Continia eDocuments Customer Flows

This article describes the actions you must take as a customer in the typical Continia eDocuments flows. The actions are parts of different flows, as outlined below.

To send purchase orders and register order responses in the typical ordering flow, see these sections:

To receive sales invoices and send invoice responses in the typical billing flow, see this section:

For information about the corresponding vendor flows, see Continia eDocuments Vendor Flows.

To send a purchase order

As a customer, you can create and send a purchase order by following these steps:

  1. Create a purchase order as described in Record Purchases with Purchase Invoices and Orders (Microsoft article). From the action bar on the Purchase Orders page, select New to open the Purchase Order page, and then enter the necessary details as described.
  2. In the action bar, select Print/Send > Send to open the Send Document to dialog.
  3. In the Electronic Document dropdown menu, select Through Continia Delivery Network. Select OK to confirm and then OK again to return to the Purchase Order page.
  4. On the General FastTab, check the eDocument Status field:
    • If it says Sent, the purchase order has been sent to the vendor without problems.
    • If it says Not Valid, select this text to open the eOrder Document page, and then do as follows:
      1. In the action bar, select Validation Log to open the eValidation Log page, which lists a number of validation errors.
      2. Take note of the Detailed Error Message, close the log to return to the eOrder Document page, and then resolve the listed validation errors.
      3. When done, select Resend in the action bar to send the revised purchase order to the vendor.

The purchase order has now been sent to the vendor, who can process it as described in To receive an order and send an order response.

To register an order response

As a customer, you can register a vendor's order response by following these steps:

  1. In the Role Center, under Continia Document Capture Activities, go to Actions and select Import Files.
  2. The order response is now ready to be registered and available in the Ready to Register cue. Select this to open the Ready to Register page (the document journal).
  3. In the action bar, select Document > Document Card to open the document card.
  4. If the vendor made any line changes, these are displayed on the Lines FastTab.


    Only the actual changes are displayed here – no other line details relating to quantity, price, unit of measure and similar are visible.

    If you want to see the full context of the line changes (before and after), select Preview Order Changes in the action bar to open the Purchase Order Changes Preview page.
  5. The Purchase Order Lines section provides an overview of the original lines and their details, whereas the Changed Lines section lists the lines as they appear after the vendor changed them. Review the changes, and then close the page to return to the document card.
  6. In the action bar, select Home > Register to register the order response.

The order response is registered, and the original purchase order is then automatically opened and updated with the changes from the order response.

To receive an invoice and send an invoice response

As a customer, you can import a vendor's sales invoice and send back an invoice response by following these steps:

  1. In the Role Center, under Continia Document Capture Activities, go to Actions and select Import Files.
  2. The sales invoice is now ready to be registered and available in the Ready to Register cue. Select this to open the Ready to Register page (the document journal).
  3. In the action bar, select Document.
    1. Optional: If you want to view all available information for the sales invoice, select eDocument Card to open the eOrder Document page. Close the page to return to the document journal when you're done.
    2. If the sales invoice includes invoice lines and you need to set up translations or similar, select Document Card to open the document card.
  4. The document card allows you to do everything you're used to from Document Capture, including document matching. To carry out matching, select Home > Match Lines. Make any necessary adjustments to complete the matching process.
  5. When you're happy with the sales invoice and no warnings are displayed, select Register in the action bar to register the sales invoice and create it as a purchase invoice.
  6. The Purchase Invoice page opens, displaying the new purchase invoice. From here, you can manually notify the vendor that you've accepted, conditionally accepted, rejected, or paid the invoice, or that you're processing it or have questions:
    1. In the action bar, select Invoice > Send Electronic Confirmation.
    2. In the dialog that opens, select the appropriate option – for example, Accepted – and then select OK to close the dialog.


      You can also automate this in the Continia eDocuments Setup. However, note that not all responses are automatable.

    3. The eBilling Response page opens. On the Response FastTab, under Response Code, select a response code, if necessary.
    4. On the Reason FastTab, select a reason code, and enter your comments for the vendor, if applicable. In some cases, the document won't be sent until you enter a comment here.
    5. In the action bar, select Send to send your response to the vendor.

No matter which option you choose, an order response is sent to the vendor – who can then review it using the eDocument Status field.

See also

Continia eDocuments Vendor Flows