Adding a Facility Card

Continia Sustainability includes a default emission source facility feature. This allows users to add various facilities like building complexes, specific floors, or different offices/factories for emissions tracking.


Activities related to facilities primarily contribute to greenhouse gas emissions categorized under Scope 1 and 2. However, when considering upstream and transmission and distribution (T&D) emissions related to fuel and electricity production, allocating part of the emissions in scope 3 becomes necessary. It is important to note that the allocation of emissions may vary depending on the accounting boundaries set by the reporting company, as well as the ownership nature, such as leasing contracts. With the Continia Sustainability basic setup page and facility card, you gain the capability to effectively manage and customize your emission control strategies, accounting for these variations in allocation and ensuring comprehensive oversight of your environmental impact.

To understand how the ownership of facilities impacts emission allocation, refer to the GHG protocol.

To gather the data

When it comes to assessing emissions from facilities and their associated processes, the method of data collection varies depending on the source type. Typically, information related to fuels, electricity, and refrigerants can be easily obtained through on-site metering devices, purchase invoices, or utility bills. It is recommended to express these measurements using physical quantities instead of financial data to ensure accuracy.

On the other hand, process emissions are unique to each company and require more attention from operational teams to gather and analyze data comprehensively.

To add a facility card

After understanding how you can to gather data to track facilities’ emissions sources, you can implement facilities cards. You have the flexibility to categorize your facility expenses as granularly as you want. For instance, you can create a broad category encompassing all emissions related to a certain location or opt for individual cards dedicated to each type of process/source of emission.

To add a facility:

  1. Use the Search icon, enter Facilities, and select the related link.

  2. On the action bar, select New.

  3. On the Facility card, you can now enter information for, for example, the account type, the emission type, and code you want to connect your data to. To see how to set up emission types, refer to the Setting up Emission Types article.


    It is important to specify the ownership type of the facility so that the system can correctly allocate the emissions.

Once in use, the card also shows you the total accumulated carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) missions balance, the last data modified, and so on. For more information on how to fill out these fields, refer to The Fields on the Environmental Account Card article.

Once you have added all the sources of emissions for all the facilities to their respective environmental accounts, the main page will show you an overview of the different types of emissions and their balance, along with other details. This page can be quite helpful in analyzing how various offices, factories, and buildings contribute to your company's carbon footprint, thereby enabling you to manage each site more effectively.