheet from the full-update file GHG Conversion factors for company reporting 2024 - UK Government Fuel mix 2023/24: Fuel mix disclosure data table | Electricity carbon intensity factor based on calendar year. Fuel mix disclosure period April to March. IPCC AR5 |