VAT Entries Overview

This article describes the VAT Entries Overview in Continia Finance.

The VAT Entries Overview is part of the Extended Financial Reports module in Finance. It shows a combined list of G/L account balances based on various criteria, provided that the account has at least one posting including VAT. If you use the affiliation or filters features, the VAT Entries Overview can also display financial data from different companies.

To access the VAT Entries Overview:

  1. Select Extended Financial Reports > Reconcile, then select VAT Entries Overview.
  2. At first, the overview is empty. To populate it, select Refresh Table in the action bar.
  3. On the Options FastTab, the following settings are available:
    • VAT Statement Template: Specifies the VAT statement template used to transfer the row number when running the Refresh VAT Entries Accounting Review report.
    • VAT Statement Name: Specifies the VAT statement used to transfer the row number when running the Refresh VAT Entries Accounting Review report.
    • Include Proof of VAT-Accounts: If enabled, the VAT accounts set up in the VAT statement are included.
    • Include VAT entries: Specifies the VAT entries that should be included in the report. For example, open and closed.
  4. When you're satisfied with the configuration, select OK.
  5. The overview is populated accordingly, allowing you to sort the data based on the many columns presented.

By clicking a value under the Amount or VAT Amount columns, you can see all entries in the related G/L account.

See also

Using Affiliations
G/L Entries Overview