Changelog for Continia Finance Docs

This article lists all relevant changes to Docs for Continia Finance, covering both new and updated articles.


For the detailed changelogs of the Continia Finance application itself, see New and Planned for Continia Finance.

January 2025

New and Planned for Continia FinanceUpdated the Continia Finance road map to reflect that the following features were added for release in February 2025:
  • New Factoring Module
  • Continia Finance in the USA and Canada
  • Use Installments in Journal Lines
New and Planned for Continia FinanceUpdated the Continia Finance road map to reflect that the following feature was added for release in April 2025:
  • Use Instrastat Reports with Affiliations

November 2024

Using CSV portsAdded an article on how to use CSV ports for data export/import from or into Business Central.

October 2024

Using Dimensions in Fixed AssetsPublished an article about the use of dimensions in fixed assets.
Using Fixed Assets with QuantitiesPublished an article about the use of quantities in fixed assets.
Extended Detail Trial BalancePublished an article about the extended detail trial balance report.
Extended Total BalancePublished an article about the extended total balance report.
Using the Reminders ListPublished an article about the functionality that enhances the standard Reminders feature.
Printing Extended Financial ReportsPublished an article about the additional options when printing financial reports.
Available Reports for Fixed AssetsPublished an article about the various reports available in the Fixed Assets module.
Using Multi-level Payment Discounts in Sales and PurchasesPublished an article about how to use multi-level payment discounts in sales and purchase documents.
Welcome to Continia FinanceCompletely refurbished the Continia Finance landing page, making it more accessible, and added a bunch of useful links.

September 2024

Working with G/L Account GroupsPublished an article about the G/L account groups feature.
Using AffiliationsPublished an article about the affiliations feature.
Open Customer EntriesPublished an article about the open customer entries report.
Open Vendor EntriesPublished an article about the open vendor entries report.
Extended G/L EntriesPublished an article about the extended G/L entries entries report.
VAT Entries OverviewPublished an article about the VAT entries overview.

July 2024

New and Planned for Continia FinanceUpdated the Continia Finance road map to reflect that the following features were added for release in October 2024:
  • Using CSV Ports
  • Migration from OPplus to Finance
  • Ability to Post Installments when Using Different Customer/Vendor Posting Groups
  • Integrating Continia Hub