Setting up Waste Disposal Methods

Monitoring greenhouse gas emissions from waste management is crucial for tracking progress toward building a low-carbon economy and meeting carbon budget targets. Continia Sustainability offers a customized solution for accurately tracking emissions that arise from different waste treatment and disposal methods, allowing you to map your waste disposal methods to emission factor databases.

To set up waste disposal methods:

  1. Use the Search icon, enter Waste Disposal Method, and select the related link.

  2. On the action bar, select New to add a new waste disposal method and description.

  3. On the action bar, select Mappings.

  4. On the Waste Disposal Method Mapping page, in the Emission Factor Set Code column, you can now select the factor set that you want to use. For example, Defra. Use Select from full list to select the factor set from the Emission Factor Set list, which displays the emission factor set code, description, and manual change allowance.


    Relevant Emission Factor Sets for Waste Disposal Methods include Defra and Klimakompasset.

  5. On the Waste Disposal Method Code (Emission Factor Set), you can specify the code for the specific factor set that you want to link the waste disposal method to. For example, assign the relevant code if you're dealing with combustion.


    Keep in mind that not all emission factor sets make distinctions between different waste disposal and treatment options. Depending on the set you are using, you may or may not need to set up this page.