Detailed Changelog for Continia Document Capture 2022 R2

This article lists all new features and bug fixes for each version of Continia Document Capture 2022 R2.


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Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 5

Released: July 8, 2024
App version: 10.5.0
FOB version: 10.05

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesAdded vendor bank account validation for Australian bank accounts (EFT BSB).40793
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version 24.0.3

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalIn some localizations, a wrong Account Type was potentially selected when activating the Recognize Fields action.
Documents and TemplatesWhen identifying the XML template for an electronic document, only the identification template field with the code CUSTOMISATIONID was considered. Now also the identification template field with code VERSIONID is considered when identifying the XML format. 49531
Documents and TemplatesSpecifying Account No., VAT Prod. Posting Group, or VAT Bus. Posting Group when Account Type is blank in the Account for Amounts, the following error message will be displayed:
  • Account Type must have a value.
Documents and TemplatesWhen a user manually imports a single document and encounters an error, attempting to import the same document again could result in the deletion of both the PDF and TIFF files.
Documents and TemplatesWhen registering documents, and the template registration step 1 was set to Gen. Journal Lines without specifying the Journal Template Name or Journal Batch Name on the category, the registration process would produce the following error:
  • "Imported Amount Incl. VAT does not match"
Documents and TemplatesWhen importing documents the following error could occur:
  • The length of the string is <Captured value length>. but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters. Value: <Captured value>
Documents and TemplatesWhen creating two or more search texts on a template, and the initial search text is of maximum length (200 characters), the document journal would display the following error message when opened:
  • The length of the string is [string length], but it must be less than or equal to 200 characters. Value: [Search Text].
    Page Edit - Document Journal must close.

Documents and TemplatesIf an invoice had the same document number as a credit memo, attachments from both documents would be shown on both the documents in the drag and drop section.
Documents and TemplatesOptimized the document import processing time by skipping merge operations when templates are not configured to automatically combine PDF files from the same email into one Document Capture document.54373
Document ApprovalWhen trying to assign a filter with a length over 80 characters by using lookup in Assigning Filter in the Approval User Group Permission page, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <String Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 80 characters. Value: <String>
General ApplicationWhen users opened the Role Center without having an internet connection, they were presented with the following error:
  • A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ( A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Purchase ContractsWhen starting, submitting, returning to the reviewer, finishing, or canceling a purchase contract review with a line whose description is over 50 characters, the following error could occur:
  • The contents of the Description field cannot be copied to the Description field because the size of the Description field is too small.
    Type: Text50 <-- Text100
    Field: Description <-- Description
    Table: Purchase Contract Line Archive <-- Purchase Contract Line

Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 4

Released: November 21, 2023
App version: 10.4.0
FOB version: 10.04

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe below configurable message can now be configured as type Information:
  • The XML Document contains [discounts and charges] elements that are not created as Fields for this Template. Please use Add Template Field to add them.
In previous versions, it was only possible to configure the message type as Warning and Error.
Documents and TemplatesIt is now possible to configure the following 3 messages as comment type "Information"
  • Order No. = '[Order No.]' exists but outside the tolerance settings.
  • Order No. = '[Order No.]' exists but no open receipts exist.
  • Order No. = '[Order No.]' exists but no open return shipments exist.
The Swedish translation of page CDC Purch. Approval Entries is changed from
  • Godkännandetransaktioner.
  • Köpgodkännandetransaktioner.
Platform and TechnologyEvents have been added to the solution. For details, please see Event Publishers for Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00)32026
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesDuring vendor identification and auto-matching, captured document values may be used as table filters. The below error could occur if a captured value, used as a table filter, started with a percentage sign (%).
  • The filter "<value starting with %>" is not valid for the <tablefield> field on the table. The variable "<value starting with %>" was not understood.
To prevent this problem, any leading percentage signs (%) are now removed from values used as filters. Several characters that hold a special meaning in filtering contexts, e.g., * | &, are already disregarded.
Documents and TemplatesWhen updating the field Ask to Set Default Account No. on the Master template, the sub-templates were not updated with new value. Now, updating the Ask to Set Default Account No. on the Master template updates all the sub-templates.
Documents and TemplatesThe vendor was not identified if VAT Registration No. contained spaces both on the vendor and in the document.45667
Documents and TemplatesIn some cases when using Document Search on XML files, the below error was thrown. To ensure a proper result, additional conditional statements are added to the search function. 
  • "Unable to convert from Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlNode to Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlElement."
Documents and TemplatesThe Match Lines action in the Document Journal has been disabled for purchase invoice or credit memo documents when template Invoice Reg. Step 1 or Credit Memo Reg. Step 1 on the Template Card is set to Create Journal Line.49447
Documents and TemplatesPreviously, a captured Vendor Bank Account No. containing only letters would incorrectly pass validation.49730
Documents and TemplatesThis only applies to Business Central 20 CU6 to CU18.

When registering a document from the Document Journal, you could encounter the following confirmation dialog:
  • This will change the dimension specified on the document. Do you want to keep the existing dimensions?
Document ApprovalWhen the shared-to approval user rejected a purchase document, the Owner User ID was shown in the Approval Entries instead of the Shared User ID.43096
Document ApprovalWhen changing the account type in a purchase document line for a document with status pending approval and the Can Edit Posting Lines in the Continia User Setup was enabled for the approver, the following message was displayed:
  • Status must be equal to 'Open' in Purchase Header: Document Type=<Document Type>, No.=<Document No.>. Current value is 'Pending Approval'.
Document ApprovalWhen canceling an approval flow for a purchase document, the cancel request was not issued to the Workflow Webhook integration. In some cases, this could prevent approval using Power Automate flows not to function as expected.
Document ApprovalThe option Can Edit Posting Lines now allows you to update Gen. Prod. Posting Group when the document is pending approval.
General ApplicationTo improve the shown order of the approvers when using the Contina Web Approval Portal, sorting has been added to page 6086004 - Purch. Doc. Appr. En. (WS).29537
General ApplicationThe XML-type identification processing time has been significantly improved by reducing the number of calls to the document storage. 47323
General ApplicationThis information only applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21) and newer versions.

If an error occurs while updating the document cues on the role center, the notifications are now only displayed once.
General ApplicationAn incorrect number of attachments was shown on the Posted Sales Credit Memo page.
General ApplicationWhen selecting what data to include in the exported configuration file using the Assisted Setup Guide, the following error could occur:
  • The Document Storage Type field in the Document Capture Setup table cannot be changed when there are documents in the database.
General ApplicationIn the Document Capture Assisted Setup, the localization name has been changed from Germany to German (Germany). The localization list is available during configuration import from Continia Online.50087
General ApplicationThe page Pre-Cloud Migration Wizard was not searchable within Business Central.50285
Order & Receipt MatchingIn a matching scenario where you don't use the price as a line-matching criterion, you could have prices in the invoice differing from the prices specified in the order without any notice from Document Capture.

Now, a configurable message is shown in the comment section if the amount difference of the matched lines exceeds the tolerance specified in the Max. Variance Amount Allowed or Max. Variance % Allowed fields on the template card.
  • The difference <Amount> between Line Amount on the matched order/receipt lines and the document lines is outside the allowed document variance.
Platform and TechnologyPreviously, when trying to send a test email from DC, the SMTP and Email feature were triggered, prompting two popups, once for each type. Now, sending test emails will only trigger either SMTP or Email, depending on whether the Email feature is activated and properly configured.50099
Purchase ContractsWhen selecting purchase contract as the Account Type and specifying a contract number in the Account No. field in the Document Journal, the values were not stored in the Accounts for Amounts.
Purchase ContractsThe Create Purchase Contract action was enabled on the Document Card and Document List pages, even though the document was not recognized and had no template assigned.49211
Purchase ContractsWhen the Purchase Contracts configuration file was not downloaded properly, the no. series code for purchase contracts was blank.49748
Purchase ContractsWhen uploading an attachment to the purchase contract, using the Web Approval Portal as a reviewer, the following error occurred:
  • Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData CDC Document Document Insert)
Purchase ContractsWhen assigning a G/L Account, Item, Fixed Asset, Resource, or Charge (Item) whose description length is over 50 characters, the following error was thrown:
  • The length of the string is <string length>, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters. Value: <Description value>
Purchase DocumentsWhen trying to distribute an amount lower than the total unit cost of the Standard Amount Distribution Code lines on the document on the Get Std. Purch. Amt. Dist page, the following error was shown:
  • The Purchase Line does not exist. Identification fields and values: Document Type=[Document Type],Document No.=[Document No.],Line No.=[Line No.]
Now, if the total unit cost of the std. amount distribution lines are higher than the amount to distribute, the following error is shown:
  • The total unit cost, [Total unit cost], of the line(s) on the Std. Amount Dist. Code is greater than the amount to distribute, [Amount To Distribute].
Purchase DocumentsPreviously, when adding attachments on pages such as Posted Purchase Invoice, Posted Purchase Credit Memo, Posted Sales Invoice, and Posted Sales Credit Memo, the documents did not appear in the dropdown menu in the Document Viewer. Now, all attachments are correctly displayed in the dropdown menu.46693
Purchase DocumentsWhen registering a purchase document using an Amount Distribution code and the account, the Line Posting Description header field would overwrite the description specified in the Amount Distribution Code.48207
Purchase DocumentsWhen registering purchase documents in the Document Journal to journal lines, the General Journal was always opened regardless of what was specified in the Journal Template Name in the Document Category. Now, the relevant journal will be opened based on the Journal Template Name setting in the Document Category.49427

Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 3

Released: June 20, 2023
App version: 10.3.0
FOB version: 10.03

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe following comment has been changed from:
  •  Fully matched to Purchase Order <Purchase Order No.>
  • The Amount Excl. VAT (<Amount Excl. VAT>) - Freight Amount (<Freight Amount>) - [Other amounts that are being subtracted ] (<Amount>) = <Total Amount> fully matched to Purchase Order <Purchase Order No.>.  
If the template is set to Auto Approve Within Variance but outside tolerance, the following comment will be added:
  • The document will not be auto-approved as the total invoice amount (<Document Amount>) - matched amount (<Matched Amount>) is outside the maximum allowed variance. 
Platform and TechnologyEvents have been added to the solution. For details, please see Event Publishers for Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00)32026
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version
Purchase ContractsPreviously, the Contract End Date value was not considered when approving a document (invoice) based on a purchase contract. Now, for a document to be auto approved based on a contract, which has a Contract End Date specified, the document's Invoice Date must be before the contract's end date.47367

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesWhen recognizing fields in an XML purchase document with an embedded file where the file name contained a dot character and did not have a file extension, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <String Length>, but it must be less or equal to 30 characters. Value: <File name>
Now, MimeType (MimeCode) will be used to identify the file type if the file type exceeds 30 characters or, for any other reason, can't be identified.
Documents and TemplatesWhen moving a document from Documents (UIC) to the active company and the template was set to Register Documents Automatically in the Template Card, the following error occurred:
  • The following C/AL functions are limited during write transactions because one or more tables will be locked. Form.RunModal is not allowed in write transactions. Codeunit.Run is allowed in write transactions only if the return value is not used. For example, 'OK := Codeunit.Run()' is not allowed. Report.RunModal is allowed in write transactions only if 'RequestForm = FALSE'. For example, 'Report.RunModal(...,FALSE)' is allowed. XmlPort.RunModal is allowed in write transactions only if 'RequestForm = FALSE'. For example, 'XmlPort.RunModal(...,FALSE)' is allowed. Use the COMMIT function to save the changes before this call, or structure the code differently.
Documents and TemplatesWhen recognizing an XML document, and the currency code recognized was the same as the LCY Code on the General Ledger Setup, the following error occurred:
  • "One or more lines have errors."
Documents and TemplatesAfter moving a document to another company, the preview was not shown for documents created from XML files.
Documents and TemplatesThe field Transfer Amount to Document has been added to the template number fields on the Template Field Card for the Sales category.45511
Documents and TemplatesAn update to Business Central caused the XML Styled view to show strange characters instead of the expected special characters (e.g., æ ø å). This was caused by a wrong encoding used when showing the XML Styled view for the following XML formats:
  • UBL
  • EHF

The stylesheet files in Continia Online have been updated to correct the problem with the special characters.

You can read more about how to manually change the stylesheets and correct the XML styled view for all open documents by following the instruction in the following article (available for Continia partners only):

Documents and TemplatesWhen having two XML Master templates with the same XML Identification Template and selecting Recognize Fields on an XML document, the following error occurred:
  • The following C/AL functions are limited during write transactions because one or more tables will be locked. Form.RunModal is not allowed in write transactions. Codeunit.Run is allowed in write transactions only if the return value is not used. For example, 'OK := Codeunit.Run()' is not allowed. Report.RunModal is allowed in write transactions only if 'RequestForm = FALSE'. For example, 'Report.RunModal(...,FALSE)' is allowed. XmlPort.RunModal is allowed in write transactions only if 'RequestForm = FALSE'. For example, 'XmlPort.RunModal(...,FALSE)' is allowed. Use the COMMIT function to save the changes before this call, or structure the code differently.
Documents and TemplatesWhen recognizing template fields with Data Type set to Lookup, the following error occurred in the Document Journal:
  • The length of the string is <String Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 100 characters. Value: <Field Value>
Documents and TemplatesTo avoid creating empty files when importing documents, additional measures have been applied to prevent multiple instances of Import Documents running simultaneously. 
Documents and TemplatesOnly the first document was recognized when importing an XML document and the document was automatically split.47666
Document ApprovalWhen submitting a review for a purchase contract, the following error was shown if the user had the permission sets for reviewers (
  • You do not have the following permissions on TableData CDC Review Cmt. Line Arch.: Modify.
Document ApprovalWhen using Send Status email to Approvers, emails were not sent to shared users when setting Forward Emails in the Approval Sharing.
General ApplicationWhen exporting attachments, the following error could appear. This has now been prevented by extending the filename to 250 characters.
  • The length of the string is <Number>, but it must be less than or equal to 100 characters. Value: <Text>
General ApplicationWhen using the Export Attachments functionality, files related to XMLs had the .XML file extension incorrectly added in addition to the correct file extension.42865
General ApplicationWhen Use Cloud OCR is false, and when using the same file path for PDF File Path for OCRFile Path for OCR-processed files, or XML File Path, the following error is shown:
  • [FieldCaption] ([FilePath]) must not be equal to [FieldCaption].
General ApplicationIn the CDC-ALL permission set, the read permissions for the G/L entry and G/L register have been changed from Read to Indirect Read.
General ApplicationThe template card's Calculate Date (Date Formula) field can now be used on line fields.45751
General ApplicationPreviously, the "CDC Basic" Application Area could be enabled even when the Application Area feature was not in use. In this case, only Document Capture pages were visible. Now, the "CDC Basic" Application Area is only enabled if Basic Application Area is also enabled.46182
General ApplicationExpanded the progress text variable from 30 to 100 chars in the Storage Migration Status page to prevent the below error in setups with a large number of documents pending migration:
  • The length of the string is <Number>, but it must be less than or equal to 30 characters. Value: <Number> documents are remaining.
    Page View - Storage Migration Status has been closed.
General ApplicationWhen changing Document Storage Type, the confirm message text could sometimes contain incorrect storage parameters. It now always displays the correct values.46835
General ApplicationWhen opening the role center, users could experience slow performance if a document category had a value in the field Get Document Status in the Codeunits section This update only applies to Business Central 2019 release wave 2 (BC15) or newer versions.
General ApplicationIf a vendor number contained filter characters and the length of the vendor number equals 19 or 20 characters, the Documents Factbox on the Vendor list page displayed the following error:
  • Error: The length of the string is 22, but it must be less or equal to 20 characters. Value: '<vendor no.>'.
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen using the report "Delete Invoiced Purch. Orders" to batch delete orders, the following error occurred in some scenarios:
  • The quantity (%2) that you are trying to order is lower than the quantity matched against this order. You must order at least %1 units.
Platform and TechnologyWhen opening Manual Setup in the app version of Document Capture, many duplicated records were displayed.
Purchase ContractsIt is no longer possible to remove the Vendor No. filter when looking up purchase contracts from the Document Journal.42785
Purchase ContractsWhen creating a purchase contract based on a registered document (Status = Registered) the following message is now shown:
  • Status must be equal to 'Open' in Document: No.=<Document No.>. Current value is 'Registered'.
Purchase ContractsThe purchase contract line field Unit Cost was always rounded to two decimal places when creating a contract from the Document Journal.45615
Purchase ContractsWhen using the Create Purchase Contract action from the Purchase Invoice page, the following error was shown:
  • You do not have the following permissions on TableData Job Task Dimension: Read.
Purchase ContractsWhen returning a purchase contract to the reviewer, the archived purchase contract's Status is now set to Returned to Reviewer.46178
Purchase ContractsWhen creating a new purchase contract based on a document, the validation of default line information was previously performed at the end of the process, resulting in the input being lost, and an error was thrown if a contract could not be created.

Now, several checks are executed before the contract creation process is initiated, and the user is immediately informed about the error.
Purchase ContractsPreviously, when clearing or changing the value in the header field Account Type from Purchase Contract, the document line relation to purchase contract lines was not removed. The line relation is now updated, but due to technical limitations, the field Purchase Contract Line No. value is visually not updated on the page when performing this action from the Document Card. You must therefore reopen the page to see the updated line value.47478
Purchase ContractsWhen creating a purchase contract, the following error occurred when the Purchase Contract Nos. code on the Purchase Contracts Setup had more than 10 characters.
  • The length of the string is <String Length>, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters. Value: <Field Value>
Purchase DocumentsWhen registering a document with negative amounts in the document lines to the General Journal, the following message was shown:
  • Amount Incl. VAT does not match - Imported: <Imported Amount> - Assigned: <Assigned Amount> Any subsequent steps will have to be performed manually.

Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 2, hotfix 3

Released: March 17, 2023
App version: 10.2.3
FOB version: 10.02.03

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationThe following error occurred when opening the Documents for Import page from the Document Categories page or Ready to Import page from the Document Capture rolecenter:
  • You do not have the following permissions on CodeUnit CDC CDN Document Mgt.: Execute.


Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 2, hotfix 2

Released: March 10, 2023
App version: 10.2.2

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesWhen Document Capture ran in an AU (Australia) or NZ (New Zealand) localization and an ABN number with more than 11 characters was identified, the following issue occured:
  • The filter "Value captured" is not valid for the ABN field on the Vendor table. The length of the string is "String length of the value captured", but it must be less than or equal to 11 characters.

Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 2, hotfix 1

Released: March 3, 2023
App version: 10.2.1

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Purchase DocumentsWhen posting Purchase Allocation in Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC21), the following error occurred in some situations:
  • VAT Date is not within your range of allowed posting dates. in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='10000'.

Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 2

Released: February 24, 2023
App version: 10.2.0
FOB version: 10.02

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe Create new Template Field action has been added to the Document Card page.42955
Documents and TemplatesFor the AU and NZ localization, the localized ABN No. field on the vendor is now used as the primary validation when identifying a vendor using the identification template. If the ABN No. is not recognized, the vendor is identified using the VAT No. field.
Document ApprovalOn the Approval Flow lines page (Approvers), the Approver ID field has been added to show the User ID of the approver.40331
General ApplicationThe XML master template FATTURA has been added for all localizations. 41656
General ApplicationThe Description field has been added to the Assigned Documents and Assigned to me pages.
Platform and TechnologyEvents have been added to the solution. For details, please see Event Publishers for Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00).32026
Purchase ContractsPurchase contract lines, which relate to an approved or posted purchase invoice, can no longer be deleted.

The Show Outdated Lines and Hide Outdated Lines actions have been added to the Purchase Contract subform. These actions filter purchase contract lines on the subform and show or hide outdated lines. A contract line is outdated when it has been canceled for more than one review iteration.

A new configuration switch, Hide Outdated Contract Lines, has been added on the Purchase Contract Setup page. The setting specifies whether the contract lines subpage defaults to show or hide outdated contract lines.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalWhen in the Danish localization using an amount distribution code that was not set up for the current vendor, the following error occurred:
  • Std. beløbsfordelings er kun aktiveret for udvalgte leverandører.\Leverandør <Standard Amount Distribution Code> er ikke opsat som en af de udvalgte leverandører.
The error message has been changed to:
  • Std. beløbsfordelingskodeskode <Standard Amount Distribution Code> er kun aktiveret for udvalgte leverandører.\Leverandør <Buy-from Vendor No.> er ikke opsat som en af de udvalgte leverandører.
Documents and TemplatesWhen selecting the Accounts for Amounts action for a document without a template assigned, the list contained all existing posting setups for all templates in the database.

The Accounts for Amounts action is now disabled when a document does not have a template assigned yet.
Documents and TemplatesA new field Prioritize Cr. Memo as Doctype has been added to the Template Card.

The document type is by default determined by the topmost caption found in the PDF.

When Prioritize Cr. Memo as Doctype is set to true, the document is classified as a credit memo when a credit memo caption is found even though the PDF might have words written higher up that otherwise would identify it as an invoice.
Documents and TemplatesWhen creating a new template field, special characters are preserved for the following template fields:
  • Dimension fields.
  • PAYMENT-ID field. The field is available in all localizations.
  • PMT-ID-NO field. The field is available in all localizations.
  • PMT-ID-SE field. The field is available in all localizations.
Documents and TemplatesWhen an identification field contained multiple words (e.g. Vendor Name = "My Supplier"), the right template was not found in some situations.39594
Documents and TemplatesThe unidentified company (UIC) feature has been improved with the following changes:
  • Use Unidentified Company Documents in Document Capture Setup can't be disabled if the field Doc. with Unidentified Company on a document category is configured to 'Import as UIC Document'.
  • If Use Unidentified Company Documents in Document Capture Setup is turned off and you activate Auto Move to Company on the Document Category, you are asked whether you would like to activate the Use Unidentified Companys Documents.
  • When enabling Auto Move to Company on the Document Category, the option Doc. with Unidentified Company becomes editable.
  • When disabling Auto Move to Company on the Document Category Card, the option Doc. with Unidentified Company is automatically set to 'Import in active Company'.
  • The tooltips regarding UIC in Document Capture Setup, Document Category Card, and Document Journal pages have been revised.
Documents and TemplatesWhen using the Recognize Fields action and recognizing lines, and having a line field with a long field code, the following error occurred in some situations:
  • The length of the string is <Lenght of field>, but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters. Value: <Template Field Code value>
Documents and TemplatesWhen registering a document with document lines where the text in the No. field had more than 50 characters, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <string length>, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters. Value: <No. field value>
Documents and TemplatesThe font type and size in the Document Viewer add-in have been aligned with the Business Central font.43010
Documents and TemplatesLine recognition without captions has been improved.  Before, document lines without header captions were not recognized across similar documents. Now, the lines are recognized when the line columns are in the same position within the vertical and horizontal margins in the document.43083
Documents and TemplatesWhen recognizing lines and capturing Discount Percentage, Discount Amount is now calculated using the same formula as in the standard application. 43247
Documents and TemplatesWhen looking up using the Template List page, search texts for the current template were not shown.43471
Documents and TemplatesCorrected a spelling mistake on the Category card. The field caption "TIFF Image Colour Mode" was changed to "TIFF Image Color Mode".43522
Documents and TemplatesWhen using "Copy Template" to create a new master or identification template, the Source Record No. and Source Record Name fields are now empty on the new template.43526
Documents and TemplatesThe action Create new Template Field on the Document List With Image and Document Card page is now disabled if there are no documents, no template applied, or the document's status is different from open.
Documents and TemplatesThe fields Translate to VAT Prod. Posting Group and Translate to VAT Bus. Posting Group on the Accounts for Amounts page were not editable. 43641
Documents and TemplatesWhen registering a document in the sales category, the following confirmation message was shown in some situations:
  • This will change the dimensions specified on the document. Do you want to keep the existing dimensions?
Documents and TemplatesFor purchase master template fields, the Responsibility Center field has been moved to after the Job No. field.  43700
Documents and TemplatesWhen creating a template using the "Create/Select Template..." action, the fixed value or formula field for lookup fields was not transferred to the created template.43931
Documents and TemplatesRegister Documents Automatically has been re-introduced on the Document Category Card in SP1. This allows the automatic registration of documents for categories without templates. Register Documents Automatically will now only be visible when no templates are assigned to the document category.
Documents and TemplatesIn some situations, a wrong vendor was found when using the vendor identification template.

For the Belgium localization, the identification of the vendor using the identification template has been improved. Now, the Enterprise No. is used for finding the vendor.
Documents and TemplatesThe Approval group on templates pages was sometimes shown even though no approval workflows were enabled.44696
Documents and TemplatesWhen recognizing documents in the BE localization, the vendor identification process selected the wrong vendor if the vendor was found using Enterprise No. field, and the vendor was added to the excluded sources list.
Documents and TemplatesIn the following situations, document header fields with a value in Transfer to Purchase Line were not transferred to the purchase lines:
  • The document header field Account Type was equal to Purchase Contract, Account No was set to a purchase contract, and no lines were recognized, or
  • When a document had a purchase contract specified on the Accounts for Amounts page and no lines were recognized.
Document ApprovalWhen the Purchase Contracts module was activated, a document could not be auto-approved based on the matching information if the document did not relate to a purchase contract.43593
Document ApprovalWhen a user was part of an approval user group that contained permissions for the type resource, the following error occurred in the Continia Web Approval Portal:
  • There is an error in XML document (1, 5450). ---> System.Xml.XmlException: '�', hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 5450.
To fix this problem, the users must be removed and added again from the approval user group.
General ApplicationThe performance of document search for XML documents has been improved.30941
General ApplicationThe following has only been changed in Business Central 2019 release wave 2 (BC15) or newer versions.

Updating of document cues on role centers has been moved to a page background task to avoid freezing the role centers while the cues are being updated.
General ApplicationWhen renaming a record in a table where the primary key was Time, BigInteger, or DateTime, the following error occurred:
  • Field Type '<Field Type>' not supported as a key value.
General ApplicationIt is no longer possible to create empty files using New button in the Document Files Factbox. This change only applies to Business Central 14 (April 2019).43384
General ApplicationWhen trying to set up a GDAP (Granular Delegated Admin Privileges) user as a Continia User, the following error occurred:
  • '<email> is not a valid email address.
General ApplicationOn the vendor ledger entries page, the action "PDF File" has been moved to the Entry action menu.44328
General ApplicationIn Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 1, we wrote the following in the changelog.

When registering a document in the sales category, the following confirmation message was shown in some situations:
  • This will change the dimensions specified on the document. Do you want to keep the existing dimensions?
The change in DC 2022 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 1, did not correct the issue in all situations. We have now extended the code to the situations where the confirmation message was still shown.
Platform and TechnologyFixed an issue in the Document Header fields subpage, where the cursor would return to the field having focus (field 1) instead of the field clicked with the mouse (field 2). This issue occurred when
  • the value in the field having focus (field 1) was updated and
  • the keyboard input validation (in field 1) was triggered by clicking another field (field 2) in the list with the mouse.
Platform and TechnologyAfter migrating to Business Central online, links in the approval email could point to the old on-premises Business Central server. This happened when Business Central web server information was populated in the Document Capture setup.  The relevant fields are now being cleared when migrating to Business Central online.42499
Platform and TechnologyThe XRechunung stylesheet now works in all supported browsers.
Platform and TechnologyThe upgrade code has been changed to delete the following two unused codeunits. 
  • Codeunit 6086032 "CDC Telemetry Management"
  • Codeunit 6192793 "CSC Telemetry Subscriber Mgt."
The documentation has also been updated accordingly.
Purchase ContractsWhen registering a document, the Job No. and Job Task No. were not transferred from the purchase contract lines to the purchase invoice lines.

If the purchase line, a related purchase order line, or the recognized document already has a Job No. or Job Task No. populated, the Job No. and Job Task No. from the purchase contract lines are not transferred to the purchase invoice lines during document registration.
Purchase ContractsWhen opening the card page for a purchase contract that has a review comment with a length of more than 80 characters, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <Text length>, but it must be less than or equal to 80 characters. Value: <Comment>.
Purchase ContractsWhen selecting a purchase contract line number from the Purchase Contract Line No. column using lookup on the purchase document subform on the purchase document page, the purchase contract line fields on the subform were not updated according to the selection.44018
Purchase DocumentsWhen creating journal lines, the Source Code and Reason Code fields were not populated. Now, the Source Code field will be populated from the Gen. Journal Template, and the Reason Code will be populated from the Gen. Journal Batch.39551
Purchase DocumentsWhen capturing a valid IBAN more than 30 characters long into the Vendor Bank Account No. header field, the following error comment was added to the document.
  • Vendor Bank Account No. is not correct.

Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 1, hotfix 1

Released: December 21, 2022
App version: 10.1.1

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe fields Translate to VAT Prod. Posting Group and Translate to VAT Bus. Posting Group on the Accounts for Amounts page were not editable. 43641
Documents and TemplatesWhen registering a document in the sales category, the following confirmation message was shown in some situations:
  • This will change the dimensions specified on the document. Do you want to keep the existing dimensions?
Document ApprovalWhen the Purchase Contracts module was activated, a document could not be auto-approved based on the matching information if the document did not relate to a purchase contract.43593
Document ApprovalWhen a user was part of an approval user group that contained permissions for the type resource, the following error occurred in the Continia Web Approval Portal
  • There is an error in XML document (1, 5450). ---> System.Xml.XmlException: '�', hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 5450.
To fix this problem, the users must be removed and added again from the approval user group. 

Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 1

Released: December 12, 2022
App version: 10.1.0
FOB version: 10.01

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe Comment field has been added to page 6085600 - CDC Document List With Image and page 6086074 - CDC Delegated Documents List.40280
Documents and TemplatesSupport for shared mailbox with EWS has been added to the Document Category. To use a shared mailbox, populate the new Shared Email Address field on Document Category Card under the Email section.
Documents and TemplatesThe document comment shown below has been made configurable.
  • Due Date was calculated based on Invoice Date.
Documents and TemplatesA new field, Split XML Documents Automatically, has been added to the Document Category card. When populating the Split XML Documents Automatically field, XML documents are automatically split during import.41895
General ApplicationThe possibility to select a specific VAT Business Posting Group for the accounts for amounts translations has been added. If the Translate To Type is either Purchase Contract or Amount Distribution Code VAT Business and VAT Product Posting Group is cleared and disabled.
General ApplicationThe Document Card has been added to the repeater (shortcut) menu in the No. column on the Document Journal.28534
General ApplicationWhen changing the Company Code on the Continia Company Setup page, the function Export OCR Configuration Files is now automatically executed.41735
General ApplicationIn Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21), the standard attachment factbox is now hidden on purchase invoices and credit memos pages if Document Capture is activated and no attachments exist in the standard factbox.
General ApplicationAdded validation code to the EWS Client Secret field on the CDC Document Category table to prevent common input mistakes.42452
General ApplicationIn the Documents for Import list, a new action, Mark as Processed, has been added. This action will mark the selected network documents as processed and will prevent the marked documents from being automatically imported again. 
General ApplicationWhen security filters were applied on the Purchase Header table to restrict the view on Purchase Orders, the following error occurred when opening the Assign to Me page:
  • A security filter has been applied to table Purchase Header. You cannot access records that are outside of this filter.
Order & Receipt MatchingThe performance of the matching process has been improved when matching header amounts (when no lines have been recognized on the document).
Platform and TechnologyEvents have been added to the solution. For details, please see Event Publishers for Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00)32026
Platform and TechnologyNote when we release Document Capture 2023 R1 (11.00) in April 2023, we will only support and release objects for the following versions (BC v14 and the three latest versions of Business Central): 
  • Business Central April 2019 (BC v14)
  • Business Central 2022 release wave 1 (BC v20)
  • Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC v21)
  • Business Central 2023 release wave 1 (BC v22)
Even though we are limiting the versions of Business Central we are supporting in Document Capture 2023 R1 (11.00), we are still supporting the old NAV/Business Central versions in service packs released for older Document Capture versions.
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version 1.26.1
Purchase ContractsWhen creating a purchase contract from the Document Journal, we now check if the related vendor has any existing purchase contracts and provide a list of these purchase contracts to select from.41247
Purchase ContractsAdded support for shortcut dimensions to Purchase Contract lines.41688
Purchase ContractsWhen registering a document (invoice) related to a purchase contract, the purchase contract dimensions are now applied to the purchase invoice.42568
Purchase ContractsThe Start Review Batch action is now always enabled on the Purchase Contract List page.42629
Purchase ContractsAn action to open the related Purchase Contract has been added to Purchase Invoice and Document Journal pages.42727
Purchase ContractsIt is now possible to create purchase contract templates, which can be used to populate purchase contract values when creating a purchase contract from the Document Journal or Document Card.

You must run a few codeunits to add the permissions. For details, please see the following article.

Purchase DocumentsThe Force Approval action has been moved from the Request Approval menu group to the Approval group on the invoice and credit memo pages in the Document Capture app versions.42459

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalCorrected the following German's welcome mail texts when exporting users to Continia Online:
  • "Sie wurden als Benutzer für Continia Online" is changed to "Sie wurden als Benutzer für Continia Online eingerichtet."
  • "Ihr Konto wurde bereits aktiviert und Sie können auf Continia Online unter <URL>" is changed to "Ihr Konto wurde bereits aktiviert und Sie können auf Continia Online unter <URL> zugreifen."
Country and RegionalThe field 11310 -Enterprise No. was missing from the BE configurations files for DC10.00 and DC10.00.01.42315
Country and RegionalCorrected the field name of the Account Type template field in the Australian configuration file from "Kontoart" to "Account Type".
Documents and TemplatesWhen a document is registered and re-opened, document validation has been added to ensure that the auto-match process is correctly triggered again.24415
Documents and TemplatesDuring document registration, Unit Cost, Line Discount %, Line Discount Amount, and Line Amount were re-calculated on the purchase line when the Unit of Measure Code on the document line was different from the Base Unit of Measure on the Item Card or Resource Card pages.26491
Documents and TemplatesLine recognition fails in documents with multiple pages when line header captions exist on other pages but in different locations.30922
Documents and TemplatesWhen recognizing document lines, the template No. field is mandatory.

The error message shown in the Document Journal when running the Recognize Fields function and when the No. field is missing has been changed to the following message:
  • When recognizing lines, you must include the line field <Field Name> in the template.
Documents and TemplatesFor master template fields with Data Type Lookup, the predefined value in the formula field is now populated when a template is created from the master template.
Documents and TemplatesAttachments were wrongly deleted when documents were moved to the unidentified company.40371
Documents and TemplatesThe feature that copies an existing vendor template from a different company is no longer case-sensitive for the vendor name field. Note that the user must have access (permission), and Document Capture must be activated in the companies involved.
Documents and TemplatesDocument Search now returns the correct results when searching for both recognized words and configured values in an AND search. Before, the search engine returned zero results.41363
Documents and TemplatesWhen selecting account types other than G/L Account on a document, you are now correctly asked if you want to set this as the default account type and number in Posting Setup (Accounts for Amount). In dialogs and texts, the text "G/L Account" has been changed to "Account" to match the new functionality.41384
Documents and TemplatesStandard Texts has been removed as a translation option in "Accounts for Amount" (Posting Setup for header amount fields).41385
Documents and TemplatesWhen using the new Account Type field and the type was different from GL Account, the translation stored in "Accounts for Amount" was not applied when doing "Recognize Fields".41386
Documents and TemplatesThe OIOUTS XML document was not shown in the "Related Documents" group in the attachments dropdown list on the Document Viewer.41465
Documents and TemplatesAdded a cancel button to the Purchaser Translation page.41603
Documents and TemplatesIn the Assisted Template Field Setup Guide, it was possible to create a new template field with illegal characters in the code field.41750
Documents and TemplatesWhen registering a document and Continia Payment Management was installed, the following error could occur:
  • Field CPM Preferred Bank Account Code (6216183) of table Purchase Header (38) is obsolete, reason: Field name is too long.
Documents and TemplatesIn table 6086017 - CDC Msg. Center Setup Template, the fields listed below have been made not editable.
  • Field 7  - Information Allowed
  • Field 8  - Warning Allowed
  • Field 9 - Error Allowed
Documents and TemplatesThe Max. Variance Amount Allowed (LCY) field on the Template Card was incorrectly updated when updating on the master template.42341
Documents and TemplatesThe Account Type field is now automatically blanked if the input value is invalid.42533
Documents and TemplatesWhen selecting a headline template field (the heading in bold shown on the field list) while adding new template fields, the following error occurred:
  • The Template Field does not exist. Identification fields and values:
Documents and TemplatesWhen importing PEPPOL documents, the vendor was not recognized correctly. This was caused by an extra PartyTaxScheme node (Foretaksregisteret) specific to Norwegian documents. The issue is corrected in the online configuration files. You can adjust the configuration manually by changing the value of the XML Path of the field VAT Registration No. (Code:VATREGNO) on the PEPPOL3-ID identification template to "/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyTaxScheme[TaxScheme/ID='VAT']/CompanyID | /AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyLegalEntity/CompanyID"42941
Documents and TemplatesThe following error occurred when opening the Documents (UIC) page:
  • Overflow during conversion of Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.Decimal18 value 27,7 to System.Int.32
Documents and TemplatesIn some situations, the document comment shown below could be displayed multiple times in the document comment section.
  • WARNING: Amount Incl. VAT ([Amount Incl. VAT]) does not match the rounded amount ([Rounded Amount Incl. VAT]) calculated using Invoice Rounding Precision and Invoice Rounding Type configured for [Currency Code].

Documents and TemplatesWhen adding a vendor with a name longer than 50 characters to Excluded Sources on the Document Category, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <Text length>, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters. Value: <Vendor Name>.
Documents and TemplatesRegister Documents Automatically has been re-introduced on the Document Category Card. This will again allow the automatic registration of documents for categories without templates
Document ApprovalWhen exporting users, the system will now only send welcome emails to Continia users configured in a company if Welcome Emails in Continia Web Portals is set to Automatic for the relevant company. Before, the system would use the Welcome Emails setting of the company from where the Export Users function was run.21311
Document ApprovalThe performance has been optimized when running the CDC Purch. Approval Entries page.41956
Document ApprovalThe handling of number filters in Advanced Approval Groups has been improved.
General ApplicationThe Export Attachments report did not include any additional files even when the Export Related Documents option was populated.
General ApplicationWhen registering an XML document, some attachments were shown in the wrong attachment category:
  • Manually added attachments were shown in the XML Attachment category.
  • XML attachments were not shown in the XML Attachment category after reopening the XML document.
Now, all attachments related to an XML document are shown in the correct categories.
General ApplicationWhen sending status emails, the following error occurred in some situations:
  • You do not have the following permissions on the TableData CDC App. Reminder E-Mail Setup: Read.
General ApplicationAs the XML Attachments document category (XMLATTACH) is only to be used for automatically saving the files embedded in an XML Document, this category is now filtered out from all the Drag and Drop Categories pages. 
General ApplicationWhen importing an XML document with description lines exceeding 250 characters, the following error occurred: 
  • The length of the string is <string length>, but it must be less than or equal to 250 characters. Value: <description>
General ApplicationAllow Force Registration was not copied to other companies when you, in the User Setup by Company in the Continia User page, granted the user access to another company.

Export User is now hidden in the Continia Users List page when the web approval portal is not configured in any company.
General ApplicationCaptions were missing on page 138 - Posted Purchase Invoice page for multiple localizations.42019
General ApplicationChanging the Purchase File Display Name in the Document Capture Setup page had no effect when displaying attachments in the Documents factbox on the Vendor Card and Vendor List pages.43040
Order & Receipt MatchingIn the Invoice Matching page when splitting a line on a purchase order, Status is now set to Open, in order to avoid following error:
  • Status must be equal to 'Open' in Purchase Header: Document Type=<Document Type>, No.=<Document No.>. Current value is '<Current Status>'.
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen Invoice Reg. Step 1 was set to Match & Update Order or Credit Memo Reg. Step 1 was set to Match & Update Return Order, it was possible to register the document without any warning message.

Now, the following warning message is shown, when registering an invoice without matching:
  • Invoice Reg. Step 1 has been set up to Match & Update Order, but no lines were matched. Do you want to continue the registration?
And, the following warning message is shown, when trying the register a credit memo without matching:
  • Credit Memo Reg. Step 1 has been set up to Match & Update Return Order, but no lines were matched. Do you want to continue the registration?
Order & Receipt MatchingEntering a value in either of the header fields "Vendor Order No." or "Vendor Shipment No." will now initiate the Perform Match function if the template is configured with "Autorun Perform Match" = Yes.41888
Platform and TechnologyThe Document Nos. is now validated for characters that either the file system or Azure Blob Storage does not support. This validation occurs when setting the document number series and when importing documents.39545
Platform and TechnologyAdding empty files using the drag-and-drop functionality in the Document Files Factbox is now prevented. 
Purchase ContractsOutstanding Amount Not Invoiced is now populated when registering a Purchase Contract related document from the Document Journal.41746
Purchase ContractsWhen creating a purchase contract from a purchase invoice that has comment type = purchase lines, the following error occurred:
  • The Standard Text does not exist. Identifications fields and values Code=''
Purchase ContractsWhen changing the Review field on a purchase contract document and using a non-English language, the following error occurred
  • The date formula '-<1W>' should include a time unit.

    Time units can be: D,WD,W,M,Q, or Y. 
    C, meaning current time unit based on date, can be specified as a prefix to the time unit.
Purchase ContractsWhen selecting a fixed asset on a purchase contract line, the following error occurred:
  • The VAT Posting Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: VAT Bus. Posting Group=<VAT Bus. Posting Group>,VAT Prod. Posting Group=<VAT Prod. Posting Group>.
Purchase ContractsThe auto approval of a document related to a purchase contract has been optimized.42405
Purchase ContractsWhen registering a document with a related purchase contract and when the template setting Invoice Reg. Step 2 was set to Release, the document was auto-approved even though the purchase contract auto-approval conditions were not fulfilled.  
Purchase ContractsWhen looking up the Vendor Name in the Purchase Contract card, the currently selected vendor is now highlighted in the opened list.42531
Purchase ContractsWhen creating a purchase contract line from the Document Card, the line description is now populated using the description from the document line. 42571
Purchase ContractsPurchase contract related actions are now only shown in the PURCHASE document category.42828
Purchase ContractsThe Review Dateformula field was hidden on the Create Purchase Contract page when the Review field was set to Dateformula.
Purchase DocumentsPayment Reference is now updated on Danish FIK 75.38424
Purchase DocumentsIn the app versions of Document Capture, the standard fields "Location Code" and "Assigned User ID" were wrongly hidden on the Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Memos pages. 41476
Purchase DocumentsThe Pay-to Name field in the CDC Purch. Allocation Header table has been extended from 50 to 100 characters.41575

Document Capture 2022 R2, hotfix 4

Released: December 7, 2022
App version: 10.0.4

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationWhen security filters were applied on the Purchase Header table to restrict the view on Purchase Orders, the following error occurred when opening the Assign to Me page:
  • A security filter has been applied to table Purchase Header. You cannot access records that are outside of this filter.

Document Capture 2022 R2, hotfix 3

Released: November 10, 2022
App version: 10.0.3

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationInternal changes relating to the Extension Management page.N/A

Document Capture 2022 R2, hotfix 2

Released: November 1, 2022
App version: 10.0.2

Only released in Business Central online.

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalMany Polish captions were wrong due to an encoding issue. This meant that many Polish letters were not displayed - instead, a random character was displayed.42234
Documents and TemplatesWhen opening the Document Journal page, the following error occurred in some situations.
  • The SELECTSTR comma-string  ,G/L Account,Item,Resource,Fixed Asset,Charge (Item),,Amount Distribution Code,Purchase Contract does not contain a value for index <index value>

    Page Edit - Document Journal must close.
The error happened as a result of incorrect input into the new Account Type. Validation has been added to prevent this.
Purchase ContractsWhen changing the Review field on a purchase contract document and using a non-English language, the following error occurred
  • The date formula '-<1W>' should include a time unit.

    Time units can be: D,WD,W,M,Q, or Y. 
    C, meaning current time unit based on date, can be specified as a prefix to the time unit.
Purchase ContractsWhen selecting a fixed asset on a purchase contract line, the following error occurred:
  • The VAT Posting Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: VAT Bus. Posting Group=<VAT Bus. Posting Group>,VAT Prod. Posting Group=<VAT Prod. Posting Group>.
Purchase ContractsThe auto approval of a document related to a purchase contract has been optimized.42405

Document Capture 2022 R2, hotfix 1

Released: October 19, 2022
App version: 10.0.1
FOB version: 10.00.01

Bug fixes

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesThe document header fields were not shown when opening the Document Journal page in Business Central 2021 release wave 1 (BC v18).42215
Order & Receipt MatchingWhen entering a value in Vendor Shipment No. or Vendor Order No. that exceeded 20 characters, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <string length>, but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters. Value: <vendor shipment no>

Document Capture 2022 R2

Released: October 1, 2022
App version: 10.0.0
FOB version: 10.00

New or changed functionality

Functional areaDescriptionID
Documents and TemplatesTo easily create new template header fields, a new Assisted Template Field Setup Guide has been added. The assisted guide is accessible from the Document Journal and the Template Card pages.
Documents and TemplatesThe template field Prices Incl. VAT field is now hidden on master templates. 14624
Documents and TemplatesA caption suggestions function for PDF master templates has been added to the Document Category card. By analyzing which captions are already used on existing source (vendor) templates, the feature suggests additional recognition captions for the PDF master template fields.
Documents and TemplatesAll templates, including master and identification templates, are stored in the same table and are using the same pages. Only a few of the fields on the pages are relevant for identification templates.  All fields and actions not relevant for identification templates are now hidden/disabled.14803
Documents and TemplatesWhen recognizing lines and having "Our Order No." populated, a configurable message has been added in the scenario where Automatch can’t match an invoice to one, or more, open receipts.
  • No open receipt lines exist with Order No. = [Our Order No.]
Documents and TemplatesAdded support for line translation for the sales category using the GTIN field on the Item.24082
Documents and TemplatesA hidden action Document Templates has been added to Vendor Card and Vendor List pages. The action opens the Template List with filters applied on purchase and the current vendor number. 26321
Documents and TemplatesAn action to open the Message Center Setup page has been added to the Template Card page.

When changing one or more field values on a non-template-specific message center setup record, the system will search for template-specific instances of that particular message center setup. If any are found, the following message is displayed:
  • The default Message Center Setup was updated. Note, that [no of templates] template-specific setups were not changed.
Documents and TemplatesA new template line field VAT Prod. Posting Group has been added.28369
Documents and TemplatesA new option field "Ask to Set Default G/L Account" has been added to the Template Card page. The default value is set to true. When changing the value in the G/L Account No. field on the Document Journal page, the following question is now only shown when the "Ask to Set Default G/L Account" option is set to true.
  • Do you want to configure G/L Account <G/L Account No.> (<G/L Account description>) as the default account for 'Amount Excl. VAT'?

    Do not show this message again...
Documents and TemplatesThe "Register Documents Automatically" field has been moved from the "Document Category" page to the "Template Card" page under the "General" section.30076
Documents and TemplatesThe "Change Sign" field has been added to the Template Field Card page.30348
Documents and TemplatesDocument Search now includes values from the document value table. The document value table includes values that are recognized, values that are auto-translated, and values that have been manually entered by the user (such as GL account, approval flow code, and calculated fields using formulas).30940
Documents and TemplatesWhen files are imported, an ID is added to the file name. This prevents files from being overwritten in a production system in the following situation:
  • Creating a test system as a copy of the production system.
  • The configuration is not changed in the test system (the test system uses the same storage location as the production system).
Documents and TemplatesFor the Belgian and French localizations, the configuration file has been updated. Caption Mandatory has been set to true for most purchase header template fields.

The following purchase header template fields still have Caption Mandatory = False:
  1. DOCTYPE - [I]nvoice / [C]r. Memo
  2. GLACCOUNTNO - G/L Account No.
  3. CURRCODE - Currency Code
  4. POSTINGDESC - Posting Description
Documents and TemplatesThe data caption on the Template Field Card has been changed to show the field name only. For example, Amount Excl. VAT. Previously the following was shown at the top of the Template Field Card page: Template number, Type, Code, and Field name.32266
Documents and TemplatesThe possibility to delete or import multiple files has been added to the Document List page (Documents for Import).32847
Documents and TemplatesThe following comments are now configurable:
  • This document may contain pages that belong to another Source ID.
  • Manual Match.
Documents and TemplatesThe following comments have been made configurable:
  • Vendor Bank Account No. is not correct.
  • VAT Registration No. is not correct.
Documents and Templates

The performance of the Recognize Fields function has been optimized.

Documents and TemplatesThe performance when searching for templates has been optimized.35065
Documents and TemplatesThe performance during document import has been optimized.35089
Documents and TemplatesOn the field Translate to No. on Document Lines, the Drop Down page has been implemented. This will enable the same user experience as in the No. field on standard document and journal line pages.
Documents and TemplatesA new template field Item No. GTIN has been added to the configuration file for the sales and purchase PDF master templates.
Documents and TemplatesA dropdown list is added to all pages containing the Document Viewer, except the Documents (UIC) page. The attachments in the list are grouped in the following order: 
  • Original
  • Related Documents (OIOUBL/OIOUTS)
  • Attachments (bmp, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, tif, and tiff)
  • XML Attachments (bmp, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, tif, and tiff)
  • Downloadable Attachments (all other file types)
Documents and TemplatesThe instructional text on the Purchaser Translation page has been shortened.40430
Documents and TemplatesThe Auto Match field on the Template has been renamed to Autorun Perform Match to better describe what the setting does.

When Autorun Perform Match is populated, an automatic match (Perform Match) is run in the following scenarios:
  • Importing documents
  • Activating the Recognize Fields function
  • Changing the value in the Amount Excl. VAT field
  • Changing the value in the Our Order No. field
  • Changing the value in the Currency Code field
Documents and TemplatesThe master template header field G/L Account No. in the Purchase category has been replaced by two new fields: Account Type and Account No. Selecting a value in Account Type specifies what type the Account No. field refers. If the Account Type field is empty or not added to the template, Account No. defaults to G/L Account.40997
Document ApprovalA new assisted setup "Set Up Continia Web Approval" for setting up the Continia Web Approval Portal has been developed.16695
Document ApprovalThe Document Card and Match Lines actions are added to the Assigned To Me page.28013
Document ApprovalThe "Error email" field has been removed from the Document Capture Setup / Purchase Approval page. When sending the approval or reminder email notification, a message containing a list of the users with an invalid email address is displayed instead.
Document ApprovalOn the Approval Entries (unposted and posted purchase invoices) page, a new action Show More/Fewer Columns has been added to show more columns and hide these again easily.40333
Document ApprovalThe comment action button on the Approval Request Entries page has been changed to use the same filters as when using drill-down in the Comment column.40406
General ApplicationThe sorting of the comments on the Document Card was not the same as the sorting on the Document List. This has been changed, so the comments on the Document Card are now sorted the same way as on the Document List.14670
General ApplicationThe “Out of Office Setup” page has been added to the Document Capture menu, and it is now possible to find the page using the build-in Business Central search function.23492
General ApplicationThe OCR configuration file is now exported when changing relevant fields and using on-prem OCR, including modifying the Process PDF files with XML files field. Previously the OCR configuration file was only automatically exported when using cloud OCR.28627
General ApplicationWhen using Account and Dimension Approval Permission, it is now possible to configure permissions for account type resource. Purchase of resources is only supported in Business Central 2020 wave 1 (BC16) and newer versions. If configured in earlier versions, the following error message is displayed:
  • Type Resource is not available in Business Central versions below Business Central 2020 wave 1.
General ApplicationThe Navigate/Find Entries button has been added to the Document Search page. 30447
General ApplicationWhen you selected Always use Imported Amounts in the Amounts field under the Purchase Allocation group on the Document Capture Setup / Purchase Approval page, the field G/L Account Type was deactivated, and the option was set to Use Posting Setup. This behavior confused users as it indicated that purchase allocations used the posting setup when creating the allocation lines.

To prevent confusion, the "G/L Account Type" field is now deactivated, and the value is set to blank.
General ApplicationTeaching tips have been added to the following pages.
  • Advanced Approval Groups
  • Approval User Groups
General ApplicationWhen changing the Company Code, the following message was previously shown:
  • When you change Company Code you must:
    - Reactivate Document Capture
    - Export OCR Configuration Files
Now the message shown is:
  • When you change Company Code you must:
    - Export OCR Configuration Files
Since there is no need to reactivate Document Capture.
General ApplicationIn Business Central 2021 release wave 1 (BC18) and newer versions, email scenarios are now supported for the following processes:

  • Document Capture Approval Status Email - Used when sending the approval status email.
  • Continia Welcome Email - Used when sending the welcome emails to Continia users.
  • Document Capture Assigned Documents - Used when sending assigned notifications.
  • Document Capture Status Email To Reviewers - Used when sending status emails to reviewers.
General ApplicationWhen translating No. and Description, the system has been changed to prioritize exact values over values containing the asterisk (*) symbol.

With the following configuration for the No. field,
  • *FREIGHT* -> G/L Account 1000
"Express Freight" will now be translated to G/L Account 2000 as the row without the asterisk (*) symbol is prioritized.

Support has also been added for enclosing search terms in single quotes (') when the value includes characters that are reserved for use in Business Central filter-notation (i.e. the characters  ( ) | < > = .. ? &). It is, however, not possible to wrap the asterisk (*) and the Ignore case-sensitivity operator (@).

The priority order is:
  1. Item field GTIN
  2. Number exact match
  3. Number exact match with filter characters (e.g. 'AiP&12' or 'TM>Y')
  4. Number filters (e.g. 100..109 or Freight|Delivery)
  5. Number filter using "*" (e.g. 10* or *freight)
  6. Item Reference table
  7. Item Vendor table
  8. Item table - field "Vendor Item No."
  9. Item No. field from Item table (template setting "Use Vendor/Customer Item Nos.“)
  10. Number "*" translation only
  11. Description exact match
  12. Description exact match with filter characters (e.g. 'Anderson & co.')
  13. Description filters (e.g. Apple iMac|Apple iPhone)
  14. Description filters using "*" (e.g. Apple*)
  15. Description "*" translation only
General ApplicationWhen running the Document Capture Setup Wizard and selecting a localization, the list of available localizations is now sorted ascending by name.32708
General ApplicationThe NAV Login Type field on the Continia User list is now editable to support scenarios where the default value must be changed.32740
General ApplicationHelp links referring to Continia Docs have been added to multiple Document Capture pages.32760
General ApplicationWhen recognizing sales document lines where either Unit Cost, Quantity, or Line Amount is not recognized, the missing field is now automatically calculated. Previously, only Quantity was automatically calculated.

Recognizing two of the three fields and if all five fields (including the Line Discount Amount and Line Discount Percentage fields) have a blank value in Formula, the missing field is automatically calculated as specified below:
  • Line Amount = Quantity * Unit Cost - DiscAmount
  • Unit Cost = (Line Amount + DiscAmount) / Quantity
  • Quantity = (Line Amount + DiscAmount) / Unit Cost
If DiscAmount is zero after capture (either not captured or captured as zero), and Line Discount % is not zero, DiscAmount is calculated as follows:
  • DiscAmount = Line Amount * Line Discount % / 100
When one of the three fields is calculated, an error, warning, or information comment is inserted in the comment section, depending on the comment setup.

A new integration event has been added: OnBeforeAdjustMissingFields(VAR Document : Record “CDC Document”;VAR Handled : Boolean)

If customers wish to disable the auto-calculation of the three values, you create an event subscriber that changes the handled value to TRUE.
General ApplicationThe following has only been changed in Business Central 2019 release wave 2 (BC15) or newer versions.

The fields Payable Account (Allocation) and Purch. Account (Allocation) from the Vendor Posting Groups (DC) page have been added to the Vendor Posting Groups page. The field Purch. Account (Allocation) from the General Posting Setup (DC) page has been added to the standard General Posting Setup page.
General ApplicationSeveral menu items were missing (compared to the RTC equivalent) on the Document Capture Administration Role Explore page. Follow the below steps to open the Role Explore page:
  1. Select the Image button at the top of the RoleCenter, or press Shift+F12.
  2. Select Explore more roles
  3. Select >Explore under the headline Document Capture Administration
General Application365 has been removed from the Document Capture product name. Documentation, App name, and other related material have been updated accordingly.38873
General ApplicationLinks to Continia Docs and Continia Learn have been added to Document Capture Assisted Setup Guide.38874
General ApplicationWhen changing one of the fields relevant for OCR processing, the following notification is shown in RTC:
  • The OCR configuration file will be exported when pressing OK or refresh.
And in Web Client the following notification is shown:
  • The OCR configuration file will be exported when closing or refreshing this page.
General ApplicationIn Business Central, the text Continia has been removed from the category field on the Manual Setup page.39401
Order & Receipt MatchingThe “Use tracking by package number in reservation and tracking system” feature is now supported in order and receipt matching (only for matching purchase receipt lines and return shipment lines).24488
Order & Receipt MatchingThe Special Sales Order No. field is now available on the Purch. Invoice Match Subpage.39228
Order & Receipt MatchingThe following functionality is available in all app-based Business Central versions (Business Central 2019 release wave 2 CU1 (BC15.1) or later).

Two new header fields, “Vendor Order No.” and “Vendor Shipment No.” have been added to the configuration file for the PDF master template in the purchase category. When a system is upgraded from DC9.00 to DC10.00, the fields are automatically created on the purchase category PDF master template.

Adding and populating one or both fields on a vendor-specific template will make it possible for Auto Match to match an invoice against orders and/or purchase receipts with specific values in the Business Central standard fields “Vendor Order No.” and “Vendor Shipment No.”. Suppose an invoice relates to, e.g., multiple receipts with multiple vendor shipment numbers. In that case, it is possible to populate the relevant template field with multiple values separated by comma (similar to the functionality for the Our Order No. field).
Platform and TechnologyThe following functionality is available in all app-based Business Central versions (Business Central 2019 release wave 2 CU1 (BC15.1) or later).

In the web client, it was not possible to resize the document viewer factbox. To work around this, we had previously created a page (6086077 - CDC User Property List2) that an administrator could use to set the size for the relevant users by changing ”Add-In Min Width”.

We have now added the possibility to resize the factbox area containing the document viewer by using drag and adjust, similar to how it works in the RoleTailored client.
Platform and TechnologyThe following applies when using Document Capture on-premises.

On the Continia Web Portal List and Continia Web Portal Card, a new action, Create Web Portal Setup has been added. When running the function, the Windows Web Service URL and Database Web Service URL is automatically filled in with suggested values based on the active Dynamics 365 Business Central service tier connection (available for NAV 2013 R2 and newer versions).
Platform and TechnologyEvents have been added to the solution. For details, please see Event Publishers for Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00)32026
Platform and TechnologyWith Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00), we have released Document Capture for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC21).

Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00) in Business Central online will not be available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 1 (BC20). You will only be able to use Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00) in Business Central online when you have upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 release wave 2 (BC21).
Platform and TechnologyWhen using Document Capture pages with client add-ins in some situations, the following "Reduced functionality" warning was shown:
  • The <Add-in name> control add-in might not run as you expect it to. The functionality has been reduced to ensure your productivity. Contact the add-in vendor for more information.
Platform and TechnologyThe performance of the Find Entries (Navigate) function has been optimized.34909
Platform and TechnologyThe Continia Web Approval Portal has been updated to version
Platform and TechnologyWith the release of Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00), we have released an upgrade tool that enables direct upgrade to Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00) from the following versions:
  • Document Capture 8.00
  • Document Capture 9.00
The direct upgrade tool (Direct Upgrade to Document Capture 10.00 & Expense Management 10.00 - FOB), can be downloaded from PartnerZone.

For details, please see Upgrading to Continia Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00) for FOB versions.
Purchase DocumentsWhen reopening a registered document with Status = "Pending Approval", the following confirmation message is displayed:
  • This document is already linked to <Document Type> <Document No.>, and is sent for approval.

    Do you want to delete <Document Type> <Document No.> and stop the approval process so this document can be reopened?
Purchase DocumentsWhen validating the bank account information, we now check against:
  • IBAN
  • Bank Branch + Bank Account No.
  • Bank Account No. + Bank Branch
Purchase DocumentsThe scanned image has been added to the Vendor Ledger Entries page.29520
Purchase DocumentsFor the BE localization, the localized field Enterprise No. on the vendor is now used as the primary validation when identifying a vendor using the identification template. If the enterprise no. is not recognized, the vendor is identified using the VAT No. field.
Purchase DocumentsThe performance during the approval of documents has been optimized in Business Central 2020 release wave 2 (BC17) and newer versions.38945
Purchase DocumentsWhen a vendor is manually selected, the field Identified by on the Document Journal page will now show the following text:
  • The vendor was manually selected.

Bug fixes

All relevant bugfixes released in service pack 3 to 4 for Document Capture 2021 R2 (8.00) and service pack 1 to 2 for Document Capture 2022 R1 (9.00) are also included in Document Capture 2022 R2 (10.00). The description of these bugfixes is not repeated on this page.

Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalCaptions were missing on page 55 - Purch. Invoice Subform for many localisations.
Country and RegionalThe Enable Standard Notification field caption on the Document Capture Setup page was wrongly translated in several languages.
Documents and TemplatesPreviously, numbers missing a decimal or 1000 separator could be wrongly recognized. Now, an additional setting on template fields of type number allows the user to specify what decimal separator should be used when evaluating the value from OCR or manual entry.

The new field "Decimal Separator" allows for the following four configurations:
  • Automatic (Default): Evaluates the input as in previous versions.
  • Comma: Assumes that a comma (,) is used as the decimal separator.
  • Dot: Assumes that a dot (.) is used as the decimal separator.
  • User Defined: Allows for a user-defined character (defined in the field "User Defined Decimal Separator") to be used as the decimal separator.
Documents and TemplatesThe option to rename OCR and XML files in the dropdown menu shown on the "Document Files factbox" has been removed.28424
Documents and TemplatesWhen registering a document and when Registration Step 1 was set to Create Journal Lines and Registration Step 2 was set to Post, the following error occurred.
  • The journal 'Journal Template Name'= 'XXX', 'Journal Batch Name' = 'YYY' is not empty. Please delete or post the existing journal lines before registering a new document.
Documents and TemplatesWhen selecting Create Journal Lines for either Invoice Reg. Step 1 or Credit Memo Reg. Step 1, the Matching and Approval groups and the corresponding matching options for invoices and credit memos disappeared. 34498
Documents and TemplatesThe configuration file now defaults table no. to 80 for the Journal Template field in the Purchase category.34511
Documents and TemplatesWhen importing an XML document, document lines will be skipped if the template field is set to required and the value is blank, following the same rules as PDF templates.34755
Documents and TemplatesWhen adding a template field from a master template to a vendor template, the field will now be inserted at the same position on the vendor template as on the master template.38486
Documents and TemplatesWhen Registration Step 1 was set to Create Journal Lines, and Registration Step 2 was set to Post, Registration Step 2 was not executed.38495
Documents and TemplatesWhen opening attachments on the Document Journal or Document Card page for registered documents, the following error occurred:
  • The Document does not exist. Identification fields and values: No.=<Document No.>
Documents and TemplatesThe Default field is now hidden on templates of type Master and Identification.40798
Document ApprovalWhen posting a document with approval comments where the comment length was greater than 80 characters, the following error occurred:
  • The length of the string is <text length>, but it must be less than or equal to 80 characters. Value: <Comment>.
General ApplicationIf Document Capture was deactivated, the Activation Status was set to Never activated. The text is now changed to Not activated.22106
General Application

When the Azure Storage account name wasn't in lower cases, importing or moving files was impossible. The Azure Storage account name is, therefore, now

General ApplicationIn Business Central online, the group Web Service Settings was shown on the Continia Web Portal Card page. The Web Service Settings group has been removed as these settings only are relevant for on-premises installatnions.
General ApplicationWhen multiple users imported documents simultaneously, some files could be empty, and the same document could be imported more than once. To prevent this, only one instance of the document import process can be running now.31076
General ApplicationThe Document Search page now supports multiple search methods:
  • AND - the document must contain all the search words
  • OR - the document contains any of the search words
General ApplicationThe captions for the following pages have been changed:
  • Continia User List -> Continia Users
  • Document List (UIC) -> Documents (UIC)
  • Continia Web Portal List -> Continia Web Portals
  • Purchase Allocation List -> Purchase Allocations
General ApplicationWhen deleting only one page in Split and Merge, the following message was displayed:
  • Do you want to delete the selected pages?
Now, when selecting one page to delete, the following message is displayed:
  • Do you want to delete the selected page?
Order & Receipt MatchingThe following only applied to Business Central 2019 release wave 2 (BC15) and later versions.

When adding the "Line Discount % (Invoice)" field to the Order Lines subpage on the Invoice Matching page, a wrong field caption was shown in personalization mode. 
Platform and TechnologyIn the RoleTailored client, scanner selections with names longer than 20 characters were stored wrongly.
Platform and TechnologyThe action button for files in the Documents factbox became invisible when files had long names.
Platform and TechnologyClosing the Document Card, using the ESC key, would close both the Document Card and the underlying Document List, thus returning focus to the role center.41271
Purchase DocumentsWhen opening the Purchase Invoice list (DC) or Purchase Credit Memo list (DC), the following error could occur:
  • Purchase Header: The VAT Amount Line does not exist. Identification fields and values: VAT Identifier='',VAT Calculation Type='Normal VAT',Tax Group Code='',Use Tax='No',Positive='Yes'
The error was caused by purchase lines (created by the intercompany functionality) with blank numbers and types but quantity <>0.
Purchase DocumentsWhen the Purchase File Display Name field in Document Capture Setup was set to Posted Document No. + Vendor Document No. or Unposted Document No., the setting was only used in the factboxes on posted document pages. The functionality has now been extended to other pages, such as the Vendor card and Vendor List page.
Purchase DocumentsDuring registration of a document, the Purchaser Translation page is shown if no purchaser can be found. The page only had an OK button. It was, therefore, not possible to close the page and thereby stop the registration process.39079
Purchase DocumentsFor the Netherland localization when After Step 1 was set to codeunit 6085715 (CDC Purch. Doc. - After Step 1) and Invoice Reg. Step 1 was set to Create Journal Lines on the Template Card page, the following error occurred:
  • The following error occurred when performing Codeunit ID: After Step 1 on invoice <Invoice No.>:

    The Purchase Header does not exist. Identification fields and values: Document Type='Invoice',No.='<Invoice No.>'

    Any subsequent steps will have to be performed manually.