Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Capture 2024 R2

This article lists all new features and bug fixes for each version of Continia Document Capture 2024 R2.


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Currently, Document Capture supports BC v14 and the three latest versions of Business Central. This will change with the release of Document Capture 2025 R1 (26.00) in April 2025. Document Capture 2025 R1 (26.00) and all future versions from then on will only support the three latest versions of Business Central.

This version of Document Capture – Document Capture 2024 R2 (25.00) – is the last version with support for Business Central April 2019 (BC v14).

Document Capture 2024 R2

Release date, online: October 1, 2024
App version: 25.0.0
FOB version: 25.00

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalThe following applies only to the Spanish localization.

If you have configured payment days on the Company Information page for the selected company or vendors, the document journal now calculates the document's due date based on both the vendor’s payment terms and on the configured payment days. If payment days are not configured, the due date is calculated solely based on the vendor’s payment term.

For payment days to be considered when evaluating the recognized due date, the Show Default Field Value setting must be enabled on the Document Category card. Additionally, if the Search for Value setting on the template header field Due Date is disabled, the expected due date is calculated and shown based on the document date and on the vendor's payment terms – including the configured payment days.
Country and RegionalThe following applies only to the Czech localization.
A new category, ADVLETTER, has been added to handle advance letters, also known as prepayments. For more information, see Advance Letters for the Czech Republic.
Document and TemplatesIt is now possible to delete multiple template fields in one go from the template card by marking the fields and selecting the Delete action on the Fields FastTab.14724
Document and TemplatesOn the Document Category card, the importance of Image Resolution on the OCR Processing FastTab was changed from standard to additional.19970
Document and TemplatesThe fields From EmailRecipient Date Time, and Subject have been added to the Split and Merge page. Please note that these fields are hidden by default.24413
Document and TemplatesThe option Use Default from Purchases & Payables Setup has been added to the Posting Date field on the Purchase Documents FastTab in the template. This option respects the Default Posting Date setting on the Purchases & Payables Setup page and sets the posting date in the purchase document header as follows:
  • Work Date - the current work date set in Business Central.
  • No Date - an empty value.
Document and TemplatesBarcodes in the Item References (item cross references) list are now used for translating recognized item numbers in the document line on the document card.38783
Document and TemplatesAdded vendor bank account validation for Australian bank accounts (EFT BSB).40793
Document and TemplatesA caption suggestion notification feature has been introduced to the document journal. Master PDF templates eligible for caption suggestions now appears in a notification specific to the document category selected in the document journal.

The field Caption Suggestions Notification, with the formula data type, has been added to the Document Capture Setup page to specify how often caption suggestion notifications should be shown. For example:
  • 1D - the notification is shown daily
  • 2W - the notification is shown every two weeks
  • 1M - the notification is shown monthly
Document and TemplatesThe action Special Prices and Discounts Overview has been added to the Line action group in the Lines section on the Document Card page. This allows you to view the purchase or sales prices and discounts for the selected item line when its recognized price differs from its calculated special price.48409
Document and TemplatesThe message displayed on the Configure Default Account page, when populating the template field Account No., has been simplified.48473
Document and TemplatesThe Category Code setting is no longer visible on template cards because it's not possible to edit the category from these cards.48572
Document and TemplatesTemplates that are no longer in use can now be hidden from the embedded template lookup in the document journal and on the document card by enabling the Blocked setting on the template card.

Blocked templates are ignored when Document Capture analyzes the document to determine which template to select. Note that a blocked template still appears in the full lookup page when Select from full list is selected.
Document and TemplatesA new template field, Invoice Discount Amount, has been added to the master template in the Purchase invoice category. If populated during capture, the value is transferred to the standard Business Central field Invoice Discount Amount on the created invoice during registration of the document.49611
Document and TemplatesIf a purchase document from Document Capture and an expense registered in Expense Management have the same Invoice Date (plus/minus 3 days), and identical Currency Codes and Amounts Incl. VAT, Document Capture displays the following warning:
  • WARNING: A potential duplicate transaction exists in Expense Management (Expense Entry No.=[Expense Entry No.], Amount=[Expense Amount], Currency=[Currency Code], Document Date=[Expense Document Date])
Document and TemplatesIt is now possible to view the expected default values that will be used when registering the Document Capture purchase or sales document.

If a value is captured in any of the fields listed below, it is transferred to the purchase or sales document. However, these fields on the registered document may also be populated by data taken from the vendor/customer, responsibility center, purchaser/salesperson code, etc. The expected default value is displayed in brackets next to the field name in the header section for the below fields, both in the document journal and on the document card.

Purchase invoice category 
  • Approval Flow Code
  • Responsibility Center 
  • Purchaser
  • Currency Code
  • Vendor Bank Account No.
  • Vendor VAT No.
  • Vendor Phone No.
  • Dimensions 1-8

Sales category
  • Responsibility Center
Document and TemplatesWhen selecting the Assisted Template Field Setup Guide in the Document Journal and Document Card, you now have the option to specify the template field type as either header or line, making it easier to create new line template fields. Consequently, the Create new Template Field action and the Template action group in the Document Card Lines subpage have been removed.53460
Document and TemplatesThe event OnBeforeSetRetentionPeriod(ToDate,Handled) has been added to the codeunit CDC Data Maintenance Mgt. This makes it possible to bypass the two-year limit on deletion of document words and document values specified in the Retention Perion (Years) field on the Document Capture Setup page.54734
Document and TemplatesA new translation has been created with Translate From = * and Translate To = [empty].
The above change has been applied to all localizations for the following master template headers fields:

Purchase category
  • Invoice No.
  • Invoice Date
  • Due Date
Purchase order category
  • Order Date
  • Due Date
Sales category
  • External Document No.
  • Order Date
Document and TemplatesThe setting Blank Zero has been hidden from the Template Field Card, as values equal to zero are always blanked in Business Central. Therefore, the setting Blank Zero had no effect.57541
Document and TemplatesWhen selecting the Remove Template Field action in the document journal or document card, the confirmation message is now the same as when selecting the action Delete in the Fields section of the template card.57573
Document and TemplatesWhen processing sales documents, templates can now utilize AI data in the same way as with purchase documents. This includes line recognition suggestions on the document card and the ability to create a customer based on the document content.57744
Document and TemplatesThe action Change Category has been added to the Document action group in the document journal. This action lets you change the category of open documents, provided that the categories share the same source record table, e.g., vendor or customer.58436
Document ApprovalAfter registration, the document comments are now available as approval comments on purchase invoices, purchase credit memos, and purchase orders.21183
Document ApprovalA new cross-company dashboard has been introduced in the Continia Web Approval Portal. This feature allows users to view all approval documents from all companies they have access to, including purchase contracts.53214
Document ApprovalWhen using advanced approval, documents are routed to a specific approver based on the dimension values and amounts on the document lines. Depending on the approval configuration, the user could, as an example, be allowed to approve the dimensions used on document line 1 (e.g.: Department - Sales), but not the dimensions used on document line 2 (e.g.: Department - Administration).

Up until now, it has not been evident what document lines the user was actually approving. With this change, the document lines that can be approved by the current user are marked in bold. The change is available on the Purchase Approval Entries page in Business Central, as well as on the Web Approval Portal.
Document ApprovalApproval flow codes are now supported when using advanced approval workflows. Approval flow codes can be applied to the following document types and corresponding advanced approval workflows: 
  • Purchase invoice
  • Purchase credit memo
  • Purchase order
  • Purchase return order
Document ApprovalWhen migrating from Business Central on-premises to Business Central online and utilizing the Web Approval Portal, an invalid configuration could be migrated. This could block the export of users to Continia Online. Now, the web portal configuration is sanitized to make sure that users can be exported to Continia Online.54937
Document ApprovalThe following change only applies to Business Central online.
When exporting users, the current Web Approval Portal setup is validated to ensure that it is supported in Business Central online. If the setup if not supported, the following error is shown:
  • Web portal code is not supported in Business Central Online.
Document ApprovalPending purchase contracts approval entries can now be handled on the new cross-company dashboard in the Continia Web Approval Portal.58411
General ApplicationBy enabling the Check Item Prices option on the template in the Sales category, the item's recognized unit cost is validated against the price specified on the item card.

If any special prices or discounts are configured for the item, the price check is conducted against the relevant special price or special discount.

Should the unit cost of the recognized item differs from the special price or unit price calculated from the item card, a warning is displayed in the comment section. If the Line Discount % template line field contains a valid value or a special discount is configured for the item, the discount percentage is included in the unit cost comparison.
General ApplicationTo simplify the user interface in the Document Capture Setup, the actions from the Approval Setup action group have been merged into the Setup action group.53789
General ApplicationWith Binary Stream MEM installed and the entity dimension value was missing in the Document Journal, the following message was shown in the comment section:
  • Multi Entity Company is not specified.
The message has been updated to include fields from the Multi-Entity Management Setup:
  • MEM <Entity Label> is not specified (<Entity Dimension>).
General ApplicationThe following template header and line fields have been added to support the integration between Continia Document Capture and Continia Sustainability:
  • Environmental Account Type
  • Environmental Account No.
  • Emission Type
  • Emission Code
  • Emission Unit Type
  • Emission Unit Code
  • Emission Quantity
For more information, see Continia Sustainability and Document Capture.
General ApplicationWhen using the standard Business Central functionality Merge Duplicate Records, any Document Capture documents associated with the vendors or customers being merged are also included in the merging process.

Note that moving Document Capture documents is only supported in Business Central 2024 release wave 1 (BC v24.00 and newer).
General ApplicationAdded identification rules to the XRECHNUNG-ID XML identification template to support XRechnung version 2.3 and 3.0.56585
General Application When selecting Account Type (G/L account or item) and Account No. in the document header – or selecting Translation to Type and Translation to No. in document lines in the document journal –, the following Continia Sustainability fields are populated with values found either in the G/L account card or item card:
  • Environmental Account Type
  • Environmental Account No.
  • Emission Type
  • Emission Code
  • Emission Unit Type
  • Emission Unit Code
  • Total Emission Quantity
For documents with templates where Continia Sustainability template fields are not present, but the assigned G/L account or item in the document journal has values in the Continia Sustainability fields, the following configurable comment is shown:
  • WARNING: Continia Sustainability values defined in the <Account Type> <Account No.>. Please add Sustainability template fields using Add Template Field.
For more information, see Continia Sustainability and Document Capture.
General ApplicationLookup and validation have been implemented for the following header and line template fields to support the integration between Continia Document Capture and Continia Sustainability:
  • Environmental Account Type - shows the available option values for an environmental account type in the purchase line.
  • Environmental Account No. - looks up the associated values related to the environmental account type.
  • Emission Type - shows the available option values for an emission type in the purchase line.
  • Emission Code - looks up the associated values related to the emission type.
  • Emission Unit Type - shows the available option values for an emission unit type in the purchase line.
  • Emission Unit Code - looks up the associated values related to the emission type.
For more information, see Continia Sustainability and Document Capture.
General ApplicationWhen Continia Sustainability is activated, the following template header and line fields are created in the purchase master templates of the Purchase category in Document Capture:
  • Environmental Account Type
  • Environmental Account No.
  • Emission Type
  • Emission Code
  • Emission Unit Type
  • Emission Unit Code
  • Total Emission Quantity
If there are existing template fields that share the same code, a popup with the following two options is shown:
  • Update the existing template field on the Template Field Card by updating the following fields on the page:

    • Field Name
    • Data Type
    • Field In Purchase Line
    • Codeunits (action button):
      • Lookup
      • Is Valid
      • Validate
  • Manually handle field conflicts.
For more information, see Continia Sustainability and Document Capture.
General ApplicationIf the following Continia Sustainability template fields are populated in the document journal, their values are stored either in Account for Amounts (for header fields) or in Line Translations (for line fields):
  • Environmental Account Type
  • Environmental Account No.
  • Emission Type
  • Emission Code
  • Emission Unit Type
  • Emission Unit Code
For Line Translations, only G/L accounts are supported.
For more information, see Continia Sustainability and Document Capture.
General ApplicationWhen using a G/L account or an item in Accounts for Amounts, all related fields from Continia Sustainability are automatically added.
The same goes for line translations.
When recognizing lines in a Document Capture document – and the recognized lines translate to a G/L account or item –, the default values from Continia Sustainability are automatically added to the related template fields.
General ApplicationTo align with standard Business Central, the page Document Capture Assisted Setup Guide has been renamed to Set Up Document Capture.58705
Order & Receipt MatchingThe Order Matching page is introduced to the purchase order category, and can be used when updating existing documents. Matching purchase order lines are highlighted, making it easier to see which lines will be updated.53257
Platform and TechnologyWith the release of Document Capture 2024 R2 (25.00), support is provided for the following versions (BC v14 and the three latest versions of Business Central):
  • Business Central April 2019 (BC v14)
  • Business Central 2023 release wave 2 (BC v23)
  • Business Central 2024 release wave 1 (BC v24)
  • Business Central 2024 release wave 2 (BC v25)
Platform and TechnologyEvents have been added to the solution.59844
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version
Purchase ContractsThe field Configure Purchase Contract as the Default Account has been added to the Create Purchase Contract page when creating a purchase contract from the document journal or document card. Enabling this field sets the newly created purchase contract as the default account on the document's template.56212
Purchase Contracts The review process for purchase contracts has been completely refactored into an approval process and aligned with the approval flow for other document types.

After upgrading to Document Capture 2024 R2 (25.00), the status of all existing purchase contracts that have already been reviewed will be set to Released (approval status), while all others will be set to Approval Needed and must go through the approval process..

Please refer to the article Purchase Contract Approvals for a description of the functionality.
Purchase ContractsA new action, Match To Purchase Contract, has been added to both the document journal and the document card. Selecting this action opens the Purchase Contract Selection page, which displays all of a vendor's purchase contract lines, allowing you to link the document to the related purchase contract and its lines.56993
Purchase DocumentsWhen selecting the Find Entries action from a purchase allocation, the related Document Capture document is now included in the search result. Previously, the search results only included the related G/L entries.14633
Purchase DocumentsThe option Use same setting as Send for approval has been added to the Amount Validation on Post field on the Document Capture Setup page.

If selected, the level of amount validation conducted when posting is determined by the value chosen in the template's Amount Validation option field on the Purchase Documents FastTab.
Purchase DocumentsWhen the registration of a Document Capture document updates an existing purchase order or purchase return order, the purchase document is automatically archived prior to the update. This automatic archiving happens when:
  • Registering a Document Capture document as an invoice or credit memo using the Match & Update Order or Match & Update Return Order register options in the purchase category.
  • Registering a Document Capture document using the Create or Update Order, Update Order, or Update Order Receipt register options in the purchase order category.
The archived version of the purchase order includes a comment line specifying the document number and, if available, the vendor order number of the document that updated it.
Purchase DocumentsPreviously, it was possible from a general journal or purchase journal to delete attachments associated to a posted ledger entry having the same document number as the unposted journal entry. Now, it is only possible in the journals to view the attachments that are related to the posted entries.

In addition to the above change, the attachments added to an unposted general or purchase journal with the same document number as the posted entry are viewable from the general ledger entries but can't be deleted.
Purchase DocumentsWith the introduction of allocation accounts in Business Central, postings from documents and journals can be split across different G/L accounts and dimensions.

When recognizing lines, Document Capture now supports the registration of documents with the account type Allocation Accounts in Accounts for Amounts, Translate to Type, and Translate To No. Currently, only allocation accounts with the account type set to Fixed are supported.

When registering a document, the purchase lines of type Allocation Account are automatically expanded to the underlying account types using the standard function Generate Lines From Allocation Account Line – which is available on the standard purchase document pages.

Note that the validation of the total amount incl. VAT/GST is not carried out when allocation accounts are in use. This is due to Business Central not calculating the VAT/GST amount on documents containing lines with allocation accounts.
eDocumentsAdded a job queue entry, eDocuments metadata update, which is scheduled to run once a day at a random time between 06:00PM and 05:00AM. This job queue is used for updating participations and networks metadata. Two new fields have been added to the Continia eDocuments Setup page:
  • Update Metadata Automatically: A boolean field for enabling or disabling the job queue entry.
  • Metadata Update Job Status: A text field showing the status of the job queue entry. Select the field to open the related Job Queue Entry Card.
eDocumentsAdded a job queue entry, eDocuments document update, which is scheduled to run every 30 minutes. This job queue is used for updating document statuses, download new documents and receipts. Two new fields have been added to the Continia eDocuments Setup page:
  • Update Documents Status Automatically: A boolean field for enabling or disabling the job queue entry.
  • Documents Update Job Status: A text field showing the status of the job queue entry. Select the field to open the related Job Queue Entry Card.
eDocumentsTo better associate an eDocument with its related business document, the Source Document column has been added to the eDocument Requiring Attention page, displaying the related business document. Additionally, the Business Record ID column has been added to both the eOrder Document and eBilling Outgoing Document Card pages.54507
eDocumentsThe XML structure for XRechnung 3.0 has been added for both sales and purchase invoices and credit memos.54785
eDocumentsThe following changes have been made when sending Peppol and OIOUBL sales invoices and credit memos:
  • Improved handling of discounts.
  • Improved handling of multiple tax rates.
  • Added support for comment lines.
eDocumentsIntroducing two new fields:
  • Use Document Information for Customer Party on the Customer eDocument Setup page.
  • Use Document Information for Seller Party on the Vendor eDocument Setup page.
When exporting a document, you now have the option to retrieve the customer or seller party details directly from the eDocument rather than from the customer/vendor card.
eDocumentsA new field has been added to the Continia eDocuments Customer Setup page to enable automatic sending of eDocuments for the customer:
  • Send E-Documents Automatically: An option field specifying which customer's documents will be sent automatically upon posting. The available options are:
    • [Empty] (default value): No documents will be sent automatically.
    • All: Sales and service documents will be sent automatically.
    • Sales Documents: Sales invoices and sales credit memos will be sent automatically.
    • Service Documents: Service invoices and service credit memos will be sent automatically.
A new field has been added to the Continia eDocuments Vendor Setup page to enable the automatic sending of eDocuments for the vendor:
  • Send Purchase Orders Automatically: A boolean field specifying whether  vendor's purchase orders will be sent automatically upon release.
eDocumentsTo ensure better navigation between eDocuments pages following adjustments were made:
  • The following actions have been added on several eDocuments-related pages to help locate business records:
    • Find entries
    • eDocument Card
    • Open in Document Journal 
  • To display information about the related business document, the Business Record field has been added to the General field group on the following pages: 
    • Incoming eBilling Document
    • eBilling Response
    • eOrder Response. 
You can select the value of Business Record to open the related business document, if it's available.
  • The field Business Record ID has been renamed to Business Record on the following pages: 
    • eBilling Outgoing Document Card
    • eOrder Document.
eDocumentsAdded the action Open XML File to the following pages:
  • Incoming eBilling Document
  • eBilling Outgoing Document Card
  • eBilling Response
  • eOrder Document
  • eOrder Response
eDocumentsThe possibility to view customers and vendors eDocuments receiving capabilities in the network is added to Continia eDocuments:
  • A new factbox, eDocuments Receiving Capabilities, has been added to the Continia eDocuments Vendor Setup and Continia eDocuments Customer Setup pages to display which documents the receiver can accept.
  • A new action, ReCheck eDocuments Receiving Capabilities, has been added to the Continia eDocuments Vendor Setup and Continia eDocuments Customer Setup pages to update the receiving capabilities from the network.
On the Continia eDocuments Setup page, a new Update Documents Receiving Capabilities field group has been added to the Automations FastTab. These settings allow you to enable the job queue for updating eDocuments receiving capabilities and view the job queue status.
The error messages shown when attempting to send eDocuments and failing due to the receiver's eDocuments receiving capabilities have been updated:
  • When the receiver is not registered on the network
    • Previous message text - You are trying to send a network document (<eDocument type>) to <Customer/Vendor> <Customer/Vendor No.>, who is not registered in the network.
    • New message text - You are trying to send a network document (<eDocument type>) to <Customer/Vendor> <Customer/Vendor No.>, who is not registered in the network. Please go to Continia eDocument Setup page on the <Customer/Vendor> to see more.
  • When the receiver is not able to receive the type of eDocument
    • Previous message text You are trying to send a network document (<eDocument type>) to <Customer/Vendor> <Customer/Vendor No.>, who does not support receiving this type of documents.
    • New message text You are trying to send a network document (<eDocument type>) to <Customer/Vendor> <Customer/Vendor No.>, who does not support receiving this type of documents. Please go to Continia eDocument Setup page on the <Customer/Vendor> to see more.
Microsoft introduced actionable messages in Dynamics 365 Business Central in the 2023 Release Wave 2, making it possible to directly open specific pages. The above error messages now include an Open <Customer/Vendor> eDocuments Setup action, allowing you to open the Continia eDocuments Vendor Setup or Continia eDocuments Customer Setup page for the specific recipient.
eDocumentsFor better traceability across eOrder and eBilling documents within the same eCase (an electronic case that groups related documents together for processing), the following fields are now being transferred:
  • Buyer's Order Reference Line ID
  • Buyer’s and Seller’s Item Reference
This ensures that a purchase invoice received by the buyer will include relevant references to the purchase order line and the buyer's item numbers.
eDocumentseDocuments is now an integral part of Document Capture, rather than a feature package. This means that eDocuments is fully embedded, and activation of the feature is no longer needed, as the functionality is available with the Essentials module.56641
eDocumentsThe field Alternative Electronic Format has been introduced on the eDocuments Electronic Formats page. This field allows you to set an alternative electronic format code to support different document types. For example, you can now send EHF Orders and Peppol Invoices, or Peppol Orders and XRechnung Invoices.56733
eDocumentsThe field Order Line No. was added to the eBilling Lines. The field has been added with default visible false. Order Line No. is a requirement when sending eDocuments to a Dutch customer.58109
eDocumentsThe Set Up eDocument assisted guide has been made searchable. The guide helps users migrating templates created for use with Continia XML Import to templates that can be used with Continia eDocuments.59006
Platform and TechnologyAdded support for Google Workspace accounts (Gmail) using service accounts. To switch from AppPassword to service account, add a GoogleServiceAccount.json file to the category input directory.57325
Platform and TechnologyAdded support for the Microsoft Graph API. To switch from EWS to Microsoft Graph, add an MsGraphEmail (no extension, no content) file to the category input directory.

Note that the x86 version of the service is no longer supported, only x64 is supported. Also, avoid double encoding of XSL special characters – such as '>' in FIK codes.

Bug fixes

All relevant bug fixes released in service packs and hotfixes up to Service Pack 2, hotfix 1, for Document Capture 2024 R1 (24.00) are also included in Document Capture 2024 R2 (25.00). The description of these bug fixes is not repeated on this page.

Functional areaDescriptionID
Document and TemplatesIn the document journal, the default setting of the comment No Account has been configured for Amount Excl. VAT (applicable to Amount Excl. VAT 2, 3, and 4) has been changed from a warning to an error.48187
Document and TemplatesThe field Identified By in the document journal now shows all search texts used for identifying the vendor. Previously, the Search Text field was not populating all relevant search texts.50332
Document and TemplatesThe OCR Language field on the Document Category card is now hidden if Use Cloud OCR is enabled in the Document Capture Setup.53275
Document and TemplatesIt is now possible to use the formulas TODAY and WORKDATE in the Formula field on the template field card. In combination with the Calculate Date field, this allows template date fields to be configured to use today's date or the work date, adjusted by a positive or negative date value.55821
Document and TemplatesPreviously, deleting a captured line in the document card caused the add-in and the document lines to become out of sync in the web client. This issue has now been resolved, and both remain in sync.57574
Document and TemplatesThe heading Advanced Recognition Settings on the template field card is now only visible when selecting Show More Fields.58100
Document ApprovalThe Approval Sharing page has been renamed to Approval Sharing (DC) to distinguish the Document Capture page from the Expense Management page.57716
General ApplicationOn the Document Capture Setup page, when disabling Use Cloud OCR and using the Continia file service, users received the following error message:
  • You must install the on-premises version of Continia Document Capture to use server-side resources, such as file system and assemblies.
This check has been disabled because the on-premises application isn't required when using the Continia file service.
General ApplicationThe Document Sharing page has been renamed to Assigning Sharing.

Additionally, the following translation changes have been made to the Continia User Setup page:
  • Shared to this user is now Approval Shared to this User
  • Shared to other users is now Approval Shared to Other Users
  • Delegation shared to this user is now Assigning Shared to this User
  • Delegation to other users is now Assigning Shared to Other Users
  • Missing tooltips have been added to Delegation shared to this user and Delegation to other users
Purchase ContractsThe following fields have been removed from the Purchase Contract card:
  • Create Posting Description Line
  • Posting Description
  • Purchase Contract Description
The fields are replaced by the new option field Populate Line Description From, which specifies whether a separate purchase line with description is created when registering the document – and where the description is taken from. The options are:
  • Empty (default value) - a purchase line with the posting description is not created.
  • Document Description - a purchase line is created with the posting description from the invoice, if it is not empty. If the invoice posting description is empty, the purchase contract description is taken instead.
  • Contract Description - a purchase line is created with the purchase contract description.
Purchase DocumentsIf the Secure Archive is enabled, the document control log displays the following warning on the Posted Purchase Invoice and Posted Purchase Credit Memo pages when a document attachment was deleted:
  • One or more files have been deleted since posting.
This warning has been changed to:
  • One or more files linked to this document have been deleted.
Purchase DocumentsThe Document Viewer and Documents FactBoxes are now visible on the General Ledger Entries page.
Purchase DocumentsThe following error no longer occurs when more than one drag-and-drop category is in use, and you attempt to open a purchase order:
  • The Document does not exist. Identification fields and values: Entry No.='1'
eDocumentsWhen sending a posted sales invoice or purchase order with varying VAT percentages on different lines (e.g., 25% and 10%) through the Continia Delivery Network, the following error occurred:
  • The record in table VAT Sub Total already exists. Identification fields and values: Header Table No.=<eDocument Header Table No.>Header Type=<eDocument  Header Type>,Document No.=<eDocument No.>,Document Line No.=<eDocument Line No..>,VAT Category Id=<VAT Category ID>
eDocumentsA typo in the tooltip for the Metadata Update Job Status field on the Continia eDocuments Setup page has been corrected.56621
eDocumentsThe following UI changes have been applied in eDocuments:
  • The eDocument Card and Open in Document Journal actions on the eDocument Overview page have been moved from the New action group to the Process action group.
  • The Find Entries and Open in Document Journal actions on eDocuments cards, such as purchase orders, have been promoted to the Process action group.