The Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) oversees the European Energy Certificate System (EECS), a standardized energy certification system for all energy types in Europe. With 36 members from 28 European countries by the end of 2023, AIB manages Guarantees of Origin (GOs) for electricity, ensuring compliance with established criteria such as objectivity and transparency. Each year, AIB produces a document covering various aspects, including:

  • Residual energy mixes and emission factors - outlines the total annual energy mix for each member state, excluding the share covered by canceled Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates. It becomes essential when consumption is only partially tracked. The related emission factors are also provided, sourced from Table 2 of the 2022 European Residual Mix report version 1.0.

  • Production energy mixes and emission factors - derived by multiplying each energy in the production mix with the CO2 factor of that energy source for that country, used for calculating market-based emissions. The values come from Table 5 of the 2022 European Residual Mix report version 1.0.

Emission factors included are expressed as direct CO2 emissions per kWh of produced electricity. The document also discloses the energy mixes divided into three main categories: renewable, nuclear, and fossil, of which renewable and fossil are further divided into subcategories.

Data for calculations is sourced from national competent authorities, Eurostat, and the ENTSO-E Transparency platform, ensuring accuracy and transparency in emission factor calculations.

For additional information, refer to AIB's official website.